Location shots


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Our music video begins here in the hallway with the band member walking out the door carrying a guitar.

This would be a pointof view shot from the camper van's perspective. The hallway is made up of two smaller sections which will work well in the video, instead of having just one flat wall.

However, these photos were taken at night so the lighting is not that good, during the day when filming will take place this hallway is very well lit because of the glass in the door.

The kitchen is the next room that the camper van enters. This is only the main part of the kitchen where things start to happen to the camper van, behind where this photo is taken from is a table which the vehicle will make a journey around in order to get to the kitchen.

These photos were actually taken in the order they will appear in the video.

The silver accessories and utensils in the kitchen will work well with the metal bars on the camper van and the way the light reflects off of it.

On the stairs the camper van will travel them in jumps, which would be more effective than climbing them one by one in stop-frame. I have placed arrows and numbers to show this below. The door at the top is also the camper van’s next destination, so it can see it as it approaches.

Because a lot of the décor in my house is neutral colours, the shiny red camper van should stand out dramatically against it.





The camper van will make the same journey back down the stairs after exploring upstairs.

When entering the bedroom, the camper van meets its reflection in a mirror placed under the dressing table on the right. This should create a clever illusion, because it is not clear that the mirror is there.

Using a mirror will mean the video includes the notion of looking.

As the camper van travels across the thick carpet, it will leave behind a trail where the wheels have made indents, which will make it appear realistic, as though it actually is moving on its own.

The mirror will be placed under here.

This is the bathroom where the camper van gets splashed by the over-filling sink. Because there is not much room for it to turn around in here, it will reverse out after getting splashed, also making it appear as though it cannot see where it is going because it has water in its eyes.

Again, the way the light makes reflections on the toilet, sink and metal objects matches how shiny the camper van is.

This is the hallway where the camper van travels from room to room.

It travels up the stairs to here.

Along the landing into the bedroom here.

Out of the bedroom back across the landing into the bathroom here.

Back down the landing to the top of the stairs here.

This photo of the garden was taken at night obviously the lighting is not great, and there will also be more leaves on the ground when we actually film, as these are what obstructs the camper van on its journey.

The position of the plant pots reflect the position of the candles in the hallway scene at the beginning. It gives something for the camper van to drive through.