Music Analysis by Ayesha Patel


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  1. 1. Preliminary exercise: using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. Additionally candidates must produce a DTP mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of the program. Main task: the front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine (if done as a group task, each member of the group to produce an individual edition of the magazine, following the same house style). Maximum four members to a group.
  2. 2. Analysis of front cover from XXL magazine Puff This puff is located in the top right hand corner , it promotes first awards of xxl, it creates interest to the audience to see which artist has won what award, also by it being the first ever award the audience would want to tune in as it is a new show and by it alone being new would add interest. Main Image The main image is of French Montana. It is a medium shot. The image goes well with the theme of RnB and rap as he is a well known rapper. The main image is usually of a celebrity this is used to draw in the reader and to inform them who is the feature in the magazine. He is being represented as lordly as his hands are in prayer position and he's looking straight into the camera and also the several chains he wears aren't cheap so can also represent his wealth which is also associated with a lord. You can only see his top torso so you cant see his outfit which allows the audience to stay focused on him alone. He wears mostly black and this is also recalected into the colour scheme of the text. Masthead The masthead XXL takes up most room in the top left corner to make it the first thing we see, so the audience instantly know what magazine it is.Also by the white text being highlighted in red draws more attention and also connotes the importance. The design is very simple just using a bold text which could show how well known the brand is as it doesn't need a fancy font it to be recognize. Bar code and Price The barcode is quite large and can be seen easily. The price is the last thing you see as well as the website and date issue. This is because if the audience is attracted to the front cover and the features on it, the magazine doesnt want to jeopardize the opportunity of a sale just because the price is a little high. Headline The headline matches the masthead by using the same bold red colour. It is big and bold which is good as it catches the audiences attention to the main feature. Anchorage Text The anchorage text adds meaning to the headline and makes the main image relevant to the purpose. By using the French language Au Revoir it plays on the main image and features name as his name is French Montana'. Also the word haters is a slang abbreviation for envious people so by using slang it adds to the urban side of the magazine and is something the audience can relate to as many of the readers use slang. Cover lines The cover lines are names of artists who are featured in the magazine. They are highlighted in black which goes with the colour scheme but also the white text allows it to stand out to draw the readers attention. The artists names can promote the magazine as there are 7 different artist therefore it could appeal to a variety of different readers who like at least one of the artists and will gain interest.
  3. 3. Analysis of contents page for XXL Magazine Layout- The text in the magazine is located on each side but is placed in a way that it doesnt cover up the main image or take away the focus from tithe colour scheme of blue is made to make the black text stand out more but to also draw the attention to 50 cents outfit and him himself. Also by the image and the text being put into a box it makes the contents page seem organised and clear. Issue date- Allows the reader to keep up to date with the issue they are on. Features- The page numbers and title are in capitals so they stand out and by the page number being next to the article title it keeps it organised and clear so it can been seen easily. Underneath the tile and page number is some brief information about the articles and some of the key words have been put into bold which catches the eye of the reader. Cover story- 50 cents cover story has two articles. Its laid out like the features column where the page number and title are on the same line and then underneath there is a small bit of information. This gives the reader a little bit of knowledge of what the cover story of him contains and attracts them to the magazine. Main image- The main image is a long shot of 50 cent holding a briefcase of money .50 cent is a well known rapper in the rap industry he is number 6 on the list of the most wealthiest rappers and has a net worth of $270 million. The reader can see this representation in the image of him with the money at his feet. Headline- The headline is in a simple lowercase font. The word billing has been put into a abbreviation of slang which relates the to the urban theme of the magazine and will attract the readers to it as its the language that the audience may use on a daily basis.
