Making The Classroom More Democratic



Santeri Koivisto's presentation from CounterPlay '14.

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Santeri Koivisto @Aalvisto

‘IRL me’!!

Is the future thatta way?

In its the current form, what future trends can the education system really tackle outside the basic communication skills and common knowledge it teaches?

For example: - micro global organisations - constant need for rethinking your business / work / ways - data as the source of power and wealth - sustainability and new business rising from scarcity - local manufacturing including 3d printable products - living in a mega city - what else!?

“Every two years our company needs to come up with something really new to stay in the edtech development pace.”

Us as an example

And I have trouble developing the skills on the run.

“There are about twelve people in our network from four different countries.”

What’s the right balance between the what we teach and how we teach?

Can games make a difference?


I think they can. !Games can create an environment where these skills very naturally develop alongside with the subject matter we are teaching, and while allowing more freedom.

Concrete Apple Representation of Apple


1. me

(Gravity Hook - )


3 + 5 = _

In basket you have three apples, if you have two apples in your pocket, how many apples you have in total?

A block in the game is one cubic meter. There are one meter long sticks in the classroom. !Create our classroom in the game and report it’s volume. !(note to self: then shut up)

A Game (Minecraft) Example

Newton said: ‘F = ma.’ Prove it. Your virtual laboratory is open. !We know the result, but everything else needs to be determined by the students.

Let’s go even further

“Can’t we do this without games?”

Absolutely, but they may help you.

2. group (+teacher)

The students know they are learning

Bigger community (3.)

Crafting the Digital Citizen

An experimental and visual game might just be a more natural way of communicating and sharing ideas for a

nine year old than sitting in a board table.

@Aalvisto @Aalvisto
