Jump to Freedom (Dani Galván)


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Jump to Freedom

IES Sierra de Santa Bárbara.

By:Daniel Galván Vázquez.

English 2ºB.

Summary --Index. --Summary. --Main characters. --Summary of the book. --Vocabulary.

Main charactersMolly: She is the protagonist of the book.Ella: She is Molly’s sister.Sarah: She is the mum of Molly and Ella.Tom: He is Molly’s friend.Ruth: She is Tom’s mum.Jacob: He is John and Mr Smith’s servant.John Smith: He is the master of the plantation.Mr Smith: She is the wife of John Smith.Edward Smith: He is the daughter of Mr and John Smith.

Summary of the bookThe book is about a family formed by: Molly, Ella and Sarah. Molly has got a friend called Tom and his mother was Ruth, when Sarah was working at the plantation John Smith her master sees that she has got to sew clothes for his baby and Sarah said that she was going to do. But while this was happening, in Ruth’s house, Jacob was going to take Tom to a slave market, Tom was sold and other master had Tom like a slave. Sarah said to Molly that if she can take the clothes to Mr Smith she said yes, and when she was taking the clothes Edward Smith removed the clothes to Molly and She push Edward and he said that he was going to say to his father. Jacob went to Sarah’s house and take Molly to John Smith house, she worked like a nanny, one day Edward waked Catherine and she was crying so Catherine gets up John Smith and he kick Molly with a whip, later Edward was higher Molly was Edward’s slave, Edward lose Molly in a bet and when Molly went to the house of the other master she found Tom and he and she “Jump to freedom”

Pram: Is an object that mums use to carry the baby from one place to another place when they are babies. Cot: Is where the babies sleep every night.Whip: This is an object that in the past masters used like a punishment and hit servants with it.Shook (past of “shake”)Is when you move something very quickly.Spilled (past of “spill”): Is when a liquid falls from a glass, for example.Knitted Past of “knit”): Make clothes from wool by hand.