  4. 4. Analysis of double page spread for XXL Main image The image of 50 cent and soulja boy allows the audience to conlcude that the article is about them.The image takes up one whole page and draws the attention of the reader as there flicking through the magazine and would make them want to read it.There are no other images which kepps the readers attention on the article. 50 cent is a well known rapper with a networth of $140 million , soulja boy is seen as his protge .The image takes up one whole page and the picture is blown up. Text Grabs The quote is made bigger so that it breaks up the column. They are used to make the reader read the article and are normally rude .In this case it is rude and has had asterix put in so that the reader is not offended by the words. The words are in a bold text and are represented in a factual matter as they have a date and time of when it was put on a social media site. It is also placed where it takes up the half the page to catch the reader s attention and also to set the article of and for the reader to understand what its about in this case its about 50 cent supporting and backing up Soulja boy. Masthead Instead of having a logo on every page XXL have put their website link at the bottom next to the date and page number. The structure of the double page spread is very simple with there only being one blown out picture that covers one side of the page and then having the text on the other side below the text grab. The color scheme consists of a black and grey scale this gives the spread a professional feel to it aswell as it looking professional it also doesn't distract the reader with the colors and pictures ,so it therefore keeps the focus entirely on the article and the artists who feature in it. Article The article is in a normal column structure. The text color of black and light grey reflect the color scheme and outfits of the artists.
  5. 5. Analysis of Front cover from Vibe magazine masthead The masthead Vibe is very big and takes up a lot of room at the top of the magazine but is then faded into the background so the main image is still the centre of attention. But by the text being bold, large and white it stands out against the blue background and is still recognizable to the audience. Main image The main image is of Nicki Minaj who is a key figure in the rap industry, She is known as the queen of rap. The angle used is a low angle shot , this has been done to make her look superior and also by her standing like a superhero shows her power. She is also being represented as sexy which is a word that is regularly associated with her. We can see this in her facial expression where she is sticking out her tongue in a seductive manner. She is also represented as exclusive as Nicki minaj only wears exclusive or one off clothes which no one else wears. Her fashion statements are quite bold ,revealing and short. The shot used allows us to see all of her outfit. Magazine header bar The header bar gives additional information about the magazine in this case the header bar is filled with 5 artists name. This as well as the central image allows the audience to see who is featured in the magazine and may add interest if they know one of the five artists. Bar code , price and issue date The bar code makes the magazine look professional. The issue date allows the reader to keep up to date and know what issue they are on. It also has the websites magazine to promote it as well as show they have another source that readers can go to. The price is in a small print so it doesnt distract the reader from the magazines features, because if it is too expensive the reader wont buy it. Background The background of soft pastel colours such as pink , blue yellow etc. and the animation of flowers and a cartoon character goes with Nicki Minajs persona of being a Barbie. Anchorage text It adds meaning to the central image and makes the image relevant to the purpose. This anchorage text is just the name of the feature artist Nicki Minaj. Cover lines The cover lines tells the reader all of the features and articles in the magazine. The colour scheme of black and pink text against the white allows it to stand out as well as the pink and white text standing out against the blue. It draws the readers attention and eye. By the word exclusive being in white text and highlighted by that bold pink allows the reader to feel as if this magazine contains an article that they would not find in any other magazine which adds interest .
  6. 6. Analysis of contents page for Vibe Magazine Colour scheme- The colour scheme used in this issue of Vibe magazine is a grey scale of colours with only one primary colour of red. The use of this bright red against the grey background instantly draws attention to it, this could connote that the article is about his personal life and his feelings as a red heart connotes love and meaning. Main image- The main image is a mid shot of Kanye West. He is pictured looking very serious which is a word that is usually associated with him, this is emphasised by his hands being in his pocket. The text above Kanye's right shoulder informs the reader where the clothes he is wearing are from. Which promotes the brands he bought them from. Kanye is known as trend setter always wearing the latest of everything with confidence. The fact that as well as Vibe being a music magazine it is also a fashion magazine. This attracts the audience as they are getting two different things in one magazine which saves them money as they buy only one magazine instead of two. Title- Vibe uses this fragmented style of the writing of contents in every issue. This helps the reader recognise their unique style . Features- The feature column is on the right side of the page so it doesnt cover the main image of Kanye. The numbers are in a bold font to make it stand out. Underneath each page number there is a small brief description of what article is being featured on that page. This could create an interest from the reader in one of the several articles. Layout- The small text allows the image to stand out more .The layout is quite simple but this makes it look professional rather than it looking chaotic and packed with information, this allows the focus to stay on the cover story of Kanye West.
