Lesson 11 microaggressions continued


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Navigating Microaggressions (continued)


An Amazing Discussion on Discussing Race

Link to article: on.msnbc.com/1AWetMt


Jay Smooth’s Response

Link: http://goo.gl/PnKCnI


Microaggressions at Work

• What happens when a colleague doesn’t like being “called out?”  

• You will often have to make a choice about how to handle coworkers who are being insulting and/or discriminatory

• You have options in how you handle these situations:

• Use your conflict management and communication skills. That is one option. What else could you do if faced with an uncomfortable situation?

• Approach Program Managers, advisors, and internship specialists

• Report events to internship managers and internship HR

• Document instances of repeated microaggressions to use as conversation starters with HR

No one should ever have to work in an environment where you feel unsafe or embarrassed.
