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the age of ‘harmonizing technology’The challenge of a new generation.

the age of ‘harmonizing technology’The challenge of a new generation.

Barely one hundred years ago, flight was still just a dream.

yet, more aircraft are in our skies now, than there were cars

on the road Back then.

in supermarkets, we can Buy produce from all four corners of the gloBe and we live longer, healthier lives

than any generation Before us. technological progress

has Brought us a long way.

however, technology will have to achieve far more.

climate change, population growth and environmental conservation present an enormous challenge.

we’re now entering the age of ‘Harmonizing TecHnology’

in which technology takes into account the environment and social dynamics.

harmonizing technology will connect every aspect of our lives and comBine

progress with a sense of responsiBility.

we will make our earth cleaner, more social and Better Balanced.

faster will have to Be cleaner, and more economical must Be fairer.

the fusion of technology, amBition and ideals is opening up

a whole new arena in which society will Be reshaped.


Technology is playing an increasingly prominent role in our

society. Technology forms the basis for our most important

developments, and the global challenges that face us are

crying out for technology-based solutions, yet very few young

people are opting to study or work in the field of technology.

‘Science’ and ‘Technology’ have an image problem.

It is time to shed the old stereotypes about science and

technology and to highlight the new role of technology.

Technology is no longer the realm of nerds and tinkerers,

and ‘technical’ is no longer the opposite of creative or social.

Technology is interwoven into every aspect of our lives.

This publication clearly illustrates that technological

developments are entering a new phase in which a new

generation will be creating harmony between ourselves

and the world around us. Whether it involves issues such

as nutrition, water, health, design, entrepreneurship,

communications, spatial planning or pure sciences, the

vision of harmonizing technology is the thread that runs

through the worlds of science and technology. A thought


that appeals to me is that harmony is also the

challenge in understanding nature, in science and

in music.

The age of harmonizing technology is opening

up amazing prospects for young people today, as

illustrated by the inspirational portraits of students.

Hands-on scientists, idealists, creative types and

career-oriented young people, they all opted for a

career in science or technology to fulfil their own

personal ambitions.

The vision of harmonizing technology is also

opening up opportunities for educators and

counsellors to tell the broader story of ‘science’ and

‘technology’ and to interpret this for students of

various levels. Education can provide the inspiration

that young people are so desperately searching for

when looking to their futures.

Robbert Dijkgraaf

NUtrItIoN&vitalityscIeNce&explorationwhat caN I BecoMe?

lIfestyle&designMaN&medicinewhat caN I do?

MoBIlIty&spaceMarket&moneywhat caN I learN?

water, eNergy&environmentwhat dIffereNce caN I Make?












we lIve IN aN age oN UNtold lUxUrIes. Never

Before has the sUpply of prodUce BeeN so varIed,

of sUch hIgh qUalIty aNd so affordaBle. at fIrst

glaNce, we seeM to have Matters well orgaNIzed.

however, the world of food Is IN a state of

treMeNdoUs flUx. here, oBesIty threateNs oUr

NatIoNal well-BeINg, whIle oN the other sIde

of the world, people are starvINg to death.

food prodUctIoN aNd dIstrIBUtIoN have dIrect

coNseqUeNces oN oUr clIMate aNd eNvIroNMeNt.

what we eat has a fUNdaMeNtal IMpact oN oUr

well-BeINg aNd that of the world aroUNd Us.

‘We’re trying to inspire consumers to make

responsible choices,’ explains Onno Franse. As head

of Ahold’s Healthy Living & Climate programme,

NUtrItIoN &vitalityFood connects human beings to one another and to the earth


Economic goals and corporate responsibility can no

longer be opposite poles. Anyone not operating in a

sustainable fashion is undermining the long-term

sustainability of the company.

Despite everything, Onno is not pessimistic about

the future. He says we can shape the world for the

most part, ‘Look around at everything mankind has

achieved. I believe we’re capable of developing the

technologies needed to make food production more

efficient and fairer, and in so doing, make it easier to

make responsible choices.’

The world is seriously out of balance. In my field, I help people in poorer countries live longer, happier lives.

Suzette Boontje

Everyone working here is open-minded. If you’re not open to new ideas, then

you’ll never arrive at new insights. Ankie Kreuwels


he is looking to make food a higher priority in our lives.

‘Food is what links people to each other and connects us

to our planet. Nutrition has to become more appealing.’

All too often, we opt for convenience and price, as well as

taste, when passing down the supermarket aisles. Health

often comes in fourth and social considerations such

as organic production and Fair Trade come in last. ‘It’s

everyone’s responsibility to care for themselves and their

surroundings. Technology-based solutions can make it

more attractive to make more responsible decisions.’

There is a discernable health trend underway. Increasing

numbers of products are being enriched with substances

that help us live more healthily. Margarine contains

cholesterol-reducing Omega 3 and yoghurts have added

bacteria. The emergence of functional nutrition is

breaking the divide between nutrition and medication.

‘Some products will undoubtedly have a positive effect on

some people, but anyone who eats healthily doesn’t need

a cholesterol reducer.’

This is why Onno Franse thinks it has to be made easier to

make more sensible choices. Consumers need to be better

informed and more emotionally involved in the origin and

production of foodstuffs. Sensible choices could also be

made cheaper, as has been done for green energy initiatives.

‘This would be possible by adopting specific technologies,

as well as by changing current subsidy programmes.

