Lbi for teacher (book 1) unit 12




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OoUnit 12

The Ox On The Mop


Focus: Listening and Speaking

Learning Standard(s): 1.1.3, 1.2.1(a) & (d) {SK & SJK}

Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:i. say the phoneme /ɒ/ correctly; andii. identify objects with the phoneme /ɒ/.

Time: 30/60 minutes

Teaching Aid(s): Pictures card,

Cross Curricular Element (s): Multiple Intelligences


a. Greet pupils. b. Encourage pupils to reply.

Set Induction:

a. Sing a song a few times. (Appendix 1)b. Pupils listen.

Step 1:

a. Introduce the phoneme /ɒ/ by showing an action.b. Draw a small circle (anti clockwise) in the air and say /ɒ/.c. Demonstrate how to sound it out: • open your mouth, lower your chin and say /ɒ/.d. Get pupils to do the action and say /ɒ/.e. Pupils trace the letter and say /ɒ/.f. Get pupils to say /ɒ/ is for ‘o’.

Step 2:

a. Say aloud words: ox, on, mop, dog, hot, cot, top, shop. (Appendix 2)b. Show pictures. c. Get pupils to say the words with guidance.

Step 3:

a. Point to the pictures and pupils say aloud ‘ox, top, etc.’b. Get pupils to show the action for the phoneme /ɒ/ and articulate the sound.

Step e.:Pupils may traceletter in the air,on the desk, in

the sandbox, on afriend’s back etc.


Step 4:Game 1:

a. Divide pupils into groups.b. Give each group a set of picture cards.c. Sing the song in Appendix 1. The group has to hold up pictures of the words each time it is sung.d. The group which holds up the correct pictures in each verse wins a point. The group with the most points wins the game.


a. Get pupils to do the action for the /ɒ/ sound and write the letter ‘o’ in the air.


a. Leave the class by thanking the pupils.b. Pupils respond appropriately.



The ox on the mop calls O, O, OO, O, O ,O, O, O,The ox on the mop calls O, O, O all day long.

The dog in the cot goesO, O, O,O, O, O ,O, O, O,The dog in the cot goesO, O, O all day long.

The pot is so hot goesO, O, O,O, O, O,O, O, O,The pot is so hot goesO, O, O, all day long.

The top in the shop goesO, O, O,O, O, O,O, O, O ,The top in the shop goesO, O, O, all day long.

The /o/ Song (Sing to tune: The wheels on the bus)




Focus: Reading

Learning Standard(s): 2.1.2 (c) /ɒ/, 2.2.1 (a) & (b) {SK & SJK}

Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:i. Say the phoneme /ɒ/ correctly; andii. Match words with pictures.

Time: 30/60 minutes

Teaching Aid(s): picture cards, word cards, manila cards with lyrics, worksheets

Cross Curricular Element (s): Multiple Intelligences


a. Greet pupils. b. Encourage pupils to reply.

Set Induction:

a. Say a tongue twister focused on the /ɒ/ sound. “Ollie the ox is on the mop.”b. Pupils repeat a few times but with a faster speed.

Step 1:

a. Sing together with pupils the song learnt in the previous lesson.

b. Pupils sing and do the action of the /ɒ/ sound when heard.

c. Show a word card, ‘ox’ and then point to the letter ‘o’and say /ɒ/.

Step 2:

a. Post lyrics on the board. (Appendix 3)b. Replace pictures instead of words. (Appendix 2)c. Place word cards at the side of the board. (Appendix 4)d. Read together with pupils.e. As you say words with the /ɒ/ sound, point to the picture. f. Take the correct word card and paste it on/above the picture.g. Repeat reading with pupils h. Let pupils decide where to put the word cards.

Step c.:Repeat with otherwords: mop, top,dog, cot, pot,



Step 3:

a. Divide pupils to groupsb. Give out a set of word cards and manila cards with

lyrics and missing words to groupsc. Pupils paste the word cards in the correct space

provided.d. The fastest group to complete correctly wins the game.

Step 4:

a. Complete exercise on page 65 in pupil’s module.b. Pupils match words and pictures.


a. Repeat singing the song with action of the /ɒ/ sound together with pupils.b. Pick a leader amongst the pupils to lead.c. Sing together again.


a. Leave the class by thanking the pupils.b. Pupils respond appropriately.

