Live! you didn't die!


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LIVE! YOU DIDN'T DIE!By: Sandra Mizell

The ravaged life of a child born from an unwanted pregnancy…A powerful account of a child facing rejection at different stages in her life. As you turn each page you will follow this child as she struggles with rejection that plagues her throughout her life. Finally, as an adult, she is forever changed after experiencing the unconditional love and acceptance of her heavenly Father. Each real-life story is followed by a teaching from the Word of God that helps the reader apply the convicting truth of Scripture and receive their own healing, deliverance, and restoration.

SANDRA MIZELLIs the author of Live! You Didn’t Die! and The Biggest and Best Trip Ever. She lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana with her husband, Garlin. They have four children, and are grandparents to ten wonderful grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

“Your style and transparency are compelling. It is a tremendous account of deliverance from rejection. To God be the glory! The book’s gripping testimony of graphic release from rejection through appropriating God’s deliverance through Scripture captured my heart.”

— Jim Clark

“ Fantastic! I think this is a very powerful tool. It is concise, logical, and very spiritual. Powerfully written, it is your testimony! I praise God for helping you write something that will help many, many people. Go for it!”

— Melanie Stockstill

“ With a passion that only God provides, my wife has written a work that will reach across all barriers and bring healing and restoration to many. Through one person’s pain and suffering, many can be healed. This is a must-read for every woman!”

— Garlin Mizell

Revelation 12:11