Shouldn’t we be subsidizing healthily and sustainably

produced foods, so that it’s cheaper?’

As an employee working at the largest retailer in

the Netherlands, Onno and his colleagues have the

opportunity to change things for the better. The market

works in such a way that consumer demand here dictates

what is grown on the other side of the world. ‘How can

we ensure that people opt for quality? It’s up to the food

industry to find innovative solutions.’

We can play a role in helping things improve in the rest of

the world. The division between rich and poor is as large

as ever. The challenge is to make the entire production

process more efficient as well as fairer. We need to make

sure that the rest of the world does not suffer as a result of

the western world’s eating patterns.

Onno prefers a holistic approach. New technologies will

help make production and distribution more efficient,

but a paradigm shift is also required within companies,

government and among consumers. Everybody in the

supply chain has his or her own responsibilities. Problems

such as food shortages, depletion of the earth’s natural

resources and climate change can no longer be ignored.


research Is cUrIosIty. lookINg for the UNkNowN,

fINdINg what yoU’ve BeeN lookINg for, or stUMBlINg

UpoN soMethINg yoU dId Not kNow yoU were lookINg

for. goINg oN aN expedItIoN throUgh the jUNgles of

BorNeo IN search of a New specIes of paNther. seNdINg

a sUBMersIBle 10,000 Meters Below sea level to the

BottoM of the MarIaNa treNch to look for a gIaNt sqUId.

gazINg at the heaveNs throUgh a telescope to dIscover

how the earth was created... we are coNtINUoUsly

dIscoverINg lIfe IN places we oNce thoUght INhospItaBle.

sUch dIscoverIes force Us to adjUst oUr perspectIve oN

oUr owN exIsteNce. the More we dIscover, the More we

realIze jUst how MUch there Is stIll to Be dIscovered.

Bob Ursem is a discoverer. He invented a fine particulate

magnet. He devised how to dissipate thick mist at airports

scIeNce &explorationNature’s efficiency as a source of inspiration


you have an eye for unusual things, then you can go

far. If you can look beyond the confines of your own

field of study and think differently, then you’ll have

the opportunity to discover new things.’ This is a

prerequisite for a sustainable future society. There

are so many amazing things still left to be discovered,

he adds, ‘It’s fantastic trying to understand things

better and doing something extraordinary with this

knowledge. The fun of discovery is when something

becomes clear to you, and you realize that this is

something new.’

Just think about how we build aeroplanes. Nature is a

magnificent source of inspiration.’

Bob has countless inventions credited to his name

thanks to these natural sources of inspiration. He

discovered a biological UV filter while away on a

skiing holiday studying small pine trees. They grow

at high altitudes in the snow and protect themselves

from sunburn by converting UV light into more

useful light form. Bob reproduced the substance in

the pine needles that filtered the UV light to produce

a biological sun cream.

Nature has a lot more to offer us, says the inventor,

‘There is a whole new world of substances, plants

and mechanisms that we don’t yet know or use. We

can learn so much from nature.’ For example, the yew

tree produces a cancer drug called taxol in its needles.

Plucking the needles to harvest the taxol kills the tree,

so researchers developed a way to milk the needles

sustainably using electricity and without killing the

tree. This method was inspired by the tree’s reaction

to an electrical charge in the air.

If you want to make a difference in the world around

you, then you need more than just facts and figures,

says Bob, ‘If you learn to observe things carefully and


by studying gorse. He discovered a biological UV filter

and created a flower clock. Bob is a biologist and chemist.

He used to sail around the Arctic Ocean following whales

and lived in a hut in the tropical rainforest for research

purposes. As an amateur astronomer at NASA Star

Watch in Utrecht, he contributed to our knowledge of

the moon and the stars. He is now the director of the

Botanical Gardens in Delft, where he grows plants that

have technological applications.

Making discoveries is a question of curiosity. We want to

know how the world, nature and society work. Mankind

has always instinctively sought an explanation for the

things around him. The trick is to apply the knowledge

that we gather from this research. We use our knowledge

of biology, genetics, medicine and chemistry to produce

drugs from plants and animals. We are turning nature

to our will.

At the same time, nature is an immense source of

inspiration. By studying the solutions that nature has

developed for itself, we can form ideas about tackling

problems in our society. Bob Ursem is an expert when it

comes to discovering these solutions. ‘In a world full of

technology, there is so much we can learn from nature. It

is out-an-out artis natura magistra [nature is the teacher

of art]. We’ve copied so many technologies from nature.

I see beauty in the smallest things. Microorganisms can bring about major changes with the most subtle of changes.Eric v/d Berg

I want to help clean up the world. as a chemist working at shell, I can change the world from the inside.Marije Nijkamp


development. I get really annoyed by the nine-to-five

and C-student mentality in the Netherlands. People

should live more consciously and critically. Criticizing

and complaining is easy, finding the solutions is what

it’s all about.’

‘Technically, it’s more than possible to live and

manufacture things more sustainably,’ says energy

consultant Chris Kleinschmidt, ‘but economic

interests too often take a priority. I really hope that

more people would start to take responsibility for

our world. There’s so much you can do.’ Chris studied

Natural Sciences & Innovation Management and

currently works at KEMA advising companies and

organizations about biomass and wind power. ‘I do

research, write reports and give advice. I’d like to be

able to help mankind and the environment in a more

direct way. Establishing a sustainable village in Africa

really appeals to me. To do that though, I have to gain

more knowledge and management experience.’

