"Macbeth" by Kelley Roark



PowerPoint on "Macbeth" by Kelley Roark

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Kelley Roark

• Mr. Donald Gerz

• World Literature

• March 24, 2003

Genre and Setting

•Type of Work: Tragic Fatalistic Drama

• Setting: Eleventh - Century Scotland

Major Influences

•Ancient Greek Tragedy

•Elizabethan Christian Drama

~Main Characters~

•Macbeth, a noble Scottish chieftain

• Lady Macbeth, his wife

• Duncan, King of Scotland, a gentle and perfect ruler

Main Characters (continued)

•Malcom, Duncan’s son and rightful heir

•Banquo, Macbeth’s warrior –friend

• Macduff, a rebel lord

• Three witches

Prelude with the Three Witches: Fair is foul and foul is fair

Act I, Scene I

Act I, Scene 2

•News of the battles and of the victory of Macbeth reaches Duncan.

• Duncan names Macbeth “Thane of Cawdor” in place of the traitor.

Act I, Scene 3

•Three witches meet Macbeth with Banquo, greeting him as Glaims, Cawdor, and soon-to-be king.

• As they vanish, messengers greet Macbeth a “Cawdor.”

• Macbeth shows signs of further ambition.

•Duncan hears of the “noble death” of the former Thane of Cawdor.

• Macbeth arrives, hears of the naming of Malcom as Cumberland (Duncan’s heir).

• Macbeth delivers an ambitious aside.

Act I, Scene 4

Act I, Scene 5

Lady Macbeth reads Macbeth’s letter, foresees his ambition and weakness, and calls on evil spirits to “unsex” her.

Act I, Scenes 6 and 7

•Scene 6: Duncan arrives, welcomed by Lady Macbeth.

• Scene 7: Macbeth’s troubled soliloquy, Lady Macbeth encourages him.

Act II, Scene 1

•Macbeth sees a dagger in the air,

• soliloquizes,

• and goes to kill Duncan.

Act II, Scene 2

•Macbeth returns and describes the deed.

•Lady Macbeth returns the daggers to the sleeping guards.

Act II, Scene 3

•The drunken Porter admits Macduff into Macbeth’s castle.

• Duncan’s murder is discovered.

• Malcom decides to escape to England.

Act II, Scene 4

•The night’s storm is described.

•The flight of Malcom is described.

Act III, Scenes 1 and 2

•Scene 1: Macbeth plots the murder of Banquo.

•Scene 2: Macbeth refuses to tell Lady Macbeth what he is planning.

Act III, Scene 3

•The murderers kill Banquo,

•But Fleance, his son, escapes.

Act III, Scene 4

The ghost of Banquo appears to Macbeth during the Banquet

Act III, Scenes 5 and 6

•Scene 5: Hecate Scene. (Surely not Shakespeare)

•Scene 6: Lenox and a Lord discuss the dangers of life under Macbeth.

Act IV, Scene 1

•Macbeth returns to consult the Three Witches about the future and his security.

•He is shown all Banquo’s descendants as kings, and given assurances that he has nothing to worry about until Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane.

Act IV, Scene 1 (continued)

•The Three Witches also promise Macbeth that he can be harmed by no man “of woman born.”

•News of Macduff’s flight to England convinces Macbeth to kill his family.

Act IV, Scene 2

Before they are murdered by Macbeth’s thugs, Lady Macduff and her son engage in touching dialogue.

Act IV, Scene 3

•In England, at the court of holy Edward the Confessor

•The testing of Macduff by Malcom

Act IV, Scene 3 (continued)

•The power of the King to heal

•News of the murder of Macduff’s family

•Plans for invasion

Act V, Scenes 1 and 2

•Scene 1: Lady Macbeth’s sleep walking scene.

•Scene 2: The armies arrive near Birnam wood.

Act V, Scene 3

•Macbeth rejects all news of danger, secure in Dunsinane.

•News of Lady Macbeth’s sickness does not affect him.

Act V, Scene 4

Near Dunsinane, Malcom orders army to take branches for disguise.

