L4 The opening scene


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An Inspector Calls – The Opening Scene

LO: To be able to gather a perspective of each character


Look at the pictures of Mr. Birling – what do they tell us about his character?

Any similarities or differences?





About 30 – a wealthy man – his family own a rival company to Birling’s. He is recently

engaged to Sheila

In his early twenties – the Birling’s son

The family maid

Head of the family. A wealthy businessman and factory owner

Early twenties – the Birling’s daughter – recently engaged to Gerald Croft

An upper class woman (superior in status to her husband)


Head of the family. A wealthy businessman and factory owner


An upper class woman (superior in status to her husband)


About 30 – a wealthy man – his family own a rival company to Birling’s. He is recently

engaged to Sheila


Early twenties – the Birling’s daughter – recently engaged to Gerald Croft


The family maid


In his early twenties – the Birling’s son

Read pages 2 – 6

What are your first impressions of each character?• Next to each character, write down a sentence or two, explaining why

Challenge – find quotes to back up your impressions.

PG.4: ‘…your engagement to Sheila means a tremendous lot to me. She’ll make you happy and I’m sure you’ll make her happy…Your father and I have been friendly rivals in business for some time now – though Crofts Limited are both older and bigger than Birling and Company – and now you’ve brought us together and perhaps we may look forward to the time when Crofts and Birlings are no longer competing but are working together – for lower costs and higher prices.’

PG.6: ‘…I speak as a hard-headed businessman, who has to take risks and know what he’s about.’

PG.6: ‘We employers at last are coming together to see that our interests – and then interests of Capital – are properly protected. And we’re in for a time of steadily increasing prosperity.’

Opening scenehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vukp3EFVweQ

Who is your least favourite character on first impressions?• Why?