Mosquito repellent soap


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Mosquito Repellent Soap

Malaria is one of the deadliest mosquito-borne diseases in the world, because according to the World Malaria Report, in 2015 alone approximately 438 thousand people died from this disease. And although it is crucial to continue the fight against malaria and focus on a future in which malaria doesn’t exist, it is also important to look back as to how malaria came to be, because that can provide answers about how to best combat it.

How Did Malaria Came to Be?

This disease that is called malaria is actually caused by a protozoan parasite of Plasmodium genus, which lives in mosquitoes that are of the Anopheles genus. Among the Anopheles mosquitoes are some of the most common mosquito species in Malaria hotspots like Africa – the Anopheles gambiae Anopheles funestus mosquitoes.

How Did Malaria Came to Be?

Ever since Zika virus outbreak started showing up on news programs all over the world, we know that Zika virus is dangerous to pregnant woman, because it can cause microcephaly in newborns – a disease that is linked to defects like brain damage. However, new study is indicating, that pregnant woman shouldn’t be the only ones fearing Zika, since it might cause symptoms like long term memory damage and cognitive skill decline, that very much resemble those of Alzheimer’s disease.

Zika virus linked to Alzheimer like symptoms, study says

This study was done by scientists at The Rockefeller University and La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology, who tested the effects of Zika virus on adult’s brain on engineered mice, that were made to resemble human Zika infection effects. They used fluorescent bio markers to be able to see which part of the brain the virus invades. And the results that the researchers got were shocking and alarming.

The scientists deducted that the Zika virus infection actually attacked the mice brain cells that are not yet matured in their brain. And since these immature cells are linked to learning and memory processes of human brain, the decline of these cells could mean that people might experience long-term memory damage and loss, troubles learning and remembering new information, depression and other symptoms that actually closely resembles how Alzheimer’s disease manifests itself.


Mosquitos are unpleasant insects, because they produce not only ultra-annoying sound, but also bite and leave itchy, red spots on our skin that heals quite slowly especially if you scratch them and make them raw. But there are several remedies that you can use to ease the itching and to help those unwelcome mosquito bites to heal quicker.

Aloe Vera

There are over 3 thousand different mosquito species in the world, but some of the mosquito species are more common and well known that others. One of these better known mosquito species is also the aedes aegypti mosquito or better known as the yellow fever mosquito.

Although most of the many mosquito species aren’t harmful and don’t transmit diseases that are harmful to humans or animals, the yellow fever mosquito is one species that you should avoid, because it is one of the most common dengue virus transmitting mosquito species. On top of that the yellow fever mosquito also can carry the yellow fever virus and chiungunya virus meaning these mosquitoes are transmitters of three of the most widespread and most dangerous mosquito borne diseases next to malaria.
