Magdalna Ptaszkowska-2b


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Polish national symbolsThey are associated with historical tradition and history of the country. Through various ages and epochs characterized by the existence of the nation and the Polish State. Always on victories and defeats were inviolable relic, appealed strongly to the patriotic feelings and civic Pole stimulated to act in the name of the national cause.

Polish anthem,, MAZUREK


   Jeszcze Polska nie


   Kiedy my żyjemy.

   Co nam obca przemoc wzięła,

   Szablą odbierzemy.


marsz Dąbrowski,

          Z ziemi włoskiej do

Polski.          Za twoim

przewodem          Złączym się z narodem.

Polish sportsmen

Kamil StochHe is a ski jumper.

Robert LewandowskiHe is a football player

Polish mountainsKarpaty


Famous Poles

Maria Sklodowska-Curie-a renowned physicist and chemist. Twice awarded the Nobel Prize: in physics for research in the field of radioactivity and chemistry for the separation of pure radium

Wladyslaw Stanislaw Reymont- Novelist. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1924 for his novel,, Peasants ".

Henryk Sienkiewicz- Writer, journalist, social activist. His literary output (,, Quo vadis "trilogy) was awarded the Nobel Prize.

Czeslaw Milosz- Poet, novelist, essayist, translator. The most important works are: "Salvation," "Daylight," "Poetic Treaty", "The City without a name", "Native". Nobel laureate

Wislawa Szymborskapoet and literary critic. The most important collections of poetry are: "That's why we live", "Questions asked myself" "One hundred comforts" "The beginning and the end." Nobel Prize winner.

Lech Walesaunion activist, politician, President of the Polish Republic, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1983.

The most famous Pole in the world

Jan Paweł II

Created by:Magdalena Ptaszkowska
