Monitoring Student Work In Moodle Delise Fathers April 2009



Monitoring Student Work In Moodle Delise Fathers April 2009

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Monitoring Student Work Habits in Moodle

Delise FathersOnline Teacher

Prairie South School DivisionMoose Jaw, SK

I find Moodle helpful to track…..

When they were last in the course

What days and times they tend to work on the course (so I can be more accessible and to plan for tutoring times and influxes of assignments)

What computer

Date and time

Who they are messaging

What assignment

Quick view of each unit shows what is in, what is not, dates submitted and marks

Complete report shows files uploaded, if they have even viewed the resource, how many times viewed

Easy to track recent submissions right from the front page

Time for feedback….. Have any of you used these plug ins? I am frustrated by “the easter egg hunt” for submitted assignments

Block: notgradedType: BlockRequires: Moodle 1.6 or laterStatus: ContributedMaintainer(s): Evgenij Cigancov

This block displays the list of unchecked