‘Some people are born to do certain things… you can

just tell. I wonder what I am destined to do, what I am

really good at,’ contemplates Marc Overgaauw. This

Industrial Engineering & Management Science

student does not know the answer to this question yet.

‘But consciously or unconsciously, I’m always on the

lookout for an amazing idea. An invention or concept

with which to start my own company. I like to do

things my way. Environmental problems are gnawing

away at me. We can’t just keep depleting the earth’s

resources as we’ve been doing. If we built a solar farm

in the middle of the Sahara dessert measuring 300 by

300 kilometres, it would produce enough power to do

away with all the power stations throughout the whole

of Europe. My thoughts are, “So what are we waiting

for?” The world can be changed by applying our

knowledge and enthusiasm, and we are the ones that

can do it. So, let’s get going!”


‘People with guts,’ are those that Joost van Boven

admires most. ‘Don’t follow the herd, make your own

decisions.’ Chris Kleinschmidt admires people who

are both good in their field and can also inspire others.

‘This combination is unusual.’ Marc Overgaauw adds,

‘Richard Branson and Henk Keilman are people I have

great respect for. People who follow their hearts and

are successful.’

What do you want to become? ACEO, astronaut,

prime minister, Nobel Prize winner, TV presenter,

aid worker? Using technology, anything is possible.

Look to Bill Gates, Wubbo Ockels, Gerard Kleisterlee,

Margaret Thatcher, Jan Terlouw, Gerard’t Hooft or

Toine van Peperstraten. Technology is thinking

logically, analyzing and searching for solutions.

You can utilize it building solar farms in Africa or

aiming to become a senior manager in a multi-national.

Joost, Chris and Marc are charting their own courses.

‘I strive to keep developing myself further. I want to do

new things and act outside of the box,’ says Joost van

Boven. ‘Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean going bungee

jumping from skyscrapers… the quick thrill. I aim to

establish something real, create something new and

watch it become a success. To achieve this, you have to

rise above the crowd, take risks and dare to follow your

heart,’ says the Industrial Engineering & Management

Science student, ‘and to have the guts to go against the

grain.’ Joost thinks it is a waste of time watching soaps

on television, ‘If I watch TV, then it’s a documentary.

Otherwise, I’d rather read a book on personal

what caN I BecoMe? Charting your own course


everythINg has to Be faster, sleeker, Better.

thIs Is possIBle wIth nanotechnology –

techNology at aN atoMIc scale. we have the

aBIlIty to MaNIpUlate MolecUles INdIvIdUally

aNd Make MaterIals wIth UNprecedeNted

propertIes. MaN-Made textIles ofteN have

Better propertIes thaN tradItIoNal cottoN or

wool. a New geNeratIoN of clothINg wIth hI-

tech propertIes Is fIllINg the shelves. textIles

are BeINg INterwoveN wIth electroNIcs.

cheMIstry aNd electroNIcs fUsINg. Dress to

impress has a whole New MeaNINg.

Sylvia Vonk has a dream job. She works at Nike

developing the latest clothing for top athletes.

‘We make sure that every technical option is used

lIfestyle &designEnhanced performance using innovative materials


seam placement and grip sucker printing technique

were all unheard of.

Sylvia does not think we will be returning to pure

cotton ever again. The future is recycling and

renewability. ‘Most top-level sports clothing is

only ever used for one game. So it’s important to

think about the environment when developing and

manufacturing our clothing. We make sure that

there is no unnecessary waste when cutting the

material. Where possible, we produce textiles and

clothes at the locations where they are needed in

order to reduce unnecessary transportation. And

we use clean materials. The 2008 Olympic Games

were called the Green Games because so much of

the sports clothing was recyclable or made from

recycled materials. Some shirts were even made

of bamboo fibre.’

the world can be changed by applying our knowledge and enthusiasm.

consciously or unconsciously, I’m always on the lookout for an amazing idea that I

can use to start my own business.Marc B.J. Overgaauw

the most important thing to learn is how to think clearly and logically.

that’s of practical use in life. you can use this to create

new opportunities.Femke de Poorter


to provide top athletes with the very best clothing,

so that they can compete at the highest level!’

‘It’s just great working on these products designed

for top athletes. Championships and Olympic medals

are won and world records are broken in our clothing.

I know for sure that it wouldn’t be possible without

these new materials and technologies… and that makes

me feel proud to be a part of.’

Nanotechnology has opened up a whole range of

new materials for the textile industry. The boundary

between chemistry, materials and electronics is

fast disappearing. Plastics can be made to conduct

electricity, textiles are made of plastics, and so

miniature electronics can be interwoven into the

fabrics. Designer dresses that emit light and quilt

covers that act as bedside lamps are just a few

examples, as well as self-cleaning ties, self-ironing

shirts and odour-free sports clothes. Virtually

anything is possible with nanotechnology.

When Sylvia started work at Nike thirteen years

ago, there were hardly any textiles with such

extraordinary properties. Clothing was simply

cotton, polyester or nylon. Waterproof and

breathable or moisture-wicking materials, extreme

lightweight stretch materials or ultra-strong fibres

were practically non-existent. This all changed very

rapidly, Sylvia explains, ‘New technologies provide

dozens of different materials to fulfil every athlete’s


One good example is the rugby shirt that Sylvia helped

develop for some of the best English and French

rugby teams. Traditionally, rugby shirts were made

of cotton and were always fairly baggy. They were not

particularly suited to top-level competition where the

opposition could easily grab you causing tears with

just a sharp tug. Cotton shirts were not particularly

suited for ball control either.

