Irregular verbs


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Irregular verbs.

Student: Melgoza Núñez Ana G.Teacher: Herrera López ÁngelDate: 11/February/2015


“BE” “Ser”

Simple past: Was/Were

I would like to be a singer.

Past participe: Been

“Beegin” “Comenzar”

Past participe: Begun

Simple past: Began

I’m going to begin my diet tomorrow.

“Break” “Tiempo”

Simple past: Broke

My sister is on her lunch break right now.

Past participe: Broken

“Bring” “Traer”

Past participe: Brought

Simple past: Brought

Luis can you bring me my phone tomorrow?

“Build” “Construir”

Simple past: Built

I would like to build a snowman.

Past participe: Built

“Buy” “Comprar”

Past participe: Bought

Simple past: Bought

Can you buy those pair of shoes for me?

“Catch” “Captura”

Simple past: Caugth

Run catch de ball.

Past participe: Caugth

“Choose” “Eligió”

Past participe: Chosen.

Simple past: Chose.

I can’t decide what to choose, either red or white.

“Come”, “Venir”

Simple past: Came.

Can you come to my house today?

Past participe: Come.

“Cost”, “Costo”

Past participe: Cost.

Simple past: Cost.

That is cost a lot.

“Cut”, “Cortada”

Simple past: Cut.

I want to cut my hair in layers.

Past participe: Cut.


Past participe: Done.

Simple past: Did.

Can you do me a favor?

“Drink”, “Bebida”

Simple past: Drank.

I don’t drink alcohol, i’m sorry.

Past participe: Drunk.

“Drive”, “Conducir”.

Past participe: Driven.

Simple past: Drove.

Could you drive me to the airport?

“Eat”, “Comer”

Simple past: Ate.

I would like to eat italian food today.

Past participe: Eaten.

“Fall”, “Caer”

Past participe: Fallen.

Simple past: Fell.

I almost fall out of the car yesterday.

“Feel”, “Sentir”

Simple past: Felt.

I just want to feel real love.

Past participe: Felt.

“Find”, “Encontrar”

Past participe: Found.

Simple past: Found.

I can’t find my glasses.

“Fit”, “Encajar”

Simple past: Fit.

I lost my

Past participe: Fit.

“Fly”, “Volar”

Past participe: Flown.

Simple past: Flew.

I lost my fly to do the weather.

“Forget”, “Olvidar”

Simple past: Forgot.

I always forget to do my homework.

Past participe: Forgotten.

“Get”, “Llegar”

Past participe: Gotten.

Simple past: Got.

I need to get my coat before i leave.