Learn R Programming



Nowadays many companies are using the power of R in Business Analytics. So if you want to accelerate your career in the field of Business Analytics, then Learn R programming.

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If you are aspiring to become a Data

Scientist, then you must Learn R


R is one of the most demanded scripting language developed by and for statisticians.

Here are some key reasons why one

should Learn R?

R is a Free, Open Source


R is freely available. So anyone can download R

from the internet and start working on it. Even one

can even modify the code and add your own

innovations to it since its open source language.

R is Cross-Platform Compatible

It is possible to run R on several operating

systems and varied Software/Hardware. as it is

cross-platform compatible

Most Advanced Statistical

Programming Language

R is one of the most advanced statistical

programming language used world-wide today. R

programmers can work on large complex objects

Outstanding Graphical Outputs

The graphs generated with R are high in quality. R is

a fully programmable graphical language with

outstanding features.

R is Extremely Comprehensive

R can work on objects of infinite size and intricacy

with ease. R performs a wide variety of functions,

such as data manipulation, classical statistical tests,

statistical modelling and graphical techniques,

classification, clustering, and so on.

If you are eager to accelerate your career in the field

of Business Analytics, then start learning

R analytics programming and excel in

your career.