Step c:Teacher may

want to help bysinging the song.



The __________ on the _________________ calls O, O, O,O, O, O ,O, O, O,The __________ on the __________________ calls O, O, O all daylong.

The ______________ in the ________________ goesO, O, O,O, O, O ,O, O, O,The _____________ in the ______________ goesO, O, O all day long.

The ________________ is so ________________ goesO, O, O,O, O, O,O, O, O,The ______________ is so ___________ goesO, O, O, all day long.

The _________________ in the ______________ goesO, O, O,O, O, O,O, O, O,The ____________ in the ____________ goesO, O, O, all day long.

*Note: On manila card board



ox mop top

dog cot pot

shop a hot pot



Match correctly.







Focus: Writing

Learning Standard(s): 3.1.1 (b), (c) & (e), 3.1.2 (a) & (b) {SK & SJK}

Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:iii. write the letter ‘o’ correctly

Time: 30/60 minutes

Teaching Aid(s): Worksheet, crayons, plasticine, plain/blank papers.

Cross Curricular Element (s): Multiple intelligences


a. Greet pupils. b. Encourage pupils to reply.

Set Induction:

a. Introduce a chant to pupils. Hop on the ox, hop Hop on the ox, hop Hop on the ox, Hop on the ox, Hop on the ox, hop.

b. Pupils repeat after the teacher.c. Pupils say and clap to the chant.

Step 1:

a. Show pupils to form squiggles from left to right.b. Pupils follow the teacher by drawing squiggles in the air. c. Give pupils blank papers and crayons or use their writing books.

Step 2:a. Get pupils to do the action for /ɒ/ and say /ɒ/.b. Show how to write uppercase ‘O’ and lowercase ‘o’.c. Say “around and up around” to encourage pupils to listen and follow.

Step a: Get pupils to clap as words with the /ɒ/

sound ischanted.


Step 3:

a. Distribute plasticine to pupils.b. Get pupils to form the letter ‘o’.

Step 4:

a. Show picture cards and get pupils to say the words.b. Next, teacher says /ɒ/……..’o’.

ox/o/...’o’c. Repeat with the words learnt

Step 5:

a. Complete exercise on page 68 in pupils’ module. (Appendix 6)b. Pupils circle the letters ‘o’ found on the octopus and colour it.c. Pupils trace and write the letter ‘o’ correctly.


a. Get pupils to say the chant again.


a. Leave the class by thanking the pupils.b. Pupils respond appropriately.

O1 o1



Name :_________________________________ Year:____________

Trace and write neatly.



Focus: Language Arts

Learning Standard(s): 4.1.2, 4.3.1 (a) {SK & SJK}

Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:i. sing with actions; andii. produce an octopus mobile.

Time: 30/60 minutes

Teaching Aid(s): Picture cards, scissors, glue, pencil colours,

Cross Curricular Element (s): Multiple intelligences, creativity


a. Greet pupils. b. Encourage pupils to reply.

Set Induction:

a. Sing the song learnt in previous lessons.b. Pupils follow and sing together with the teacher.

Step 1:

a. Divide pupils into groups.b. Give each group a set of picture cards. (Appendix 2)c. Sing the song in Appendix 1. The group has to hold up pictures of the

words each time it is sung.

Step 2:

a. Give out photocopiable pictures of the octopus and pictures of words with /ɒ/ sound learnt. (Appendix 7 and 8)

b. Pupils cut the picture of the octopus and pictures of objects.c. Pupils paste the pictures on each end of the octopus’s tentacles with glued. Pupils colour and decorate their octopus.

Steps a- d.: Teacher guides

and demonstrates the process.


Step 3:

a. In groups, pupils sing the song.b. Pupils decide what actions they want to do with the mobile when they say

the /ɒ/ sound.

Step 4:a. Pupils perform in their groups.b. Assesses pupils performance.c. The group with the best performance is the winner.

Step 5:a. Pupils trace and write the letter ‘g’ correctly

Consolidation:a. Teacher asks pupils to do the actions for the /ɒ/ sound using their octopus


Closure:a. Leave the class by thanking the pupils.b. Pupils respond appropriately.

(Material adapted from Phonics Phonemic Awareness Word Recognition Activities, teacher createdmaterials, inc. author Brenda Calabretta,1997, USA)