McDowell skill 6


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There is a house, a napping house, where everyone is sleeping.

And in that house there is a

bed sock

And on that bed there is a

slipper granny

And on that granny there is a

child mirror

And on that child there is a

dog horse

And on that dog there is a

bird cat

And on that cat there is a

mouse banana

And on that mouse there is a

flea leaf

You did a perrrfect job sequencing the story!

You did a perrrfect job sequencing the story!

You did a perrrfect job sequencing the story!

WOW! You really know your stuff!

WOW! You really know your stuff!

Great Job! You are so smart!

Great Job! You are so smart!

Good try friend! But in the house there was a bed.

Almost friend! Remember from the story, on the bed there is a granny.

So close! Think, on the granny there is a child.

Good Try! Think about the story, the dog was sleeping on the child.

So Close! But recall from reading, the cat came next.

Almost! Think back to the book, on the cat there was the mouse.

Good Try! Think about the story, the flea came last and woke everyone up.

You did an AWESOME job sequencing the story!