Ivanofest general quiz 2 k13 finals


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Round - 1

• +15/-10 for a pounce.

• +10 for answering orally during infinite bounce


• During his time in London, he wrote propaganda on behalf of the Indian cause alongside India's future Defence Minister V.K. Krishna Menon, while trying to make a living as a novelist and journalist. He also supported freedom elsewhere around the globe and even travelled to Spain to volunteer in the Spanish Civil War. He spent World War II working as a scriptwriter for the BBC in London along with George Orwell.

• A 1935 book(introduction written by EM Foster), earned him the title India’s Charles Dickens

Mulk Raj Anand

2.Its approximate dimensions are 365 miles north to south and 52 miles broad, hence the sobriquet: "the calendar lake“ .

• "The Lake of Stars" is the nickname coined by David Livingstone

Lake malawi/ Nyasa


• An active member of Chhatri Sangha, a semi-revolutionary organisation for women in Kolkata,On 6 February 1932, she attempted to assassinate the Bengal Governor Stanley Jackson, a former England cricket captain, in the Convocation Hall of the University of Calcutta. She fired five shots but failed and was sentenced to nine years of rigorous imprisonment. she led a lonely life in Rishikeshand died in anonymity.

Beena Das


5."Take nobody's word for it“ is the motto adopted to signify the member‘s determination to establish facts via experiments. It started from groups of physicians and natural philosophers. What?

The Royal Society of London.

6. Tommie Smith, John Carlos& Peter Norman are famous for which event?

Black power salute


• X led a nonviolent campaign against environmental degradation of the land and waters of Ogoniland by the operations of the multinational petroleum industry but he was hastily tried by a special military tribunal, and hanged in 1995 by the military government of Y.

• Y died of a heart attack due to the illeffects of excessive consumption of viagra and is alleged that he was poisoned by political rivals via prostitutes.

Solve for X & Y

• X- Ken Saro-Wiwa

• Y- General Sani Abacha.


• Labelled the World Capital City of Pop by Guinness World Records,located on the banks of Mersey river, is noted for its rich architectural heritage and is home to many buildings regarded as amongst the greatest examples of their respective styles in the world. It is well known for its strong sporting identity.


9.It locates---------------

Prime meridian (Greenwich)


• "Atoms for Peace" was the title of a speech delivered by U.S. President ------- to the UN General Assembly with some influence from Albert Einstein, and he was attempting to convey a spirit of comfort to a terrified world that the horror of Hiroshima and Nagasaki would not be experienced again. This is often referred as the origin of IAEA.

Dwight Eisenhower


• What was founded by Bhupendranath Basu, with the help of the Mitra Family, and the SenFamily on 15 August 1889?


• What is named after Richard Douglas "Dick" ---------?

Fosbury Flop


• This(in indonesia) is the most complex funeral ritual in the world. The dead body is embalmed within the first few days of death, then stored in a secret place until the funeral ceremony which takes months and years.Thegraves can be very sophisticated yet sometimes, long after the coffins are destroyed by time, people gently place bones along natural cave 'racks'. Often, the bones are offered cigarettes as offerings . (visual…………

Tana Toraja

• He once defeated Charlie Chaplin at table tennis playing with a butter knife instead of a bat. Besides being a pioneer for table tennis, he is sometimes referred to as the 'Greatest British sportsman'.Amongst his achievements was winning an Olympic gold and silver at the 1920 Summer Olympics, winning the doubles at Wimbledon, compiling a 147 break in Snooker, making a century at Lord's Cricket Ground, captaining the British Davis Cup team, captaining Manchester City F.C. finishing ultimately runners-up for the Football League Championship in 1920-21 and captaining the England national football team.

Max Woosnam

15.How is the founder of Standard Chartered bank and The Economist magazine related to article 112 of Indian costitution??

Budget was introduced in India by Sir James Wilson


• In Oliver Stone’s JFK, Kevin Costner plays Jim Garrison, the DA for New Orleans whose office brought charges against a new orleansbusinessman for being part of the conspiracy to kill the president. What is the name of the man who filmed the actual assasination, a film that helped garrison used to prove the conspiracy ?

• Abraham Zapruder

Whose grave (left)& personal coat of arms(right)????Alexander Pope wrote his epitaph:

Nature and nature's laws lay hid in night;

God said "Let ------------- be" and all was light.



