Krishna Leela Series Part 38 The Killing of the Elephant KuvalayApIdA



Krishna Leela Series Part 38 The Killing of the Elephant KuvalayApIdA

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Krishna’s & Balarama’s bath & morning duties

Hearing of kettle drum & Rushing to see the fun

KuvalayApIdA blocked

Krishna angry with care taker

Argument and attack as Previously planned

Killing KuvalayApIdA

Can fight with 1000 elephants

Krishna – KuvalayApIdADuel

Hides behind - cleverly

Holding tail, dragged for 25 yards – Garuda & snake

Front – strong slap

Caused elephant to trip and fall

Ivory tusk - Stabbing

Broke Ivory tusk, killed elephant & care taker

Krishna & Balarama with ivory tusk

Entering Wrestling Arena

Beautiful with drops of perspiration

Krishna beautiful always

Different Rasa – 12 kinds

Rasa = Spiritual taste, Relationship, mellow

Kamsa’s fear of Krishna

VAtsalya Rasa (Parenthood)

Sakhya Rasa (Fraternity)

DAsya Rasa (Servitorship)

ShAnta Rasa (Neutrality)

SrngArA Rasa (Conjugal Love)

Where are we?

We also belong to one Rasa

Do not imitate RASA

Servant of servants

Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu:I am not Brahmana, Kshatriya,Vaishya, Shudra, Brahmacari, etc.

Servant of servant of servant of servant of maintainer of Gopis, i.e. Shri Krishna

Serve Spiritual Master

Love me? Love my Dog.

No Physical presence

How to serve? - VAni

E.g.Srila Prabhupada is living in his books

Follow his instructions

yasya prasAdad bhagavat-prasAdoBy the mercy of the spiritual master one receives the benediction of Krishna.

Long hands, beautifully dressed

Krishna & Balarama’s Beauty

All were attracted, embraced Krishna with their hearts

Seeing for the first time

Speaking of Krishna’s & Balarama’s pastimes

Krishna & Balarama – Narayana’s Expansions

Krishna’s Birth

Vasudeva carries Krishna to NandagrAma

PUtana & TrnAvarta killed

DhenukAsura was killed

Deliverance of Nalakuvara & Manigreeva

Devouring the Forest FireChastising KAliya

Curbed the False pride of Heavenly Indra

Lifting Govardhana Hill

Many other demons were also killed.

Gopis were attracted

Forgot all troubles of material existence, how?

Forgot all tiredness

Gopis – Exalted devotees

Yadu dynasty – most celebrated because of Krishna

Balarama’s pastimes,His lotus petal eyes

Devotees do not suffer from material existence..why?

SB: 3.25. 23

Kapila Muni says:

mad-AsrayAh kathA mrstAhsrnvanti kathayanti catapanti vividhAs tApA

naitAn mad-gata-cetasah

Engaged constantly in chanting and hearing about Me,the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the sAdhus do not suffer from material miseries because they are always filledwith thoughts of My pastimes and activities.

ChAnurA (Wrestler) Speaks:

You are Great Heroes with long hands

Obedient citizens to please the King or King will be angry

Fight to please the King

King & others want to see the wrestling

Krishna’s wrestling with cowherd boys in the forest

Krishna’s Reply:

Understood his statement

Krishna speaks according to time and circumstances

You and we are all subjects of the King & try to please the King

Small boys fight with small boys not with big wrestlers

Contradicts religious principle

ChAnurA’s Reply:

You are not child or young man

You & Balarama transcendental to everyone

You killed big elephant

So strong, can fight with us

Fight Krishna vs ChAnura

Balarama vs Mushtika

What happened ?...

Who won the fight?

Next Krishna Leela Presentation “Killing of Kamsa”


And be HappyAnd be Happy ….