Italy Trip Part 2




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The next day brought us to Pompeii,

The city was destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE.

Our Latin text book led us

through the life of a Pompeian

merchant named

Caecilius, and this is his ACTUAL house!

Our final

city was in

Rome, and first stop,

the Trevi Fountain!

This obelisk, though ancient

, is actuall

y a fake!

There is a mistake in the hieroglyphics at the top!

In Vatican City, we toured a few of their many museums.

The coliseum was amazing to see in person.

I even made friends with Caesar and Octavian


Speaking of Caesar…

This is the Theater of Pompey,

where Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 BCE.

The forum was the town center of Rome.

The Pantheon was suppose to be the most remarkable

building of its time.

Simply breathtaking.

On our last day

we explored

the remains of the

ancient Forum,

Augustus’ palace,

and what is thought to be his bed room.

This trip is really my motivation for wanting to

study ancient history.

It’s incredible to stand where greats like Caesar stood, and to see what he saw. Its a feeling a cannot

even describe.

The best part is that there are new discoveries made


Hopefully one day I will

make a discovery of my