• What are Harlequin; bryony; eyed; orange; 7-spot; 11-spot; 22-spot?


19.Put Funda


A L I E N (1979)

• The blue light in ALIEN

• Ridley Scott found a practical solution to lighting the aliens' egg chamber by borrowing blue laser lighting from The Who, who were rehearsing their stage show in the soundstage next door.


• Kaliyachan by P KUNJIRAMAN NAIR

Round 2-SVC


• Visuals of each slide gives the name of a country. 2 points each for identifying countries. All the ten countries connect to a common theme.

• +50 if you answer from first two slides

• +40 if you answer from next two slides.

• +30 if you answer from 5th & 6th slides

• +20 if you answer from 7th & 8th slides

• +10 if you answer from last two slides

• Constant negative of 20 points for each wrong attempt.


2. -------- girl

3. father & daughter of a nation

4. Three tigers….but different roaring.

5.An apravasi to heaven forever.

6.A wave of power for a Guided Democracy.

7.“Because it is there”. Where?

8. Flag & coat of arms of------

9. A term coined by him.

10. Independence day of--------


• Exchange sheets.


2. Afganistan


4. Sri Lanka


6. Indonesia .






• Rupee is the currency.

Round - 3

• +15/-10 for a pounce.

• +10 for answering orally during infinite bounce

X was officially formed in 1867 and was called asthe “The Invisible Empire” and its supreme leaderwas called as “ The Grand Wizard of The Empire”and other positions included “Grand Dragon”,”Hydras”, ”Grand Titan Of the Dominion ”, ”GrandCyclops ” etc. it joined hands with the NAZIorganization called German American Bund in1940s and was heavily funded by the GermanGovt. the organization was officially active till thelate 70s. Id X


• ---------------Society was the name chosen by young officers within the Imperial Japanese Army in September 1930 for their secret society established with the goal of reorganizing the state along totalitarian militaristic lines, via a military coup d'état if necessary.

• Prunus serrulata is a botanical name connected with it.

• Operation -------------- was fought by the Allies in the South Pacific during World War II to regain control of the island of Bougainville from the Japan.

(clue on the next slide…

Cherry blossoms



• They were a group of 19th century Dorset agricultural labourers who were arrested for and convicted of swearing a secret oath as members of the Friendly Society of Agricultural Labourers.They were subsequently sentenced to transportation to Australia.They are featured in the 1986 film Comrades, directed by Bill Douglas.

Tolpuddle Martyrs

How do we better knowMark William Calaway?

• His other names include "Mean" Mark Callous, Texas Red, The Master of Pain etc.

The Undertaker

• The emergence of pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries from the 1990s earned it the titles of "India's pharmaceutical capital" and the "Genome Valley of India“.

• The founder designed this city in the model of Isfahan(Iran). Major General Joyanto NathChaudhuri led a successful military operation here.


They all had anarthria literalis. What is it?


.Liquidators , or "clean-up workers", is the generic name given in the former USSR to civil and military personnel who were deployed to work at the site of which event?

Soviet military badge (left) and medal awarded to liquidators.


• Born in Coimbatore,his contributions were primarily industrial but also span the fields of electrical, mechanical, agricultural (Hybrid cultivation) and automobile engineering. He had only primary education but excelled as a versatile genius. He developed India's first indigenous motor in 1937 along with D. Balasundaram.

• ID This Indian inventor , often referred as The Edison of India.(VISUAL FOLLOWS…


.Name this flowered plant.


This supernatural being in Norse mythology and Scandinavian folklore dwell in isolated rocks, mountains, or caves, live together in small family units, and are rarely helpful to human beings.ID


11.which Swedish international award ,known as the "Nobel Prize of Music"was founded in 1989 by Stig Anderson, The first recipients being, Paul McCartney, and the Baltic States?


• A Polish Catholic nurse & social worker who served in the Polish Underground during World War II, and as head of children's section of Żegota, an underground resistance organization in German-occupied Warsaw.

She smuggled 2,500 Jewish children out of the Warsaw Ghetto thereby saving them from being killed in the Holocaust.

Irena Sendler


What is named after this geographical location (meaning coconut place) in Marshall Island?



