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Torres Strait Islanders

Torres Strait Islanders are the Indigenous people of the Torres Strait Islands, part of Queensland, Australia.

There are 6,000 Torres Strait Islanders who live in the area of the Torres Strait, and 42,000 others who live in Australia.

Friday Island.

Map of Torres Strait Islands

Black: Represents the Indigenous peoples

The dhari represents the Torres Strait Island people and the five pointed star represents the 5 major Island groups.

Green: Represents the land

Blue: Represents the sea

White: Represents peace

The Dhari headdress was used in Dancing Ceremonies.

• In the Torres Strait Islands turtle shell masks were worn by men for rituals and ceremonies.

• The Masks represented ancestors and totems

• The long snout was made from turtle shell. The teeth and ears are made from wood. White pigeon feathers and cassowary feathers are attached to a triangular bamboo and shells hang from the mask.

A ritual face mask from the Torres Strait Islander people (19th century).
