Joomla 3.3 Presentation for the First Joomla Google Hangout ever !



See whats coming in Joomla 3.3 with this presentation. This presentation was given at the first Joomla Hangouts on Google Plus. You can see the video of the session here

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Parth LawateStrategic Marketing Manager,

Joomla Marketing Working

@parthlawate, @techjoomla


Bookworm Gardener

JUG Pune

Joomla Freak


Entrepreneur Joomla Day India

Open Source

Software Architecht


Content Strategy


CEO, Techjoomla Director, Tekdi Technologies

Parth – Self note.. Speak Slowly !

Please do remind me if I shoot off like an express train ! I tend to do that :)

Whats Joomla 3.3 all about ?

Its all about more !

More Security

● Increased PHP requirements to PHP 5.3.10+

● Bcrypt password hashing

● 2 Factor authentication● Improved remember


Yes to jQuery !

● GSOC code gets into core

● Over 25 elements rewritten for removing mootools dependency

● Less conflicts more fun !

Front end Module Editing

● Less of having to login to the backend

● Full featured Module editing in the frontend

● Do More from the frontend !

Microdata brings more SEO

● The first CMS to provide Micro data out of the box

● Add context to content

● Tell search engines what you content is all about !

Joomla on Cloud 9 !

● The first CMS to provide cloud apis out of the box

● Dropbox● Amazon S3● Rackspace● Google

What Else ?

● Improvements in Jlayouts● Router improvements

The most stable release ever !

Lets Tweet !

Whats the feature you love the most about Joomla 3.3 ? Tweet about it with the #jpositiv hashtag !

Questions ?

Thank You !

Stay #jpositiv !!

●● Twitter @parthlawate