  7. 7. Analysis of double page spread for Vibe magazine Seven smaller grey scale pictures of the artist Solange posing in various ways.These poses portray her as a Diva as shes doing the typical diva poses .It also shows her fun personality. The main image- It is on the right page but towards the centre this shows that the attention is on her. The way she stands with her feet pointing inwards creates an innocent look.Also by her dress being quite bright red it draws the readers eye and contrasts with the smaller grey scale pictures.Her oufit is quite girly with the puffy prom dress but then she has that cropped fur jacket which gives it that urban edgy vibe, however it does show a lot of leg but it isnt in a seductive manner but mature.Solange has been in the spotlight since the age of 14 shes a singer aswell as an actress. A brief but effective four lines that draw the readers attention as Solanges sister Beyonce is a world wide RnB and POP icon.The text carries on with the grey colour scheme and the bright blue colour on the artists name allows it to stand out. Text Grab- Is a quote from the article which will attract and sometimes shock the reader.Its either funny or how the artist feel.In this case we see how Solange feels. Anchorage- The anchorage is of where the clothes that Solange is modelling in are from .This type of fashion anchorgae is common in vibe magazine as we see this in the contents page with Kanye West. Article- The article is structured in columns which is quite common for magazine articles.By using a small font the artcile is clear and the reader can see there is a lot of information in them. Masthead The logo of the masthead is located on nearly every page but for Vibe they use the V logo and combine it with a word in this case its Volume . Its a play on words by combing the logo with the feature article.
  8. 8. Analysis of Front Cover of Billboard Magazine Header bar The banner contains information about an upcoming event. The use of the vibrant yellow could possibly be trying to attract the audiences eye. Main image The main image is of a well known singer Rihanna. Rihanna represents confidence and looks as if she's trying to portray herself as sexually available. The image bleeds to the edge of the page and is a straight on shot. The colour scheme is red, white , blue and purple it also has a filter on the image. It makes it look much more professional as the colour scheme is evident throughout. Also its quite unique from other magazines as they dont usually go for this kind of editing, so attracts the reader even more. Quote The quote was taken from the main article by Rihanna and it could be used to promote the magazine as it says my fans dont really know who I am so by reading this magazine I could be giving the reader an insight to who the real Rihanna is and would add interest in the reader to buy it. Headline The headline is of the main images name. It goes across the page so the audience can see it clearly and by using the white font it makes the text bolder and eye catching. Bar codes , prices and date issue The bar code, the date and the price are in the corner and are quite small this could be to add a professional look and not discourage the audience from buying the magazine. Cover lines The cover lines are on the left of the page so it doesnt cover up the main image and distract the reader from it.There are only 3 main cover lines so that it stays on the main focus this allows the cover not be chaotic and packed allowing the reader to see the information clearly and not get confused. The cover lines are highlighted in white .The subheads allow the audience to gain extra information on the covered articles. Masthead The masthead is quite simple with a simple font. The main image overlaps the masthead still showing the features importance. The masthead is still recognisable even when covered up so the audience can still see it and know that its that brand.
