Magazine Page Stages


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I have added a medium close up of my feature artist that will appear on my front cover and my title.

I have added in my sell lines as well as the barcode, bottom bar, date and website name to adhere to the typical codes and conventions of a typical music magazine front cover.

I have added an ‘exclusive’ bar with a background to draw attention to the main feature of my magazine, also I decided to make the main image larger and in front of my title to display that the magazine is already a well known brand and so therefore doesn't need to be explicit with the title as it is already recognisable to my market. I also made my sell lines more consistent by making them all the same width and distance from the edge of the page.

Here I have inserted boxes where I will place images and placeholder text for where I am planning to insert my contents

I have began to place the type of images that I am aiming to place once I have conducted my photoshoots.

I have changed the different colours of the subheading boxes to black as well as the ‘welcome’ and ‘on the cover’ boxes to dark grey.

I have began to insert my contents text and started to insert my own images into the picture boxes.

I have inserted all my text and images as well as putting effects on the content title boxes and page numbers.

After receiving feedback I have decided to get rid of the blue background on the contents title boxes and stick to a classic andclean look of no coloured background and black writing, although I made sure to make the numbers of the pages blue to adhere to my colour scheme and tie the entire page together, as well as making the page look more appealing.

I decided to get rid of the ‘bevel and emboss’ on my ‘@rhythimik’ buttons as I think it looks more neat and professional, also I changed the alignment of the text to justify.

I started my feature article by adding a mid shot of my feature artist to one page of the double page spread.

Here I have added my feature article, adding a drop letter in my pink swatch to emphasise the colour scheme of my feature article, I have added this to the first letters of my title. I have also began to add my quote boxes and an ‘exclusive’ bar at the top.

I have inserted the bottom bar including readers tweets and finished my pull quotes, as well as highlighting the word ‘jasmine’ in my brief introduction by making it pink standing out from the rest of the black text. I have also decreased the paragraph spacing to make the spread look more appealing and neat.

I added a drop shadow to my article to make It stand out more, I also swapped my box quotes around as this ‘jasmine discusses all’ is more of an introductory statement and therefore should be at the start of my double spread than on the other page.

I have started the second part of my double page spread by inserting my desired picture after cutting it out on photoshop.

I have added all my text as well as pull quotes, a bottom bar, a slightly transparent box quote and a scanable QR code.

Reiterating on what I previously said, I have swapped the box quotes. Also I have changed the alignment of my text.

I created my quote page with a simple image of my artist and added a vintage effect to it in photoshop, I also added a quote with two semi transparent boxes behind for effect.