Nike researchers listened carefully to the athletes’

wants and then Sylvia’s team decided that a strong,

tight-fitting shirt was the answer. This was a novelty.

Together with a factory in England, Nike developed

an ultra-strong fabric that would not tear. Seams

should not cause irritation, so these were moved to

the rear. Finally, tiny studs were incorporated into

the material on the front of the shirt to prevent the

ball from slipping. These studs mimic the world

of nature. The source of inspiration was the gecko,

a lizard that thanks to minute suckers on its feet can

climb up vertical walls. Ten years ago, the fabric,


we are lIvINg INcreasINgly loNger lIves. aNyoNe

alIve today wIll hopefUlly lIve a loNg, happy, healthy

lIfe. MedIcal scIeNce Is faced wIth the challeNge

of MakINg thIs possIBle. geNe therapy aIMs to Make

dIseases sUch as caNcer aNd aIds NoN-terMINal.

roBots assIst IN the operatINg theatre allowINg

sUrgeoNs IN New york to operate oN a patIeNt IN

aMsterdaM. wheN Body parts stop fUNctIoNINg,

artIfIcIal replaceMeNts wIll Be avaIlaBle to take

over. techNology exceeds expectatIoNs.

If the espresso machine is grinding away in the kitchen,

then it is hard to conduct a conversation. Nonetheless,

Romy de Jonge can hear and understand virtually

everything around her, despite being deaf, thanks to two

chips implanted in her head.

MaN &medicineSymbiosis of man and technology


This also caused the loss of the last of Romy’s

residual hearing. There were other risks associated

with the operation too. Facial nerves could also

have been damaged in the process, meaning that

she would not have been able to laugh or make any

sort of facial expression. ‘For a long while, I had no

sense of taste. But worse of all, I was worried about

becoming blind. Then I would have lost everything,’

says Romy.

The operation went perfectly and after only a few

months, she was able to hear again. Two years

later, she even got a second implant. ‘I was already

really happy with one, but now I couldn’t bear to

be without them both!’ Now her ears can function

better together, so that she can differentiate sounds

more clearly, such as male and female voices. She is

one of just a few patients with two CIs. This is why

scientists are following her progress so closely.

Romy has successfully finished her education and

now works fulltime as an accountant. ‘This would

never have been possible without CIs,’ she thinks.

‘The programme was very challenging without

CIs, and in this job, it’s so useful to be able to ask

a colleague to explain something.’

In hectic surroundings, such as at office drinks parties,

she still has difficulties hearing clearly. Even larger

spaces, such as cinemas and churches, present

problems. Telephone conversations can also be tricky,

‘A fixed-line call is fine, because I can turn on the

speakerphone. But mobile phonecalls interfere with

my implant, so I can’t use them to make calls.’ The

implants in her head have to be replaced in twenty

years time. ‘Hopefully, by that time, things will have

advanced so far that these problems will have been

resolved. These are the two sole remaining obstacles,’

says Romy.

She realizes that she is totally dependent on this

technology, but is not too concerned about this. ‘The chips

work really well, it’s just so much better than before.

An advantage is that I can also turn them off.’ Although

she is not particularly technical, Romy thinks that it

is simply amazing that there are people that can make

these sorts of devices. ‘I think it’s a miracle. It must be so

great to be able to come up with a solution that relieves

somebody of a handicap that dominates their lives.



Romy had been wearing hearing aids since childhood,

but her hearing was becoming gradually worse.

‘At a certain point, I could only hear dull sounds like

footsteps and then only barely perceptibly,’ she explains.

‘I couldn’t understand speech. When I was eighteen

a doctor told me I’d be totally deaf by the time I was


The cochleae in both ears were not functioning

properly and this was why a regular hearing aid was

no longer working. The cochlea is a channel within

the ear that picks up sounds by means of tiny hairs or

cilia. These hairs pass on a signal to the brain via the

nervous system. Doctors at the Amsterdam Medical

Centre told Romy about an electrode that could be

implanted into her head that would allow her to hear


A cochlear implant (CI) bypasses the cochlea, and

transmits sounds directly to the auditory nerve,

which in turn passes the signal to the brain. ‘They’re

basically electrical impulses, but I hear them as

sounds,’ explains Romy.

The implant was inserted into her head during an

operation through a hole in her skull. A hole was

made in her cochlea to accommodate the implant.

our hardware and software improve people’s health. It adds an extra dimension.Richard Vogelaar

technology is all about design, creativity and production. creativity gives me a real kick.Rabih Alzaher


Lebanon. ‘I have artificial lenses in both eyes.

Manufacturing or conceiving something so amazing

and useful appeals to me greatly. Lebanon appeals

to me as well, because my roots are there, but also

because I can make a really big difference there.’

‘We’ve successfully modified a yeast that we can use to

produce lactose-free milk without any strange tastes.

