Mission Impossible? Transforming library induction into learning - Eveson


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Mission Impossible: transforming library induction into learning

Denise Turner, Lisa Eveson, Fran Porritt

Teesside University• 1930 Constantine College• 1970 Teesside Polytechnic• 1992 University of Teesside• 2009 Teesside University• 21, 000 students (14,000 FTE)• 2,300 staff

• Times Higher Education University of the Year 2010

• Investors in People Gold (2012, 2014)

• Queens Anniversary Prize 2014-18

• Mission:Teesside University generates and applies knowledge that contributes to the economic, social and cultural success of students, partners and the communities we serve.Through education enriched by research, innovation, and engagement with business and the professions, we transform lives and economies

“Too much information. Felt as if you are chained in, held captive. Held in a dull environment, another person droning on.”

Issues with traditional library induction

Games as a solution

About LibQuest• Background

– Library Impact Data– Gamification

• Augmented Reality• Partnership approach

– Content of the game• Elements of the game

– Images to scan– Tasks to complete

Rolling LibQuest out• Targeted at 1st year undergraduate students• Most groups seen were given a briefing during

Welcome Week• Different approaches by different Schools led to

varied attendance and attitudes

Participation rates• Case Study in Computing• Found that some SoC

never visited the Library in their whole 3 years.

• 51% students successful

Immediate Student Evaluation:

Awareness of resources

Exploration of the library

Reward Teamwork Socialising The app Fun0









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Frequency of the participants overall perception of LibQuest in response to the question:

What was the best thing about LibQuest?

Impact: Awareness of resources

Informative of the different resources available and how to use them

Looking at services available in the library

31% of participants rated awareness of resources as being the best thing about LibQuest.

Impact: Exploration of the LibraryI found my way around the library and how to use it

Getting a sense of where everything was and what facilities there was.

20% participants rated exploration of the library as the best thing about LibQuest.  

Impact: Team work, belonging and fun

6% participants rated socialisation as the best thing about LibQuest

As I didn't know people from my course it gave me a chance to talk to new people

It was active and had us moving around, it helped me make friends

Impact: LibQuest app• Demographics• Familiarity with technology• Compatibility issues

Long-term impact of LibQuest 2015-16

Computing Health SSSBL0










Postive Negative



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Long-term impact of LibQuest 2015-16

It was very useful as it showed me the different areas of the library

that I would need (School of Social Sciences, Business

and Law)

Make it more relevant to the course to get people to search for different books on different floors. That way

those who have never used the library like that in University get to

learn. (School of Computing)

Allow students to complete it in their own time instead

of study days(School of Health)

The app kept crashing

(School of Health)

Long-term impact of LibQuest 2016-17

Impact on Computing Loan statistics Total items loaned

Number in year group 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017

Current Third Years (P) 1060 1308 594 472

Current Second Years (Q) 856 1361 576

Current First Years (S) 824 1039

Number of students who borrowed items

Number in year group 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017

Current Third Years (P) 1060 238 125 99

Current Second Years (Q) 856 259 126

Current First Years (S) 824 220

% of students who borrowed items

Number in year group 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017

Current Third Years (P) 1060 22% 12% 9%

Current Second Years (Q) 856 30% 15%

Current First Years (S) 824 27%

Lessons learnt and future development

Lessons learnt• majority of students enjoyed LibQuest • students completed identified tasks successfully.• students enjoyed group work element of LibQuestFuture development• Think about the way in which LibQuest is introduced

to students. • the app • Consider developing specific quests based on

students’ previous experience

References• Beasley, N., and Crerar, A. (2005) ‘Motivations for adults playing games’, Proceedings of the International

Simulation and Gaming Association, Atlanta GA, USA, 28 June - 2 July.• Bickley, R., and Corrall, S. (2011) ‘Student perceptions of staff in the information commons: A survey at the

University of Sheffield’, Reference Services Review, 39(2), pp. 223-243.• Charles, D. et al. (2011) ‘Game-based feedback for educational multi-user virtual environments: Game-based

feedback for educational MUVEs’, British Journal of Educational Technology, 42(4), pp. 638- 654. • Fitz-Walter, Z., Tjondronegoro, D., and Wyeth, P. (2011) ‘Orientation passport: using gamification to engage

university students’, Proceedings of the 23rd Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference, Canberra, Australia, 28 November-2 December. doi: 10.1145/2071536.2071554.

• Marcus, S., and Beck, S. (2003) ‘A library adventure: Comparing a treasure hunt with a traditional freshman orientation tour’, College & Research Libraries, 64(1), pp. 23-44.

• McKeachie, W. J. (2003) ‘William James's talks to teachers (1899) and McKeachie's teaching tips (1999)’, Teaching of Psychology, 30(1), pp. 40-43.

• Trotter, E., and Roberts, C. A. (2006) ‘Enhancing the early student experience’, Higher Education Research and Development, 25(4), pp. 371-386.

• Zichermann, G., and Cunningham, C. (2011) Gamification by design: Implementing game mechanics in web and mobile apps. Sebastapol, Ca: O'Reilly Media.

