Music Magazine Paper Plans Annotation


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Paper Plans Annotation

Band name

A band name

image image

image image

image image

image image

image image

Quote from interview

Image of band members slightly overlap the masthead as they are easily recognisable artists, making them stand out more. This is essential as they will be the first feature of the cover that grabs the readers attention, a key selling point.

Top left of the page is where readers eyes are typically first drawn to. I have positioned a strapline here telling the reader of merchandise of a band, this will be a very well know, iconic band such as Paramore or Fall Out Boy to interest the reader and help sell the magazine. There is also an image of the poster so the reader knows what they’re getting and also acts as a visual stimulus, which is very typical of music magazines aimed at my target audience (15-25 years old). This can be seen in rival magazines such as Kerrang! and Rocksound.

Strapline at the bottom of cover including a quote from the interview and an image to inform readers of other content in the magazine other than the main image.

Tagline and website of magazine so readers can access the magazine on different media platforms, such as the internet (cross media convergence) appealing to the age of my target audience (15-25 year olds).

Typography is rough and beaten, appealing to an audience of rock fans, as this represents their stereotype of rebelliousness.

Puff advertising the possibility to win free merchandise. The opportunity of FREE ‘stuff’ appeals to my audience age as they are most likely students who do not have a lot of money for luxuries.

‘Posters’. Buzz word for my audience. As they typically have ‘teenage/student bedrooms’ consisting of mostly posters. This is a selling point of my front cover.

Puff relating to the bottom strapline helping to sell the magazine as readers will believe that they can’t find this interview anywhere else.

Models will be dressed in typical clothing of the rock genre, clothing that readers will wish they had. They will be staring straight into the camera to meet audiences gaze and grab their attention. Images of both males and females on the cover to help attract a mixed gender audience.

Name of band that corresponds with main image so the reader knows that there will be a feature within the magazine involving this band. Helping to sell the magazine.






The main headline story on the front page will relate to this main and largest image on the contents page, as this feature will be the key selling point of the magazine, highlighting its importance.

A subscription notice encouraging readers to subscribe by offering them a free Vans backpack (as shown in the picture). The brand Vans is majorly popular with rock fans, (this is illustrated on my moodboard). This encourages my readers to subscribe by appealing not only to their music interests but with their fashion interests also.

The smaller images will relate to the secondary features on the front cover. Still acting as selling points but not distracting from the main image. The contrast in the size of the images (large and small) highlights to the reader which feature is the best/most important, and tells them which to read.

There will be small descriptions in the top left of each picture (as this is typically the first place people are drawn to) to help sell the best bits of the magazine. There will also be a page number to allow the reader to easily navigate to any of the primary/secondary features.

These headers and numbers will either be a dark red or purple, relating to the decisions made during the creation of my moodboard. They are contrasting to the colour of text of the actual feature making it easy to read, helping readers to easily navigate around the magazine.

The contents tells the reader every feature in the magazine and the corresponding page number so they can go straight to it.

The magazine title header will be in the same font as the front cover as this is the magazines trademark.

The page header will remain small so as all the important information can fit on the page.

My models will be wearing clothing which annotates to the rock genre, anchoring my magazine’s genre of rock.

Album cover

Quote from text

Quote from text

The first letter of the text has been made purple and larger and more bold than the rest of the article. Making it stand out on the page and attract the audience’s interest, therefore leading them to read the article. This will also occur at subject paragraph changes to help break up the text, as readers can sometimes be discouraged to read an article if it is just constant writing. This will also be done with the quotations and album cover art.

I have placed the name of the band in the top left of the page. This is known as the Primary Optical Area. If my reader if flicking through the magazine they will see this band name. As this is a well known band, this will lead to the reader stopping and reading the article. The strapline at the top makes this stand out as it will be a contrasting colour (purple) to the white background. (This band title is currently undecided).

This is the name of the bands new album (currently undecided). The text is at an angle, this gives off a more casual and laid back feel appealing to my target audience of teens and young adults.

My models will be smiling and looking as though I have taken a picture mid conversation. This gives a more relaxed and casual feel for the reader. This is also the side of the band that fans want to see, ‘the real side’ as opposed to the band posing. This makes my readers feel connected with the band, encouraging them to read the article.

I will be using purples, blacks and whites on this page. Contributing to my house style of this issue. (Also explored in my moodboard). The colour purple also ‘sums up’ the band on this page. They are a pop punk band (this is within the rock genre) so the use of purple here is perfect for them.




White background

Quotations will be taken from the text of the article and positioned amongst the text in a larger and bolder font. This stands out to the reader and lets them know of the kind of content in the article. The quotes will be quite humorous and quirky, which appeals to the target audience as it is informal and fun.

These two lines will be a brief description of the content of the article. I will use emotive language for this to make the reader feel excited about the article, encouraging them to read on.

There is an image of the bands album cover, this enables the reader to be able to stop it in shops. A form of advertising.