  9. 9. Analysis of contents page for Billboard Magazine Side feature The side feature in Billboard magazine is the weeks top albums and songs in the charts. This automatically appeals to the audience as it gives them all the information they need on the top songs and albums of the week. This use of a side feature is a unique selling point for Billboard magazine as not many magazines do this. Masthead The logo of Billboard magazine is in the corner and is quite noticeable. This in a way reminds the reader what magazine it is and to kind of show off in a way to say look at the extras were giving you compared to the other magazines on the same market. Main image The main image is of Keri Hilson so its suggestive that she is also the cover image on the front cover as her image is the biggest. The way her body is positioned its facing away from the text so it makes the contents page look more organized as no image or text is being covered. Heading The heading is the word contents. The font and style is the the same as the magazines logo of Billboard. Both are made out of rectangles and contain the color black , however there are differences such as the word Contents is in capitals and only contains one color. Images There are three other images besides the main image of Keri Hilson .The other three images are in a line and are in a square box. This could indicate that they also have a feature in the magazine but a smaller article than Keri Hilson .They dont say the artists names on the pictures but have the page numbers in white in the left corner. By doing this it attracts a wider range of audience as the audience can see the other artists as well as the main feature artist which would attract fans of the other artists. Features In the features column the sentences that add interest to the magazine are in a bright bold capital text such as cover stories and special features . Underneath these titles are bold black capital titles underneath these are smaller black texts(sub titles)that contain a brief introduction to the articles. On the side of these sub titles are the page numbers. The layout and structure of the contents page looks very professional as everything is in a particular order; it is very organized and also clear to understand and find things easily, this emphasized by the bright blue lines that border of different parts of the page such as it separating the side feature to the features. These features allow the reader to see what extra articles they can find online and also events coming up they also link the reader back to the Billboard website. In the corner of every page there is the Billboard website in the bright red color and the issue date aswell as the page number. This keeps the reader aware of what issue they are on aswell as giving them the link to the website therefore promoting the magazine even more.
  10. 10. Analysis of a double page spread for Billboard Magazine Side Feature The side feature for this double page spread is a list of Rihannas number one singles and there peak but also a small bit of information which allows the reader to see where Rihanna ranks competing against all other female soloists and their success. Main image The main image is of the well known singer Rihanna who started her career in the year 2003. Rihanna has sold over 150 million records worldwide, making her one of the best selling artists of all time. Many of her songs rank among the worlds best selling singles of all time.Rihanna is known for her provocative ,sexual , outgoing , wild nature. We mainly see this provocativeness in the outfits she wears; they tend to be very short , low cut and revealing of her legs and cleavage.Rihanna in the main image is pictured on a tank and sitting on the long part where it shoots bombs this could be seen as sexual and provocative but also as powerful and the strength she posses holding most of the chart numbers with her songs. The image shows Rihanna having fun whist promoting her new album this shows how she cares about her fans and she enjoys performing for them. Shes dressed in an army style bodice this allows her to stay feminine and she wears a Mickey Mouse helmet on her head this portrays her as bold and gives her this I dont care attitude. Images- The smaller images are of natural pictures of Rihanna with other celebrity's at events. The fact that the images in the double page spread doesnt look as if its at a photo shoot so the readers get an insight of her personal life therefore giving them an exclusive and also developing a unique selling point. Text Grab- The text Grab is a quote from the article that draws the readers attention even more. The text grab here is in all capitals and stands out as it fragments the column style of the article drawing even more attraction. The words in pink stand out against the rest of the black text and show importance and also exclusiveness. Color scheme, layout and text- The color scheme in this article is black , white and pink. The use of the monochrome colors of black and white give it this edgy look but this then toned down by the pink which connotes girlyness.The layout of the text is in columns and is broken down by the use of pictures and text grabs, this adds diversity to the page and keeps an interest in the article. Also the smaller pink text brings attention to the important parts of the article. Title- The title of the article had a whole separate page just for it this show the importance of this article and also could be seen as an exclusive article as normally no double page spread has one whole page just for the title. The sub heading is at the top of the article and is just the start of article in large bold capitalized letters, this yet again attracts attracts attention. "Its been just six weeks since Rihannas by leaving this on a cliff hanger it makes the reader want to read on it also adds fascination and curiousness as too what can she do in just 6 weeks.
