Melb Uni Masters in Ed Presentation October 2011


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teaching and learning in the digital age

Melbourne University Graduate School of Education Master of Teaching

Sylvia Guidara 19.10.2011

21st Century Education

why english matters

“It's hard to imagine what other department is better suited to helping us prepare, in practical and profound ways, for our future, for the highly unpredictable changes in how we read, write, and communicate that are reshaping school and work in the Information Age.”Cathy Davidson, Duke University

essential questions

• What does literacy look like in the digital age?

• How would you define digital age learning?

• What are the implications for what and how we teach / engage students?

• If digital age students were asked to define essential literacies for a teacher, what would they include?

21st Century Education

the internet landscape | key concepts





real time

gather, communicate, share, collaborate


Social Media

social media tools

Web 2.0

21st Century Education

What would education look like if it resembled the culture?

The death of ‘they’

what’s important: the properties and dynamics of the internet landscape – not the tools – and how to evolve with them

the internet landscape matters in education

The New Media Literacies


playperformancesimulationappropriationmultitaskingdistributed cognitioncollective intelligencejudgementtransmedia navigationnegotiationnetworking

Interacting effectively with online information:find | sort | navigate | synthesise | critically analyse | create | participate | interact safely & ethically

Shifts in Learning

pedagogy | shifts in learning

21st Century EducationRethinking the who, what, where & when of learning.

From prescriptive to connective practices.

The delivery & distribution of learning.

Who participates in the learning process.

Diverse learning spaces.

21st Century Education

pedagogy | learning networks

Learning institutions rethinking the possibilities around what can be learnt, where learning can happen and who is involved in the learning process.

Beyond the institutionalised logic of the school towards the network logic of the learning community.

From Social Networks to Learning Communities


• Are students equipped with competencies to communicate effectively in digital spaces?

• Can students argue, inform, instruct, analyse etc for digital spaces?

• How would you teach students to write for (and with!) mobile devices?

Responding to opportunities & challenges

Trying to protect students and instructional time by banning Web 2.0 or setting policies to keep it “safe.”

Preserving existing programmes and practices by using technology in a way that ‘fits’ into what is already in place.

Taking a progressive approach by allowing technology to transform the organisation rather than moving it faster and further on its existing path.

Current technology demands a totally different approach to instructional design and also teaching methodology. It requires new skills from both teacher and student.

Teachers are the learning professionals and catalysts. When you put them in the mix with new technology,

you get powerful outcomes.