The organism produces exactly the enzyme that we

need. So now it’s possible for people with a lactose

intolerance to enjoy milk too.’ Eric van den Berg,

Senior Technician at DSM, tells this success story

with justifiable pride. ‘It’s such a great feeling when a

microorganism that you’ve been working on actually

gets used in the factory. After all, that’s why you doing

it in the first place.’

Eric studied Biochemistry and now cultivates

moulds, yeasts and bacteria with genetically modified

properties. Microorganisms can often be made to

produce or convert certain substances in a cleaner,

more energy-efficient or effective way by making very

subtle changes. ‘There are already microorganisms

that can convert straw into fuel… a neat solution to

the energy problem. By the time I’m sixty-five, I hope

to have booked a few major successes and to have

contributed to technological progress.’


‘Respect for one another,’ is a motto that appeals

to Rabih Al Zahar. ‘Ideals are great, but dangerous

when you don’t allow another his or her freedom.

Accept people for who they are.’ Eric van den Berg’s

motto is, ‘Don’t forget to have fun! Whenever

possible, I grab my suitcase and fly off into the wilds

of Norway or the Grand Canyon.’

Buildings, devices, products and equipment.

Technology has brought about a whole range of

useful, beautiful, clever and impressive creations.

Some are visible and tangible, such as the Erasmus

Bridge in Rotterdam, or a solar-powered racing car.

Other things stay hidden behind the scenes, such as

artificial limbs or operating devices. Rabih and Eric

both want to create new things. ‘Sometimes I wake

up in the middle of the night with an idea in my head.

In a flash, I know how to tackle a problem,’ explains

Rabih Al Zahar. ‘I always keep a pen and pad of paper

next to my bed to jot down my ideas.’ He helped build

the Delft solar-powered racing car that won the World

Solar Challenge across the Australian outback. He was

responsible for the mechanics and drove more than

six hundred kilometres in the scorching desert sun.

‘Amazing and enlightening. Cooperation – I now know

– is also about taking the rough with the smooth… and

putting collective goals first.

To me, technology is all about design, creativity and

production. Creativity gives me a real kick. I also draw,

write poetry and play violin,’ explains the Biomedical

Technology student. Rabih hopes to start a medical

instrumentation or prosthetics factory in his native

what caN I do? Pride in your work


aN INcreasINg proportIoN of the world’s

popUlatIoN Is lIvINg IN cItIes. oUr roads, water

aNd sewage systeMs, aNd power sUpplIes were

Not desIgNed to accoMModate thIs growth.

oNe of the largest challeNges for the fUtUre

Is the ModerNIzatIoN of thIs INfrastrUctUre.

New MaterIals aNd proper desIgN wIll provIde

Better hoUsINg aNd cleaNer power sUpplIes.

New traNsportatIoN systeMs wIll solve traffIc

coNgestIoN proBleMs. cItIes wIll oNce agaIN

BecoMe BeaUtIfUl, healthy places to lIve.

On the edge of the town, there is an old industrial site

with dilapidated factories, rusting equipment and

workers’ homes. The new town with its residential

neighbourhoods and beautiful old town centre is nearby,

MoBIlIty &spaceQuality of life in growing cities


Even old ideas can contribute to creating a liveable

urban environment with a little creativity and

marketing. Luke thinks that the beach cruiser bicycle

is a good example of this. An entire lifestyle has been

created around this bicycle ranging from clothing,

bags and travel. He even bought twenty of these

bicycles for his employees at Red Concepts to get

around town. ‘Next, you have to make sure that people

can actually take their bikes on the ferries and metro

system. You need to create a feeling of being trendier

than ever using branding and marketing. Making

things become fashionable. This way, you implant

clean transportation into the soul of the city.’

It’d be so cool to go back to curaçao one day and to use my knowledge to

help improve the quality of life there.

Rigobert Nivillac

you work as a team on concrete solutions to real

problems. we’re looking for technology-based solutions

that fit human behaviour.Jillis Mani


but nobody wants to live there, yet the town needs

to grow. People are coming from elsewhere to live

and work there. The urban area where the old

industrial zone is located is desperately needed to

meet the requirements of the local population and


Luke Bruins is the developer working on the town’s

fringes. His company, Red Concepts, is creating

innovative urban zones in these areas. ‘Peripheral

areas are blanc canvasses. They’re currently not top

locations, but it’s our goal to turn them into highly

prized locations.’ Luke believes that a town needs an

identity, ‘Every town has a church and a square. If

these were the same everywhere, then no one would

come to your town in particular. So you have to ask

yourself, “How proud are the residents to live there?”

and “Why would a company or tourist want to come to

your town?”’

‘Creativity is a new trend,’ says Luke. ‘That’s why we

create a creative identity that fits with the town’s DNA.

Small companies working in the creative sector – for

example, in media, fashion or culture – can occupy the

same building. This creates a synergy, an added value

and an identity for the town.’

In growing towns, more people have to live and

work in the same area. Renewable and energy-

efficient construction is no longer an option – it is a

necessity. The buildings that Luke Bruins develops

are by definition renewable. He reuses as much of the

dilapidated industrial estate’s buildings as possible.

‘You could just build a beautiful, cheap, new building,

but if you have to tear it down again in ten year’s time,

then you’ve accomplished nothing.’ He also ensures

that the buildings’ power is generated locally – for

example, using geothermal sources.

Creating a clean urban environment with a high

quality of life requires creative thinking, says Luke.

He does not only concentrate on individual buildings,

but on entire areas, including their infrastructure.