  11. 11. Analysis of Front Cover of Fader magazine Masthead The masthead is of the title of the magazine Fader'. The F in fader is in a nude coloured box which goes with the colour scheme of the magazine which is yellow, nude , white and black. The F in the box is also the logo of the magazine. The white simple text stands out against the black background and becomes eye catching to the reader. Anchorage/ Sell line The anchorage text helps add meaning to the magazine as the audience may be confused as to why Aaliyah is the front cover. This magazine is a special edition as it is called the icon issue, this reflects on the choice of the main image. The anchorage text could also be seen as a sell line which promotes the magazine as its a special edition and would interest the reader to buy it. Issue date Allows the reader to keep track of the magazine their on. Main image The main image is of Aaliyah who was also known as the Princess of RnB before dying at the young age of 22 at the height of her career. Aaliyah was once the hottest RnB singer around , so she reflects the special edition magazine name of icon". The shot is a medium close up of her face , the black background makes her features softer and make her look angelic. Headline The headline is of the main images name. The white text and capital font adds boldness which attracts the reader. Anchorage text The anchorage text allows the reader to see what is being featured in the magazine. The white text yet again creates and eye catching text which would interest the reader. The simple front cover allows the audience to concentrate entirely on the main image and the contents that is in the magazine. The text is located on the right hand side and avoids taking up a lot of room so that the focus on the main image is not taken away .The front cover doesnt contain a barcode or price but yet it still looks professional .By not having a barcode or a price the audience feel as if the magazine do not care how much they are charging as long as it contains all the information it needs unlike other magazine brands which makes the it unique.
  12. 12. Analysis of content page for Fader Magazine Date, Masthead and issue- These three things are at the top of the page in small black text .This keeps the reader aware of what issue they are on and has the masthead on it as every page in the magazine will have it on them . Title The title of contents is in a medium sized text but is in capitals this adds boldness. However by it being small but yet in the color of a bright blue it stands out against the monochrome color scheme of the pictures and background. Features- The feature titles are in capitals and then have smaller articles titles underneath in a low case light black colour.The page numbers are next to them. Layout- They are in a column format but are separated by the images and are placed in a different order instead of together. Unlike other magazines Faders contents page consist of two pages which is very unique as they are usually just one page. This allow the reader to see the information clearly instead of it looking compacted and its easier to find the articles you want to read. Main Image and other images- The image size represents its significance in the magazine. The pictures are in an old fashion style this could represent the musical period that Fader magazine are representing this issue of the magazine. Two of the images are in monochrome colors of black and white and then theres a coloured picture which stands out the most. Page numbers- The page numbers on the pictures are big and bold and stand out from the picture .This page number of 25 in a bright bold could represent an important page or even an exclusive one.
  13. 13. Analysis of Front cover for Q magazine Masthead The masthead in this magazine is in the top left hand corner .It is fairly large and the letter Q is in a white font and has a red background.The simplicity of the text conveys the simplicity of the magazine, it also adds a professional look. Magazine header bar This bar adds interest to the magazine , it usually consist of extra information about the magazine. This draws the readers attention as the text is big and is white which stands out against the background.Also by its overlapping the masthead it adds a sense of importance. Puff This puff advertises an exclusive feature of the magazine this works as a unique selling point. It adds interest to the magazine because the readers would want to see who's albums were in the top 50 and to see if their favorite artists are in it.There word essential has been capitalized and highlighted in black this adds importance but also catches the readers eye as the white text stands out against the black background. Features The headlines of the features match the masthead and go with the simple theme and white capitalized font, this draws attention and it also makes the magazine look professional. Underneath the headlines are a smaller capitalized grey font of what the headlines are about, these consists of only two lines of information. The text is structured around the main image so keeping the focus on the image and is in a column layout. Footer bar The footer bar advertises more aspects about the magazine that might get the readers attention promoting them to buy the issue. The red text draws attention but also shows importance of that word. Main image The main image is of Ed Sheeran a well known British singer. The image is of him and his guitar as he is an acoustic player.Ed is looking in another direction away from the camera which could convey his modesty . Headline The headline goes against the theme of simplicity as it is joined up but however the colour scheme of red stays current for the features name. Underneath the artists name is back to the simple font of white capitalized letters.
