M4 ws finalconference



MOOCs for web skills final conference.

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Are MOOCs providing the European workforce with the necessary web skills?LAIA CANALS


MOOCs for web talent project

Aim• Fostering Web Talent in Europe by encouraging

the use of MOOCs focused on web skills


• Making a precise mapping about the available MOOCs in Europe in the area of web development

• Suggesting measures which would strengthen the MOOCs environment for web entrepreneurs and facilitate its growth

What do we mean by web skills?

• Web authoring tools such as raw HTML, XML, and CSS, web programming or scripting, and website design. Core web skills

• Graphic design, animation, and software engineering. Extended web skills

• e-learning, games and gamification, online-entertainment, and digital art. Adjacent web skills

Project activities: desk researchObjective: to determine the current offering of MOOCs in the area of web skills



Project actitivies: surveyAim: to determine the actual benefits MOOCs offer and their potential to increase web talent in the EU

Respondents: 23-42 years old, male, hold a graduate or post-graduate degree

Close to 3,000 responses coming from

5 continents and 121 different countries

Most had taken a MOOC: 61% of the students, 67% of the

developers, and 61% of the entrepreneurs

Profiles: students, academicians, teaches, developers, corporate



Entrepreneurs and recruiters perspective

Value given to skills acquired through MOOCs

Did MOOCs help develop the skills they needed?

What students want…… that MOOCs don’t deliver just yet

o Mapping of supply & demand

o Quality standards

o Massive pedagogies

o Acreditation valued in the job market

MOOC providers perspective

Business model

Barriers for MOOC provision

Conclusions drawn from the survey

o Entrepreneurs & learners want hands-on, practice based offerings which develop specific skills, suitable for on-the-job professional development.

o The current supply does not always fit this model.

o Abundance of provision, yet learners are struggling to find the MOOCs they need.

Emerging themeso Growing eco-system of campus, blended, hybrid and open online courses, which would leverage the overlaps and synergies between different modes of delivery

o Rise in awareness to issues of learning design, evaluation, assessment and quality control, which are much more salient in on-line courses

o Importance of accreditation and verification schemes, specifically practice-based schemes (e.g. Portfolios) which would allow learners to demonstrate the skills they acquired to potential employers


Project activities: webinar

MOOC accreditation and recognition

July 1st, 2014

150 people registered


Project activities: MOOC workshop at EC-TEL13Can MOOCs sabe Europe’s unemployed youth? September 17, 2014

o 13 submissions and 7 papers accepted

o 25 people participated in the workshop

o Topics discussed:

o MOOC quality

o Registration and retention

o Certification and employability

o Benefits and costs of providing a MOOC for web skills

o MOOC platform panel FUN, Open Classrooms, Open Course World, and openHPI

o Response to the presentations by Davinia Hernández-Leo & Carlos Delgado-Kloos

The MOOCs for Webtalent Network