For example, he arranged a ferry connection when his

company relocated to the NDSM Dock in Amsterdam.

He believes that ferries are a means of transportation

for the future. More boats should be sailing the

canals and other inland waterways. ‘The technology

exists to create a comfortable and fast transit system

comparable to the metro system. But something like

this hasn’t been implemented yet. You create added

value by investing in continued development of these

new technologies. The knowledge gained can then be



the INterNet has chaNged the world. the INterNet

is the world. BoUNdarIes are BeINg BrokeN dowN.

socIal INteractIoNs are BecoMINg More INter-

NatIoNal. yoU caN coNtact soMeoNe IN New york

More easIly thaN yoU caN yoUr NeIghBoUr.

hIgh-street shops are slowly takINg a secoNd

place as we INcreasINgly coNdUct More of oUr

BUsINess oNlINe. socIety reflects the chaNgINg

world of Ict aNd coMMUNIcatIoNs. there Is a

whole UNdIscovered world jUst waItINg for

eNtrepreNeUrs to dIscover.

‘We are exceeding expectations,’ says Wiebe Draijer,

Managing Partner at the consultancy firm McKinsey

& Company. ‘All our economic pre-internet bubble

predictions have not only come true, they’ve been

Market &moneyNew technologies, new opportunities


People now rely more heavily on a hundred positive

online references than a single reference from a


This also offers huge opportunities for entrepreneurs.

Anyone can open up an online store and a good idea

can become global very quickly. Dutch entrepreneurs

latched on to this fact very early on. According to

Wiebe Draijer, our country is at the forefront of the

creative industry. ‘Many people were experimenting

with and developing online games during the early

days of the internet,’ he explains. ‘This meant that

the Netherlands is now a major player in this field.

But there’s still a lot more to be gained. There are still

countless amazing things to be developed within the

gaming industry that can also make you extremely


‘If I were to start a company now, I’d create a

combination of gaming technology targeted at the

medical sector,’ says Wiebe.

For example, gaming technology enables sensors to be

placed on your body so that you can control the game.

This technology is now being applied in the medical

sector to help people recover more quickly. ‘I think

it’s a great example of the experience and technology

gained in the gaming world being applied more

seriously. The benefit is that there are customers for

whom the investment is very worthwhile.’

‘Dare to be entrepreneurial!’ advises Wiebe. ‘There’s

little to lose and so much to gain. The barrier to entry

is low and using information technology, a company

can be set up quickly that can become relatively

successful in a short space of time.’ However, it is

serious business, he warns. ‘If you’ve discovered

the goose that lays the golden egg, then you have to

look after it properly. Google’s success wasn’t just

about having a brilliant idea; it was about the way the

idea was implemented. So learn fast how to conduct

business well.’

‘I’d love to see far more people go into business

for themselves and experience the pleasure that it

can bring. It’s the only true commodity we have to

differentiate ourselves as a small country in the



surpassed. We purchase more goods online that

it was ever thought possible. Social networks, like

MSN and Facebook have grown far larger than

anyone would have thought possible. ‘The social

side of technology fascinates me immensely. We’re

gradually experiencing that it’s just as easy to make

friends in New York as it is around the corner.’

It also instils greater social control – not only on

people, but on companies too. The internet is an

important factor in achieving greater transparency.

Safety and sustainability have become a lot more

important. ‘The pressure on companies to do right

has become a lot greater,’ says Wiebe. ‘Product

complaints are instantaneously communicated

around the globe.’

The changes that ICT has brought about also exert

enormous influence on innovative companies. Take

Dell for example. Dell stopped selling its computers

via retail outlets and opted for a 100% online retail

strategy. This turned the computer world on its

head. Wiebe notices how the way people shop is

changing. Every sector – where trust and personal

relationships are fundamental to the purchasing

process – has moved online, e.g. insurance and

housing. ‘No one predicted this happening.

you never stop learning here. and what’s more, I’m creating products that make everybody’s life more pleasant.Sophie Kuijt

I aim to establish something real, create something new and watch it grow to become a success.Joost van Boven


to solve the problem. There’ll be traffic jams for as long

as we don’t filter into traffic properly and don’t all want

to live in the countryside. That’s why real solutions

are created by teams of technologists, sociologists and

behavioural experts.’

‘I haven’t regretted opting for Chemistry for one

second,’ states DSM Education Coordinator Ankie

Kreuwels emphatically. She encourages children and

students to opt for technology. ‘Boring? Anoraks? I love

open-minded people who are receptive to new ideas,

and I meet people like that here every day. Did you know

that DSM created the materials for Marcelien de

Koning and Lobke Berkhout’s Olympic 470 sailing

boat? And did you know that the hunger-depressants

in Optimel were developed here too?’

‘Whatever is state-of-the-art in the IT world today,

will already have been superseded by next year.

Who – fifteen years ago – would ever have thought

that we would be banking online? In my world,

things change very rapidly,’ says Sophie Kuijt

from IT supplier IBM. ‘That’s what makes my work

so exciting and fun. You never stop learning here.

What’s more, I create products that are actually

used – it’s concrete and tangible. My home always

looks different too – I love change.’

‘What do people want to buy? What do they think

is an improvement? This is what’s on my mind.

I no longer use my technical knowledge every second

of the day,’ explains Philips Special Lightning

marketing specialist Femke de Poorter. Femke

answers customers’ questions about sunbed lamps.

