Jack and the Beanstalk



A fairy tail presentation with sound effects for younger children.

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Jack and the Beanstalk

Once upon a time …….

Lived a boy called Jack. Jack lived with his mother in a farmhouse in the countryside.

Jack and his Mother owned a cow called Daisy. Jacks mother decided they needed to sell Daisy as they had no money to buy food.

Sadly the next day Jack took Daisy to market to sell her.

Jack sold Daisy to a kind old man who only had beans to pay him with.

Jack’s mother was furious. “Beans will not buy us food”. Jack’s mother said angrily. Jack’s mother threw the beans out of the window.

The next morning Jack and his

mother awoke to the most amazing


An enormous beanstalk had grown over night in Jack’s back garden. The beanstalk was so

big Jack could not see the top of it.

Jack decided to climb the beanstalk immediately. “Be careful”. Jack’s mother called after him.

At the top of the beanstalk was a huge


Jack sneaked into the castle through the huge front door.

Jack could see a money bag, but by the money bag was a giant who was fast asleep.

Jack tip toed up to the money bag, grabbed it

and ran.

“Fee Fi FO FumI smell the blood of an Englishman,Be he alive or be he dead,I’ll grind his bones to make my bread.” Bellowed the giant.

Jack climbed back down the beanstalk as quickly as he could so that the giant would not catch


“That was your fathers money bag”. Jacks

Mother said “Look it is full of golden coins”.

“I am going back up the beanstalk to see if there is anything else of my

fathers up there”. Exclaimed Jack.

“Be careful”. his Mother called.

At the top of the beanstalk Jack could

here a beautiful noise.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJM4-ll4mg


Jack followed the noise which led him back to the castle.

Jack could see it was his fathers harp. Jack wanted to take the harp back home to his mother.

Jack sneaked into the castle again and took

the harp.

“Fee Fi FO FumI smell the blood of an Englishman,Be he alive or be he dead,I’ll grind his bones to make my bread.” Bellowed the giant.

While Jack was in the castle he noticed a hen

laying golden eggs. I will get that next time Jack thought to himself

and back down the beanstalk he scrambled before the giant caught


Jack’s mother looked astonished when Jack got to the bottom of

the beanstalk. “That is your fathers harp”. Said Jack’s


“There’s just one more thing to get”. Said Jack.Off Jack went back up the beanstalk again.“Be careful”. Jack’s

worried mother called up the beanstalk to

him.“Don’t worry mother I will”. Jack called back.

Jack sneaked back up to the castle. Jack could here a strange noise. This made Jack feel a

little frightened.


Jack looked through the window of the castle.

Jack could see the giant fast asleep. It was the

giants snoring that sounded like thunder.

Jack sneaked into the castle and into the

room where the giant was asleep. The hen

laying the golden eggs was sat in front of the

giant on the table.

Jack tip toed up to the table and grabbed the


“Fee Fi FO FumI smell the blood of an Englishman,Be he alive or be he dead,I’ll grind his bones to make my bread.” Bellowed the giant.

Jack grabbed the hen and ran as fast as he

could to the top of the beanstalk. The giant

came running after him.

Jack started to climb down the beanstalk.“Quick mother.” Jack shouted. “Get fathers

axe”.Mother grabbed fathers

axe from the shed.

Jack got to the bottom of the beanstalk and

handed his mother the hen. Jack took the axe and chopped down the beanstalk before the giant could make it to

the bottom.

Jack and his mother enjoyed their new

riches with the bag of money, the beautiful

harp and the hen laying the golden eggs. Jack and his Mother were never hungry again.

Jack and his mother lived happily ever after.

The end.