Islamic Ethics : Character building personal strength


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O believers! Fear Allah and seek the means to be closer to Him and make Jihad (struggle) in His way so that you may be successful. Al-Ma’idah 5:35

Personal Strength • A condition achieved when an individual acknowledges

his or her own spiritually after self-examination .

The Prophet Muhammad said: If you recognize who you are, then you will

recognize who your God is.

• It generates solid and clear life principle so that we are not easily influenced by rapidly changing surrounds. We will not be the victim of what happens in our environment which otherwise could alter our life principles or perspectives.

• A person who has a PERSONAL STRENGTH is one who has a complete EQ (6 faith principles):

Faith in the creator Principle Angel Principle

Leadership Principle Learning Principle Vision Principle

Well Organized Principle

Five Actions to build Personal Strength

Action 1: Mission Statement

Your God is one God; There is no one worthy of worship except Him, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Al-Baqarah 2:163

1. Building a Mission in Life• The Mission should not be fixed on the logic but also take into

account the inner voice and man’s innate essence (the God Spot).

• The truth in God’s order to recite the Mission Statement, the two lines of Syahadah.

• This is the highest life mission, the devotion to God Almighty• Many of today’s mission statements lead to disaster

-The mission of Nazis who wanted to rule the entire European mainland- The Japanese who wanted to conquer Asia- Stalin & Lenin who wanted to turn the entire Soviet Union into

a communist haven

2. The Power of Mission• Behind every great evolution in the

world’s nation, or behind the progress of the world’s giant corporations, lays a Mission Statements => the source of their strength, the implementation of their Shahadah.

• President Director of the Coca-Cola Company in the US, Robert Woodruff (1923-1935) – “Anytime, anywhere, always Coca-Cola”.

• This demonstrated the power of Shahadah, a mission statement that successfully pushes a series of significant actions.

3. Building a Vision• The mission statement through the Shahadah will

create a vision that ultimately will produce the drive and power necessary to achieve success.

• A great vision has started an ‘inner work’.• For example: Power performers by Roger Dawson.• Shahadah is about building your vision or your final

destination towards God Almighty, like what Prophet Muhammad SAW, an ordinary man, did when he visualized mankind should worship one God and do good deeds.

4. Creating an Outline• The Tauhid statement “Laa Ilaaha Illallah” (there is no God but

Allah) is the proclamation of human dignity in everyone of us.• Vow of Shahadah = recited at least 9 times, day and night in

the sitting position in the Daily Prayers.• It should become a very powerful doctrine that will fill and

revive the soul.• Eg: In Japan, there is a training method where the instructors

obliged their participants to recite I’m a champion! 100 times a day.

• Theory of Repetitive Magic Power.• When we perform daily prayers 5 times a day, we complete

the RMP 270 times in a month (9x30), or 3240 times a year (270x12).

5. Values Transformation• “I declare that Muhammad is the messenger of God” is a

transformation to bring God’s noble characteristics down to earth.

• To face the challenges of our daily lives, as exemplified by the Prophet who gave us examples in implementing God’s characteristics (Asmaul Husna).

• It will be the transformation of the spiritual values in real steps.• Recited at least 9 times in 24 hours (5 daily prayers).• To build the recording power of the subconscious as well as

self-awareness; thus it will be internalized and create a character based on the Prophet’s character (depend on your level of comprehension & faith).

6. Total Commitment• To declare the Shahadah to God Almighty means

promising to dedicate your life only to God, while the other to obey and hold tightly to the Six Pillars of Faith came directly from God.

• A total commitment to obey and to have faith to 1 Value, 6 Pillars of Faith, 5 Pillars of Islam.

• The explanation of the essence of the deal or Shahadah between man and God Almighty.

Action 2: Character Building

1. Relaxation• Daily prayers is a highly important

relaxation to protect our emotion and mind from outside pressure.

• Relaxation through the Daily Prayers can give enough space for the intuitive mind to emerge, develop emotional and spiritual intelligence, and preserve the fitrah.

2. Building The Power of Affirmation

• The Daily Prayers are power of affirmation that can help us harmonize the values of faith with reality of life.

• Convey: the Power of affirmation of Daily Prayers is very thrilling and calming(emotion).

• Daily Prayers are the answer to the affirmation method, a gift from God Almighty who created man’s soul.

• It is the power of perfect affirmation, the confirmation of the declaration through the Shahadah in the Daily Prayers.

3. Increasing Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence (ESQ)

• Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence (ESQ) come from our inner voices.

• The Daily Prayers are filled with the essence of the inner voices- this will be a reinforcement of the importance of the divine inner voice that has been “blown” into our hearts so that the source of ESQ will always live to brighten us (emotionally & spiritually).

• Daily Prayers lead to a high level of ESQ.

4. Building Positive Experiences1. WHY?• To balance positive & negative influence

2. HOW?• Doing repeated actions

Physical actions Create habits Lead to the development of the values


5. The Evoker and Balancer of The Energy of The Soul

6. The Honing of The PrinciplesSelf purification

Aspects that will train our mind :

1. Wudhu’– Face : purification of mind and souls– Hands : purification of every activity – Wiping head : symbolizes clean mind– Washing feet : symbolizes clean and straight steps.

2.The prayer of Iftitah• Will unconsciously follow our role model•Always be pure and clean•The foundation of ESQ, the ability to free our mind from any changes in order to achieve best result (inner nature)

3. Rukoo and sujud The compliment and wishes

will guide our mind to think towards nobility

The steps are performed 17 times a day, 6205 per year

This will guard the God Spot to under stand the real meaning of performing prayers.

The purpose of life is to devote ourselves to the holy characteristics of God.

The 6 Principles of Zero Mind Process1. Training the Star Principle

• Training & Forming a Sense of Security- A statement of security and tranquility for our daily live.

• Training & Forming Self-confidence & Motivation

-Through takbir in very action.• Training Wisdom

-Synchronizing inner voice with the other inner voice• Training Integrity

-Do something because of our own integrity

2. Training and building the Angle Principle (The Principle of Trust)

1. Human trust towards Allah2. Human to human

3. Allah towards human

3.Training the leadership principle• Leadership is influence• Gives you mental training through sincere daily

prayers.• Pray for others when in sitting position• Train to respect our leader (appreciate Prophet

through shalawat.)• Train to have an upright personality (primary

mission : syahadah)

4. Training the Learning Principle• The movements in the

daily prayers can be a learning experience:– Standing position,

Iftitah utterence, Al-Fatihah• Symbolizes idealism

and the philosophy of God who is higher than the sky.

The sitting positionAccept

anything with open-

heartedness after the struggle.

The right index finger points to one point

Commitment to the consistency

of dedicating and prostrating

to God Almighty.

The bowing and prostrating positionSymbolizes how

dynamic our lives would be and how noble our

souls are even at the ground.

5. Training the Vision Principle (Visualization & Stimulation)

• Vision is the guide of life, an idealism of a noble dream.

• The stronger your visualization the stronger your confidence.

• Prayers done routinely will give a strong image in your mind and soul.

• Problem: doing it for the fear of hell.

6. Training the well organized principle• Key : discipline.• Discipline develop and create a

system.• Daily prayers are to train by:1.Fixed time2.Well organized : step-by-step• This shows how an organization begin

with thinking, to the physical implementation.

Social strength•A group of synergy will

create in better result and

smatter concept.• Organized

action Democracy

Specified timesSermon

Organizational arrangementFilling each


Azaan•Can effect others


understand completely the essence first to spread its real purpose :God

Almighty’s emotion

Qiblah•Must always in the orbit that

revolves around

• 6 pillars of Faith


