Live hula online presentation


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LIVE HULABy: Sheila Alesna

• It is not exactly known when hula was created. Hula is known and danced all over the world today. One time in history, hula was outlawed.

• It is thought that hula was first born when Pele’s sister, Hi’iaka danced for her. Pele is the goddess of volcanoes. According to the legend, Pele lives in the Halema’uma’u crater Kilauea

• Mele’s are a type of song or chant made to give thanks and appease the Gods

• Captain James Cook said hula was performed as a welcome to the visitors of the Hawaiian Islands

• In the twentieth century hula was reborn after being outlawed. Hula was commercialized and seen in Hollywood movies

The Merrie Monarch Festival was established in 1964 by George Na’ope


Hula KahikoReligious based

Formal guidelines

Considered sacred

Hula ‘AuanaNon religious

Less formal

Western influenced

Hula is a way of life and way that people from all over the world share themselves.

The End
