LTHE about PBL


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  • 1. PGCAPLTHE module@pgcap1

2. Explain the basics of PBL Discuss how PBL could be used in own practice 3 3. Discuss common characteristics and differences in pairs 4 4. passive > active > accelerated 5 5. broad umbrella term Individual students/groups of students seeking resolutions toquestions/issues, following own line of enquiry contextualised questioning (building on existing knowledge) leading to knowledge formation develop problem solving skills, inquiring attitudes and lifelonglearning habits tutor facilitates learning PBL main differences Problem first Structure and process Small groups6 6. Grown since 1960s pioneered at McMasterUniversity medical students (Howard Barrows)Strong evidence that it works well!!!Whole university approach: Maastricht University 7. Can be used:SmallFace-to-faceTraditionallecturegroupBlendedlearning Fully onlineSubjectProblembased basedCo- Competitive operativelearningearning 8 8. Developing skills and subject specificreasoning skills Learning takes place in context forstudents Self-directed learning is promotedSavin-Baden (1996)source: Busfield, J & Peijs, T (2003) Learning Materialsin a Problem Based Course 9 9. ill-structured threshold contentscenarios/triggers concepts Problems embedded in scenarios Students discover problems Learner ownership In small groups (PBL tutorials) Search for solutions PBL tutor 10 10. Authentic, genuinelyproblematic Trigger learning Media 11 11. stage 1: explore the problem stage 2: discover known and unknown, plan stage 3 : research and sharestage 4: applystage 5: presentbased on Mills, D (2006) Problem-based learning: An overview, available at [accessed 5March 2010] 12 12. McLoughlin & Darvill (2006)Part 1: trigger introductionSearch the problemAsk each otherList what you knowFind out what the group doesnt knowOutcomes and goals to be setPart 2: trigger reviewReview group learningPart 3: presentationDisseminate 4NCK23P-1- 5&_cdi=6974&_user=899537&_pii=S0260691706000621&_origin=searc h&_coverDate=05%2F31%2F2007&_sk=999729995&view=c&wchp=dGL bVzb- zSkzV&md5=e5d5743a7dd6f2102fc36a75e6cdbb3f&ie=/sdarticle.pdf13 13. stage 1: Focusstage 2: Investigatestage 3 : Share 14 14. 15 15. I facilitate team meetings/tutorials,I record what is stimulate debate said/agreed during make sure that everybody is meetings, participating and that record any issuesthe PBL process is used. summarise and I also co-ordinate learning andsynthesisetasks (who does what and by when)I facilitate the PBLprocess and reflection, ask open questions. I need toremember to stepI keep track of timeback and not during lecture!I share/read themeetings/tutorials,problem remind team scenario, members howdraw attentionmuch time is left to key elementsof the scenario 16 16. Resource intensive Stressful for staff and students Time intensive (Des Marchais, 1993) Covering less curriculum content 80%(Albanese and Mitchell, 1993) Scenarios too ill-structured: studentsdisorientated (McLoughlin & Oliver, online)17 17. In your group explore thephotograph/scenario provided.Apply the PBL approach to identifythe problem(s), define intendedlearning outcomes and come upwith solutions.stage 1: Focus stage 2: Investigate stage 3 : Share Assessment criteria Issues identified Solutions 18 18. Think about the following:Could PBL features be used within your sessions?Could PBL be used for large-group teaching?Could you use it as a curriculum design approach and/or forassessment? 19 19. Students and facilitators to familiarise with PBL before using it!20 20. UK Centre for Legal Education collection 21 21. Albanese M A & Mitchell S (1993) Problem-based learning: a review of literature on its outcomes and implementationissues. Acad Med, pp. 68: 52-81.Barrows, H S (2000) Problem-based learning applied to medical education, Southern Illinois School of Medicine: IllinoisDes Marchais, J E (1993) A student-centred, problem-based curriculum: 5 years experience. Can Med Assoc J, pp.1567-1572.McLoughlin, M & Darvill, A (2007) Peeling back the layers of learning: A classroom model for problem-based learning,in: Nurse Education Today , 27, pp. 271-277.McLoughlin, C & Oliver, R (online) Problem-based learning (PBL):Developing learning capability through the WWW,available at [accessed 11 February 2011]Mills, D (2006) Problem-based learning: An overview, available at [accessed 5 March 2010]Savin-Baden, M, (1996) Problem-based learning: a catalyst for enabling and disablling disjunction prompting transitionsin learner stances? Ph D thesis University of London. Institute of EducationWoods, D R (1994) How to Gain the Most from PBL, Hamilton: McMaster University22 22. The LTHE Module TeamUniversity of Salford, Academic Development UnitTwitter @pgcap 23
