L4 ap social, political and environmental tensionrf


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Varying attitudes towards migration and cultural mixing

Varying attitudes towards migration and cultural mixing • Watch this (from 20.04) to see what people think of

the new arrivals in Greece from Syria.

Varying attitudes towards migration and cultural mixing • Key words:• Post-accession migration: The flow of economic

migrants after a country has joined the UE• Diaspora: The dispersion or spread of a group of people

from their original homeland.

Porous Borders: Fairy tale borders….• The yellow bit labelled "H1" (for

Hartog) towards the bottom is mostly the Belgian town.

• But notice those little white bits inside the yellow — labelled "N1, N2, N3" — those are little patches of the Dutch town (N for Nassau). The two towns are not geographically separate.

‘Borderless World’

Pros of porous borders Cons of porous borders

People communicate in ‘English’ around the world

Migration levels create disquiet among communities and nations

Labour markets transcend national bordersCultural identity and ideas spread more easily – creating multi-cultural societies

Can you exemplify?


Political tension from globalisation: • Globalisation has encouraged migration and now in

the UK roughly 13% of the population were born outside the UK. Between 2001 and 2011, the number of foreign born citizens rose by 3m. • White British people are now in a minority in

London. • As a result more and more extreme political parties

have become more and more popular as people have started to say no to migration and ultimately globalisation.

Political tension from globalisation:

Paris Attacks – political tension from globalisation• Watch this video here• Motivation?• Charlie Hebdo had attracted attention for its controversial

depictions of Muhammad. Hatred for Charlie Hebdo's cartoons, which made jokes about Islamic leaders as well as Muhammad, is considered to be the principal motive for the massacre. Michael Morell, former deputy director of the CIA, suggested that the motive of the attackers was "absolutely clear: trying to shut down a media organisation that lampooned the Prophet Muhammad".[65]

• In March 2013, Al-Qaeda's branch in Yemen, commonly known as Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), released a hit list in an edition of their English-language magazine Inspire. The list included Stéphane Charbonnier and others whom AQAP accused of insulting Islam.[66][67] On 9 January, AQAP claimed responsibility for the attack in a speech from AQAP's top Shariah cleric Harith bin Ghazi al-Nadhari, citing the motive as "revenge for the honor" of Muhammad.[68]

Environmental tension resulting from the rapidity of global change:

Climate change will cause inter-communal conflict when communities cannot meet their basic needs as a function of the Earth’s diminished carrying capacity or as a result of competition over specific resources, such as water.

Environmental tension resulting from the rapidity of global change:

Environmental tension resulting from the rapidity of global change:

Trans-boundary water Conflicts

• The trans-boundary basins and aquifers link populations of different countries and support the incomes and livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people worldwide.

• Politicians and map makers have not helped as boundaries and borders do not fit with river catchments or aquifers.

Demand exceeds supply• Between 1950-2000, out of the 2000 international disputes, 75%

were about the quantity of water available and 25% about the impact of dams.

• Conflict is more likely in developing nations where water is vital to feed struggling growing populations and promote industrial development.

• As a result the Helsinki Rules and the Mekong River Commission have been established to try and manage conflict in the future, e.g. The Mekong River Commission worked with Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam and dealt with HEP, flood control etc. Watch HERE

• Also see the video here from Perkins – Mekong from 12.20

Over to you:• Using the information gathered in this lesson, pick one

aspect, i.e. Political, Social or Environmental and write a short news bulletin or draw a cartoon strip that summarises the potential tensions that can arise from an increasingly ‘borderless world’.

• We will Peer assess these next lesson.