Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)



What does it take to be a terrific teacher? This test may surprise you, but it is a good indicator.

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Do you have the personality to

become a great teacher?

Is there one faith, event, or person that you would defend no matter who was challenging you? A) Yes

B) No

If there’s a 30 minute wait for your favorite restaurant, do you wait for a table?

A) Yes

B) No

Do you like cooking withother people in the kitchen?

A) YesB) No

A) YesB) No

Do you feel comfortable telling someone when they’re wrong?

A) YesB) No

Is your bedroom painted more than one color?

If you answered mostly A, then congratulations!

You probably have what it takes to be

a successful teacher!

A recent study found that the 5 best indicators for

success in the classroom were:




If you answered mostly A, then you possess most, if not all,

of these traits!

If you answered mostly B, then it’s still possible

that you’ll be a great teacher – Maybe just an unconventional one!