• This film told the story of a pair of lovers who formed a gang and robbed banks for a living, in the 1930s. The first time that a robbery went wrong thet ended up having to kill a man. Ironically, they saw a movie after this happened and the movie they saw was “Gold Diggers” which contained the song “We’re in the Money”. What was the name of this hit film ?

Bonnie and Clyde

• Authentic and expensive bird's-nest soup is made from nests of some species of this bird. They make nest only from strands of their gummy saliva, which harden when exposed to air. Once the nests are harvested, they are cleaned and sold to restaurants. Eating this nest material is believed to help maintain skin tone, balance qi ("life energy") and reinforce the immune system

• ( visual follows….


• It is an American UFO religion based in San Diego, California, founded in the early 1970s and led by Marshall Applewhite. On March 26, 1997, police discovered the bodies of 39 members of the group who had committed suicide in order to reach what they believed was an alien space craft following the Comet Hale–Bopp, which was at its brightest. They try to leave Earth as quickly as possible. The followers of this religion are very small in number because of their suicidingtendency.

video of micheal jackson’s BAD album

WHO IS the director of this album?

Martin scorcesse

Multiple clue round

• +20 if u answer in the first clue

• +15 if answered in the second clue

• +10 if answered in the third clue

• Constant -10 for wrong attempts.



• He was named an Old Dominion Fellow by the Humanities Council at Princeton University and also a visiting professor at Stanford University. He has shown his caliber in malayalam,hindi and world films.


• ‘Call to All Nations’, a famous Musical Composition for the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games Opening Ceremony composed by Mickey Hart, Philip Glass, Giovanni Hidalgo and---------------.


• Born in Bombay,to the legendary tabla player AllaRakha.

• He is a founding member of Bill Laswell's 'World Music Supergroup' of Tabla Beat Science. Co-starred as InderLal in the Merchant Ivory Film Heat and Dust in 1983, for which he was an associate music director.

Zakir Hussain.



• Some researchers seriously believe that he was Jack the Ripper(the famous serial killer)


• He repented in every sin in his diaries. His family destroyed diaries in order not to discredit his good name

• "Everything has a moral, if only you can find it“


• This very famous writer’s real name is Charles Lutwidge Dodgson and he invented his own version of mnemonic system for remembering names, tricycle, a game that was a prototype of Scrabbles and a lot of other stuff.

Lewis Carroll


It’s HQ



• the globe indicates worldwide activity

• the olive branches represent peace

• the sword represents police action

• the scales signify justice


• Mireille Ballestrazzi was recently appointed as the head of this intergovernmental organization.



• During the 1960s he promoted an alternative macroeconomic policy known as "monetarism". He theorized "naive Keynesian“ theory and there existed a "natural" rate of unemployment.



• A leader of the Chicago school of economics

• Many nobel laureates opposed when economics nobel prize was awarded to him in 1976 alleging his support to Chilean dictatorship.

Milton Friedman



• This company introduced a smart phone called SIMON in 1992 and attracted international attention.


• It’s nickname is BIG BLUE


• It’s old name is Computing Tabulating Recording Corporation


Audience & Reserve


Kamal haasan

• It is the recruitment of people through trickery and kidnappings to work as labourers. From the 1860s ships were engaged in seeking workers to mine the guano deposits on the Chincha Islands in Peru. In the 1870s this trade focused on supplying labourers to plantations, particularly the sugar cane plantations of Queensland, Australia and the nation of Fiji.


. Sabir was a pidgin language used throughout the Mediterranean basin from the 11th to the 19th centuries to facilitate communication between traders speaking different languages. It is based on Italian, but contains Spanish, Portuguese, French, Arabic and Turkish influences. The languages other name is a commonly used term in English. What is it?

Lingua franca

Audience Qwhat is the diety in this temple?

Mahatma Gandhi

• He began his professional career as a cartoonist with the English language daily The Free Press Journal in Mumbai, but left it in 1960 to form his own political weekly Marmik.He is the founder of the Marathi newspaper Saamana and the Hindi-language newspaper Dopahar ka saamana

He is satirised in Salman Rushdie's 1995 novel The Moor's Last Sigh as 'Raman Fielding‘.


Bal thakarey


• Chattambi Kalyani is the debut movie of Which famous alumni of MAR IVANIOS COLLEGE?