Act V, Scene 5

•In Dunsinane, a cry announces Lady Macbeth’s death.

•Macbeth’s soliloquy “Tomorrow” is followed by news that Birnam wood is moving towards the castle.

Act V, Scenes 6 and 7

•Scene 6: Macbeth’s foes make battle preparations.

•Scene 7: Macbeth fights and kills Siward

Act V, Scene 8

Macduff (“from his mother’s womb untimely ripped”) kills Macbeth.

Act V, Scene 9

•Macduff brings back Macbeth’s head.

•Malcom is acclaimed King of Scotland.

ConclusionGod’s grace (true life) returns to the kingdom because “the Great Chain of Being” has been reconnected by virtue of the restoration of the rightful bloodline to the throne of Scotland in the person of Malcom, the duty appointed heir of the murdered King Duncan.


Sonjae, An. English Literature Resources. 6 Dec. 2000. Online 6 Mar. 2003. Available http://www.sogang.ac.kr/~anthony/Shakespeare/Macbeth.htm.

~Picture Sources~

(In order by slide)

•Slide 1 : http://math.albany.edu:8000/math/pers/hammond/macbeth.html

•Slide 2: http://www.slad.cz/~jirka/macbeth/

•Slide 3: http://www.worldvillage.com/wv/cafe/images/scrnshot/macbeth.gif

•Slide 4:http://www.la-concha.com/xena/Biografias/fotos_ROC/Lady%20Macbeth.jpg

•Slide 5:- http://www.safka-bareis.com/Borkh,%20Inge%20Lady%20Macbeth.jpg

~Picture Sources~


•Slide 6: http://web.sau.edu/theatre/Main_Stage/Macbeth/mac3witches.jpg


•Slide 8: http://www.djmcadam.com/images/Fuseli_Witches.jpg

•Slide 9: http://www.ktb.net/~bewier/Scotland.jpg

•Slide 10:http://ausxip.com/rocfile/sbts.html

•Slide 11:http://www.hbgshakespeare.pa.net/Shows/macbeth-00.htm

•Slide 12:http://www.daemoncode.com/pics/blood.jpg

~Picture Sources~


•Slide 13:http://theatredance.ucdavis.edu/productions/macbeth.jpg

•Slide 14: http://www.stlshakespeare.org/About_SLS/Production_History/2001/Macbeth/macbeth.html

•Slide 15:http://www.visualparadox.com/images/no-linking-allowed/thunder.jpg

•Slide 16:http://www.odinblades.com/Pages/MacBeth.html


~Picture Sources~


•Slide 18: http://users.bigpond.net.au/greyhawkcampaign/Skull%20&%20Hands.jpg

•Slide 19: http://www.sitodelgiorno.com/rubriche/byron/arretrati/byron%20cinema/macbeth/macbeth.htm

•Slide 20: http://www.stlshakespeare.org/About_SLS/Production_History/2001/Macbeth/macbeth.html

•Slide 21:http://www.newshounds.ca/niemacbeth.htm

~Picture Sources~


•Slide 22: http://www.lasercompany.com.br/selolcr/Macbeth%201.jpg

•Slide 23: http://www.empirenet.com/~wildcard/quast/macbeth.htm

•Slide 24: http://courses.nus.edu.sg/course/ellpatke/publications_pg.htm

•Slide 25: http://drake.marin.k12.ca.us/stuwork/compapps/esp/esp3.html

•Slide 26: http://www.fayette.k12.in.us/~wgentry/Macbeth/LADYMACBETH1.JPG

~Picture Sources~


•Slide 27: http://www.shakespearefest.org/images/macbeth.gif

•Slide 28: http://www.shakespearetavern.com/BTC/bloodyladym.html

•Slide 29: http://www.geocities.com/steve_milton_uk/Macbeth.gif

•Slide 30: http://www.houseofhorrors.com/edpics2.htm

•Slide 31: http://www.terrortrap.com/macbeth.jpg

•Slide 32: http://www.mandalas.freeserve.co.uk/images/Rainbow.jpeg

•Slide 33: http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/loth/r/o/roel/knot.jpg.html
