Magazine Research Schools




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The masthead is bold and has no capital letter so it seems informal, along with the arrow it looks cool and hip.

The arrow is going forward which could represent that the students are going forward in life and looking to the future.

The main image of a yearbook can attract both the younger and older audience as they can relate to a yearbook. People can think back to when they were in a year book or want to be in a yearbook. It also shows average people just like the target audience having fun. The images are black and white to show it is in the past and also to look like a realistic yearbook.

The main subheading is a rhetorical question that students are probably asking themselves. The colour is bright and stands out and follows the colour scheme.

This small sub heading is a summary of what the magazine is about and is in a fresh font.

In everyone of the article titles there is one word coloured which stand out to the reader and grabs their attention to that article, all of these words relate to a situation they are in.

The hot is represented with an image, the colouring of the word looks like it is saying ‘Pot’ which could attract an older audience. The word hot could represent that the magazine is hot and that the jobs are cool to.

The background image is faded and you can vaguely see that there is a crowded school atmosphere, however this does not need to be shown as it is not very important in contrast to the other image.

All of the text frames the main image.

The girl on the front cover is smiling and looks relaxed which is welcoming. And this gives the magazine a positive image.

The masthead is bold and stands out from the background. It is eye catching and links in to the school motto. The title itself is the word ‘fly’ encouraging students to work hard and aim for the highest.

The background image isn’t very important and isn’t very noticeable, however if the reader does take note of it, it is a relevant image of what will be familiar to them, a school.

This article is something that the reader can get involved in, the language is formal yet some words and opinions will be shared by the target audience such as “boring school uniform”.

The girl is wearing her uniform so it relates to the target audience.

The colour of this sub heading stands out relatively well in the background and is in capital letters so it shouts out to the reader. It also uses a variety of punctuation to be more intriguing and is about a subject that students will be interested in.

All of the sub headings frame the main image of the girl on the cover and have exclamation marks to make the magazine more exciting.

This information suggesting a ‘bargain’ stands out really well and the text also contrasts from the background cover, the free is bold and grabs the readers attention.

This contents page follows the previous cover, it does continue with the colour scheme and all the colours contrast well, so they stand out, however in my opinion the page looks quite feminine and this could be the result of the shade of the colours used such as the blue.

The articles that are in blue appear on the front cover so that if a reader wants to view something they saw on the cover it will be easier to find without reading all of the contents.

The masthead is vibrant and stands out, its not in capital letters which is informal and this could appeal to the target audience so it doesn’t seem like other boring school magazines.

The black background is good as there are a variety of colours that will stand out on it as shown, it is also a colour that ca apply to both genders.

The numbers are large and stand out so that it is easy for the reader to easily find what page they want.

I don’t really see how the background is relevant to the subject of schools or to any of the articles, an image probably would have been better but the colour does stand out without taking over the text in front of it.

The layout is logical and easy to understand.

The text used is clear and easy to read, the size of the text is ideal and a modern font.

The image is the front cover and there isn't much writing and this is because the picture says it all. It shows a child having fun in an interesting place making the reader want to buy the magazine and find out more.

The masthead is a little boring, in plain white yet its sophisticated which does not necessarily appeal to the target audience.

The fact that the image is outside in nature and shows people on an adventure could give the magazine a exciting adventurous image.

This information is very small and hard to read and in a colour that doesn’t stand out. It is in a vague blue box so that the layout is tidy .

The two people look happy and comfortable with each other, this represents the respect between their student teacher relationship. They trust each other and this could be a template for the rest of the school.

‘MGS’ stands for Manchester Grammar School showing that the news is about the school and also showing what school the magazine is for.

Promoting the school.

The floral used on the background suggests a more feminine approach to the magazine, it is also irrelevant to school.

The text used is very creative and will most probably suite the female section of the target audience, however it is quite difficult to read and it has white around the edges which works in some areas, but not in others due to white sections of the background.

The font used here is graffiti like, this will appeal to the target audience, it also stands out on the blue background. The school motto encourages students to work hard.

The font used for the mast head is more successful than the use of it on the articles below because it is larger and bolder. The font is fun and informal and in bold contrasting colours.

The layout of the images been scattered is quite effective but the overlapping leaves some images covered.

The images used at the top are of ‘funky’ school shields which relates to the school theme but in a less formal way.

The images show students experiencing school life and they look like they are having fun, happy and welcoming which encourages the reader to choose this magazine. And some images are relevant to the articles.

The ‘411’ in the background suggest the latest information and this will appeal to the target audience of gossipy teenagers.

The writing is very small and hard to read. It does however follow the colour scheme.

The images tell the reader what the articles are about so it easy for they to find the page they want if they are attracted to the images.

The colours and images follow on from the front cover.

The layout of articles and stories is very logical. They are separated into groups of careers, fashion, sports etc which is things that students and pupils will be very interested in.

The images are positive and often inspirational, they have a good use of colour and have people looking happy and energetic.

The masthead I bold and plain in a black which contrasts from the white background and stands out,

The colours used are quite stylish and don’t suggest one particular gender.

Technology will appeal to the target audience.

The layout is casual and relaxed giving an informal atmosphere by using slanted images etc.

This man has sunglasses and a large necklace that could be associated with as ‘bling’ which implies a glamorous lifestyle which will interest the target audience.