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Group Members:Kim Asban

Miguel BuluranSofia GarciaDavid Layug

Priscilla Pacifico



-Glossy green leaves

-Red berries

-Slow growth rate

Aunasin/Ardisia pyramidalis

-Tropical/subtropical vine

-Thin leaves

-Stems are protected with thorns

- Flowers are largely hidden by brightly colorful bracts

Bougainvilla/ Bougainvillea sp.

Chili Pepper/Capsicum frutescens

-Stems are striate, glabrous or sparsely pubescent with simple hairs on young growth

-leaves are simple and ovate to lanceolate

-flowers are solitary

Fortune Plant/Dracaena fragrans

-sparsley branched

-clusters of flowers are very fragrant

-leaves have a central and marginal yellow stripe each

-glossy green leaves

-only true shrub in the genus

-trumpet-shaped golden yellow flowers

Yellowbell/ Allamanda schottii

Santan/Ixora coccinea

-multi-branched evergreen shrub

-has glossy, leathery, oblong leaves with entire margins and are either whorled or opposite

-Small tubular, scarlet flowers in dense rounded clusters

-native to asia

Gumamela/Albo Lacinatus

-Most widely grown and admired of all flowering shrubs

-Leaves are alternate, simple, ovate to lanceolate

-a weeping form plant with flowers that look like butterflies

-a kind of hibiscus

Mophead/Hydrangea macrophylla

-small fertile flowers in the middle of the flowerhead, and large, sterile bract-like flowers in a ring around the edge of each flowerhead

-leaves are relatively thick and crisp, somewhat shiny, and often heart-shaped. Their edges are coursely toothed.

-grows on dry desserts

-can survive any temperature above freezing

-has broad and flat leaves

-reproduces through stolons

Blushing Bromeliad/Neoregelia compacta

Mayana/Coleus Blumei

-originates from asia

-bear square stems

- leaves can be narrow or wide, round or ovate, and have crenate margins

-known for colorful foliage

Angel’s Trumpet/Brugmansia candida

-leaves are arranged alternately and are generally large which are coated with fine hair.

-has large, pendalous, trumpet-shaped flowers which come in a variety of colors

-water dwelling

-leaves have radial notch

-flowers are white with multiple small stamens inside

Water Lily/Nymphaea alba

Hidden Lily Ginger/ Curcuma petiolata

-fan like leaves, resembling that of a banana’s

-long lasting yellow flowers with pink coma bracts

-leaves are oblong in shape, growing opposite each other and on non-woody petioles

-flowers are produced on long, erect or drooping panicles, and consist of brightly colored waxy bracts, with small true flowers peeping out from the bracts

False Birds-of-paradise/Heliconia psittacorum

Papaya/ Carica papaya

-large tree-like plant

-spirally arranged leaves confined at the top of the trunk

-leaves are large, deeply palmately lobed with 7 lobes

-flowers resemble that of the plumeria

Ti Plant/Cordyline fruticosa

-thin, lance shaped leaves clustering at the top of the stem.

-leaves are dark green with stains of pink and crimson

-has scented, white to muave colored panicles

Caricature Plant/Graptophyllum pictum

-leaves are mid-green in color with creamy central blotches

-has tubular purplish red flowers

Kalachuchi/Plumeria acuminata

-leaves crowd at the terminal end of the branch and are oblong in shape

-flowers are fragrant and vary in color but has mostly an inner yellow color and white/ pink outer color

Cordyline/Cordyline terminalis

-palm-like evergreen shrubs

-resembles dracaenas in habit and foliage

-has small starry flowers that are borne in large panicles

Duranta/Duranta erecta

-With dense, slightly pendulous branches


-Flowers are mauve-blue in color with dark color on lower petals and a cream eye

Dumbcan/Dieffenbachia seguine

-Belonging to the Araceae family

-Known for their patterned leaves

-Popular houseplants

-contains calcium oxalate crystals- raphides

Tree Philodendron/Philodendron bipinnatifidum

-grows as a large semi-woody shrub

-Characterized by large, lobed or deeply cut leaves (usually pinnate)

Thunbergia Blue Glory/Thunbergia battiscombei

-heart shaped leaves that are bright green, smooth edged and arranged oppositely along the stems

-trumpet shaped, purple flowers emerge from white buds

Miniature Fan Palm/Rhapis excelsa

- multi-stemmed clumps with glossy, palmate leaves divided into broad, ribbed segments. Leaf edges are toothed.

-has fleshy flowers containing three petals fused at the base