‘It’s important to have an insight into markets and

emotions. But the ability that I gained from my

Analytical Chemistry studies to think logically

always comes in handy. What’s more, I’m able to

judge whether a more intense bulb or another tint

is technically feasible. But I could also sell anti-

acne lamps, or even realize my own dream, which is

opening a sports nutrition store. With a technical

background, you can choose to go in any direction

you want to.’


As a small child, Jillis Mani was fascinated by a

miniature railway in his grandfather’s attic. Ankie

Kreuwels was given a microscope by her father. ‘I went

straight to the ditch behind our house to study the

frogs.’ Femke de Poorter took every pen apart, ‘…just to

see how it worked.’ Sophie Kuijt holds robot building

workshops for girls. ‘It’s amazing fun! If only I had

experienced this myself when I was younger, then

I’d have known straight away that technology was

something for me.’

Human beings have always wanted to scrutinize and

understand things. Why does the sun rise? How does

a bird fly? Our thirst for knowledge and understanding

has shaped the world around us. Thanks to our

inquisitive minds, we have central heating, we fly

around the world and we live to an average age

of eighty years. Curiosity gives rise to knowledge

that can make the world healthier, safer and more

pleasurable. Jillis, Ankie, Femke and Sophie are

certainly curious.

‘At every birthday party, the traffic congestion

problem is solved,’ jokes Jillis Mani. ‘That’s what

makes Transport Studies so much fun. It deals with

real day-to-day problems.’ Jillis is doing his student

internship at TomTom where he is developing a new

navigation system. ‘First, you have to understand

exactly what is causing ever-growing traffic

congestion. Tolls, improved infrastructure and

intelligent navigation systems are all wonderful

technical solutions, but technology alone isn’t going

what caN I learN? Looking to understand the world


water Is lIfe. we coUld Not sUrvIve wIthoUt It.

we caN drINk aNd eat thaNks to the exIsteNce of

water. we BUIld wIth It aNd oN It. If we Use too

MUch groUNdwater IN the NetherlaNds, theN

the groUNd wIll sUBsIde BeNeath Us. developINg

coUNtrIes ofteN have too lIttle water. water

MaNageMeNt Is aN esseNtIal part of developMeNt

aId. however, water also plays a very IMportaNt

role IN the race to geNerate cleaN power.

daMs aNd geotherMal eNergy are soUrces for

reNewaBle power geNeratIoN. a cleaNer world

starts wIth water.

‘Water costs virtually nothing, but is incredibly

valuable. This fact is often overlooked. Water should

be cherished, not just for our own sake, but for future

water, eNergy &environmentWater – a valuable commodity


it is shipped by truck to the farthest corners of the

country. Empty bottles then have to be returned.

Energy required for these undertakings far outweighs

that used within the brewery.’

Together with these partners, Pjotr is investigating

how to save even more water and energy. It is not

simply a question of technology and money. ‘Everyone

realizes the importance of the environment, but we

all have to keep working at it. You have to understand

the way things work, be motivated, examine the entire

supply chain on a continual basis and be on everyone’s

case all the time. And find the energy to help improve

things. Cooperation across the entire supply chain

is the key for the future.’

I am looking for a way to harmonize nature and technology. Maybe I won’t be able to save the world, but at least I

can help make some progress. Annemarie van Groenesteijn

I’m currently gaining the knowledge and experience I’ll need to help

mankind and nature in a tangible way.Chris Kleinschmidt


generations too.’ Pjotr van Oeveren, Environment

Manager at Heineken, is concerned about water.

There is plenty of water on our planet, but most of it

is salt water or is unusable. Only three percent is fresh

water and most of this is locked in the polar icecaps

as ice and snow. Remaining groundwater is becoming

increasingly polluted.

Not only do we need water to drink and to wash,

agriculture and industry also use large quantities

of water. Drinking water is the basic ingredient for

making beer. Heineken has breweries around the

world and has been confronted with every conceivable

challenge relating to water. ‘Clean groundwater isn’t

available everywhere. For example, our springs in

Spain simply dried up,’ explains Pjotr, ‘so instead,

we had to use public water supplies.’

In Indonesia, he helped scout a new location for

a brewery. ‘At the location that we found, water is

available, but it’s far from the inhabited world.

That means that we have to ship the ingredients and

the beer there and back again. That requires fuel. So

we had to make a compromise between water and fuel

consumption.’ Heineken is looking for solutions to

this dilemma by investigating methods of converting

other sources, such as seawater, to drinking water.

‘Using a variety of technologies, we can virtually

purify any sort of water to make drinking water.’

Saving water is the best way to reduce unwanted

wastage; however, hygiene is of critical importance

in a brewery. A lot of water is needed to clean the

equipment. Larger hop boilers require relatively less

water for cleaning, thus making the cleaning process

more efficient. ‘Instead of using seven litres of water

for the production of one litre of beer, we currently use

only five,’ says Pjotr van Oeveren.

Numerous solutions have been conceived to save on

even more rinse water. ‘Take wastewater, for example.

We purify this using bacteria that produce biogas. This

is used to fuel the power plant. We can also generate

power using other by-products of the brewing process.

This means that we are less reliant on fossil fuels.’