  14. 14. Analysis of contents page of Q magazineMasthead and title The masthead is combined with the title of the page. They both stand out the most on the page as they are highlighted in black and the color scheme of the text being red and white and grey stand out in importance order. Red being the most important , White being second important and the grey date being the least . Page numbers and Features The page numbers in this contents page are placed in a puff which is a unique way of laying it out as no other magazine does this. By Q putting page numbers in puffs and different color puffs they draw attention and as they are fairly large they catch the readers eye. The page numbers are in a bold white text so can be seen clearly. Also the size of the puff resembles importance of the page; large being the article that the magazine want you to see first and is most likely their feature article. The layout of the features in the magazine are structured between lines that act as borders separating each article this allows the reader to see the features clearly. The Heading/title of the articles' are in a capitalized black font which stands out against the white background and the other red, white and grey text. Underneath these titles are a small brief introduction to the article which includes rhetorical questions that draw the reader to read the articles. Main image and other images The main image is of St. Vincent an American singer song writer who won one of the Q awards. We know this is the main image as it is the biggest image on the page and takes up the whole right hand corner. The picture sticks to the color scheme is The other images are a smaller size staying between their border lines. They all relate to the article and are the features of the article. There are five pictures together but only four have a background the fifth picture has been cut around of the artist Shakey and draws the attention as it stands out after the main image. Special feature The reader can tell this is a special feature as it is in its own separate text box and the border has been thickened to make it bolder. The title is bigger and is a different font where its joined up this gives it this fancy affect and conveys its a special feature. It also has additional features in the article itself which is unlike the other features.Footer bar The footer bar has additional info and we know this by the puff saying plus inside of it. These articles may not be a big feature and that maybe why there are in the footer bar. The page numbers are highlighted in red so the text yet again sticks to the color scheme.
  15. 15. Text Grab The text grab is a quote from one of the members of the feature band. The feature band is a band from the 1970- 80s called Madness. Madness had 15 singles reach the Uk top ten charts, One number one single and two number ones in Ireland. The text grab is in a way a funny highlight of their career that they remember the most. The white capitalized text stands out and so does the red capitalized name , they attracts the readers attention to it and it also differentiates it from the picture. Analysis of double page spread of Q magazineHeadline and Footer The headline foreshadows the main image as the word cash stands out a lot and is evident in the main image. The headline portrays what's in the article as there is an interview but also keeps it real with the audience as they do pay people for questions. The headline sticks to the color scheme as the text is a capitalized black color this keeps it relatable to the theme of olden mafia days as they only had monochrome text. The footer sums up the group in various words and makes it easier for the reader read. Main image The main image take up the whole of the right hand page. The image is of the feature band Madness ,they are pictured around a table with money in bags and laid out on the table , there is also one light bulb glowing above them. This image is like the old mafia pictures where they would sit around a table and count money , they are also dressed formally with hats and blazers on so this emphasizes this theme of mafia even more. This mafia theme is also seen in the newspaper where it says Nutty Boys on the run portraying them as criminals. By using this scheme it could represent there success and the light bulb emphaises this as light bulbs are usually conveyed as an idea when top of someone's head so it could resemble there comeback and it also yet again emphasizes there success. They are all positioned seated except for one who leans over , they all look quite serious and the band member in the middle has his hands in a resting / thinking position showing his authority; like in old mafia pictures the leader used to sit in the middle and in this positioned. Article In the article it gives a background on the feature artists and then goes onto an interview. We can tell when the interview starts as the questions are then put in a bold navy font .The article is structured in a column form which is common to do. The first letter has been enlarged and draws the readers attention. Other images The other images are of Madness in the early days and are natural images of their career performing. One is cut around the other is put in a square frame and is bigger.