MoRe Pilot, outcomes, a presentation



Presentation used during thunderstorm session at MEL SIG event, 21st April 2010, University of Sunderland and on the 27th October 2010 during an ASSET and MEL SIG event in Sheffield MoRe online space at

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Reflection is a tool “to facilitate maintenance and improvement of practice”

(Brown et. al 2006, p. 216)

developing reflection within initial teacher training

recording and sharing audio reflections within a community (use own mobile phones)

peer support

pilot: student teachers with dyslexia

duration: Feb – March 2010

audio feedback

not funded!

Vygotsky (1978) social constructivism

Wenger (2006) communities of practice

Siemens (2006) connectivism



the space where I recorded my thoughts about the pilot

ipadio app

Timereflecting, calling, listening, engaging in conversation

Money call to a UK landline,

once a week, for 8 weeks

“Really easy. It would have taken

me 2 hours to write my reflective

journal. Now this is just a quick phone call between my


“It feels natural. I can listen back and have another chance to filter what I can take away and learn from it.”

Gibbs (1988); Moon (2004)

criteria based on Hatton’s and Smith’s (1995), also adapted by Moon (2004)

abbreviation/title characteristics

3 CritRCritical Reflection

Critical exploration and reasoning of practice in a wider context, link to theory and thinking about the effects upon others of one's actions.

2 DialRDialogic Reflection

Stepping back, practice analysed, reasoning well developed, linking own viewpoints with these of other, exploring problem solving.

1 DescRDescriptive Reflection

Own practice is analysed, some reasoning for decisions and actions, limited to own viewpoints and perspective.

0 RepoR0Reporting, no reflection

Accounts limited to reporting events sporadic evidence of reflection.




good issues actions

engagement throughout

technology, initially more initial training and testing

descriptive -> reflective0 > 1(+2)

ongoing support peer support, refine approach

students positive weekly activities 2-week cycle?

structured approach technical support

audio feedback modelling?

peer support visual guides

comparative study

enjoyed pilot larger group

MoRe pilot (totals)duration: 8 weeks18 phlogs/8 weeks146min (2h 26min)/8 weeks

per student (averages)9 phlogs/8weeks73min (1h 13min)/8 weeks8min/phlog

live link:

Brown M, Fry H & Marshall S (2006) Reflective Practice, in: Fry H, Ketteridge S & Marshall S (2006) A Handbook for Teaching & Learning in Higher Education. Enhancing Academic Practice, Oxon: RoutledgeFalmer, pp. 215-225.

Gibbs G (1988) Learning by Doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods, Further Education Unit, Oxford: Oxford Brookes University.

Hatton, N & Smith, D (1995) Reflection in teacher education – towards definition and implementation, Teaching and Teacher Education,11 (1), pp 33-49.

Moon, J (2004) A Handbook of Reflective and Experiential Learning. Theory and Practice, Oxon: Routledge.

Siemens, G (2006) Connectivism, available at [accessed 10 September 2010]

Vygotsky, L S (1978). Mind in Society. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Wenger, E (2006) Communities of practice, a brief introduction, available at [accessed 9 March 2010]