Hence, water, power and the environment can be seen

to be inextricably intertwined. By-products can be

used to generate power and this power can be used to

clean salt water. However, Pjotr explains that to brew

even more sustainably in the future, the trick is to look

at activities performed outside the brewery, ‘We are

not an island. We deal with farmers who harvest, store

and ship the hops. Once the beer has been produced,


‘I quite consciously don’t actually drive a car, but at

Shell, I develop new catalytic converters that help

convert petroleum and natural gas into fuels more

cleanly and efficiently,’ explains Marije Nijkamp.

‘Currently, I’m working on an enhanced catalytic

converter for converting gas into diesel. Gases are

often just flared off, but thanks to this catalytic

converter, it will be profitable enough to create fuel

from these gases instead. As a chemist, I’m helping

to improve the world from the inside.’

‘You can develop the most amazingly advanced

irrigation system for Peru, but if you don’t take

century-old laws and customs into account, then

it simply won’t get used,’ explains Annemarie van

Groenestijn. ‘Every technical innovation has to be

in keeping with society,’ according to the student of

International Land & Water Management.

‘Maybe I won’t be able to save the world, but at least

I can help make some progress. That gives me a good


‘Buildings are actually works of art. Works of art in

which we live and work,’ contends Rigobert Nivillac.

His study programme combines Civil Engineering

and Architecture. Rigobert dreams of running his

own architectural firm, as does every architect, and

preferably on Curaçao, where his parents come from.

‘Many highly educated people leave to try their luck

in the Netherlands, but I want to make a difference

there. It’d be cool to drive around the island and to be

able to say, “I built that school”’.

‘You must know those wonderful 3D images in the

latest computer games. That’s the sort of images

we make too, but instead images of someone’s

heart or arteries. Using 3D imagery, cardiologists

can perform angioplasties or insert stents in

heart patients that help keep the arteries open.

Richard Vogelaars works at Philips Health Care as

a specialist in Medical Imaging. ‘Creating games

is fun too, but our hardware and software improve

people’s health. It adds an extra dimension.’


Where is the most beautiful place on earth? ‘Corcovado

National Park in Costa Rica,’ says Suzette Boontje

without a moment’s hesitation. ‘Unspoilt, virgin jungle

all the way to the beach.’ Marije Nijkamp says Iceland.

‘The feeling of total freedom on a bike ride through

the magnificent emptiness.’ ‘The water meadows near

Wageningen in the early morning light,’ says Annemarie

van Groenestijn. Rigobert Nivillac chooses his roots,

‘Curaçao.’ Richard Vogelaars finds it too difficult

to decide, ‘There are so many beautiful places.’

Making a difference in the world. Making it a little more

beautiful, safe, fair, pleasant or healthy. These are

deep-seated desires held by many people. In recent

centuries, it has become more pleasant, safe and healthy

for some people, but certainly not for all. Moreover,

this progress has often been to the detriment of our

natural surroundings and the environment. Suzette,

Marije, Annemarie, Rigobert and Richard are working

toward making the world a better place.

‘It’s actually quite disgraceful how the world has

become so unbalanced,’ states Suzette Boontje. One day,

she would like to focus hard, as a biologist, on providing

African and Asian populations with healthier nutrition.

‘But this requires experience.’ She is currently recruiting

pharmaceutical research volunteers for Pharmaceutical

Research Associates International. ‘Guinea pigs? I often

hear that. But these volunteers are far from guinea pigs.

Thanks to their efforts, millions of people have been

cured of illnesses. They are an indispensable link in the

chain to producing new drugs.’

what dIffereNce caN I Make? For a more beautiful world


This publication was commissioned by Platform Bèta Techniek and produced by Lemon scented tea.

TextBastienne Wentzel, www.bmedia.nlMarga van ZundertKamiel van Zutphen, Lemon scented tea

PhotographyMagnum Photos, www.magnumphotos.comArnoud Kor, www.arnoudkorphotography.comLemonade, www.lemonade.nlBas de Boer, Lemon scented tea

LayoutLemon scented tea,

Platform Bèta TechniekBeatrice BootsMartijn de GraaffRolf Schreuder

© Lemon scented teaNo part of this publication may be copied and/or reproduced without written permission from Lemon scented tea.

Thanks toRobbert Dijkgraaf – University of Amsterdam, KNAWGerard van Haarlem – Hogeschool van Amsterdam, University of Applied SciencesOnno Franse – Royal AholdBob Ursem – TU Delft Botanical GardensSylvia Vonk – NikeRomy de JongeLuke Bruins – Red ConceptsWiebe Draijer – McKinsey & CompanyPjotr van Oeveren – Heineken InternationalGijsbert Siertsema – Heineken InternationalSuzette BoontjeAnkie Kreuwels – DSM Nederland BVEric van den BergMarije Nijkamp – Shell Global Solutions International BVFemke de Poorter – Philips Lightning BVMarc B.J. OvergaauwRabih Al ZaharRichard Vogelaar – Philips HealthcareJillis Mani – TomTom Mobility SolutionsRigobert NivillacJoost van BovenSophie Kuijt – IBM Nederland BVChris Kleinschmidt – KEMA Corporate CenterAnnemarie van GroenestijnSigrid VrijburgMargit de Kok – Platform Bèta TechniekSophie Krabbenbos – Jet-NetWilleke Wenno – Echo-netLieset HesselinkSara Wensveen & Andrea Jansen, www.lekkerstijl.nlRutger Fuchs,
