Learn Noorani Qiada



Noorani Qaida is a small booklet for kids which helps a lot to make the Quran Translation more rhythmic. Noorani Qaida Learning makes corrections in the pronunciation of Quranic words. For non-Arabs, it will be beneficial to Learn Noorani Qaida to make the Quranic Pronunciation like Arab People.

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The Five Pillars of Islam

1. Shahada

2. Salat

3. Zakat

4. Sawm

5. Hajj

1. Shahada

The first pillar of Islam is very simple, have faith in the oneness of Allah Almighty.

“There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God”.

2. Salat

The second pillar of Islam is based on prayers. Muslims perform 5 prayers a day facing Mecca.

“Prayer is a pillar of the religion (Islam). Whoever establishes it, establishes religion; and whoever destroys it (e.g. neglects it), destroys religion.” 

3. Zakat

The third pillar of Islamic law, states us to donate a fixed portion of our income to the needy community.

“Allah has made zakah obligatory simply to purify your remaining wealth.” The Prophet of Islam (Peace Be Upon Him)

4. Sawm

Muslims fast during the daylight hours in the holy month of Ramadan. During these hours, you’re not required to drink or eat anything. 

“Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may attain piety.”

5. Hajj

This is the fifth and final pillar of Islam, which is important if you have the resources. Every Muslim should visit the holy city of Mecca if they have the resources and health to travel.

“Whoever performs Hajj and does not utter obscenities or commit sin, will come back just like the day when his mother bore him (i.e. pure of sins).”


Islam, one of the most peaceful communities in the world has been criticized many times. But by learning the basics of Islam, one must say that it is a peaceful community. The foundation of Islam is built around many factors, but these are the basics. If you understand these 5 Islamic pillars, then you are demonstrating that you have faith in Islam.
