Introducing the Internet of Things: lecture @IULM University




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Internet of ThingsLeandro Agrò, Ceo WideTag, Inc.



AI, Virtual AssistantInternet of Things

Prototypes iPhone


Multimodal UI

Internet of Things

Next Big Thing • OGGI:

Mobilità avanzata: iPhone / AndroidElettronica di Consumo e Social Network divengono portatori sani di sensori

• DOMANI: Oggetti e Sensori Connessi alla Rete, evolvono in una enorme rete RealTime“Internet of Things”

Mobilità Avanzata• Apple ha venduto SEI milioni di iPhone3G

nelle prime SETTE settimane dal lancio, ma soprattutto ha segnato il reale momento di nascita per il mercato delle APPLICAZIONI PER DEVICE MOBILI, nel quale Apple ha già raggiunto oltre un MILIARDO di download

Internet delle Cose

• Per quanto Internet sia pervasiva, oggi il numero degli oggetti/device connessi alla Rete è ridicolmente inferiore rispetto al numero degli oggetti NON connessi.

La prossima rivoluzione del mercato sarà data dalla necessità di sostituire gli oggetti non connessi, nonché di collegare in Internet Reti di Sensori.

Internet of THINGSdi che si tratta?

Internet of Things

A world of over 25 billion connected objects is coming

the X Internet or “The Internet of Things”

Evoluzione del Web

• w1 connette dati

• w2 connette persone

• w3 connette il mondo fisico (attraverso reti di sensori)


• Internet (i dati sono altrove)

• Web 2.0 (le applicazioni sono altrove)

• Internet of Things (le componenti hw del sistema sono altrove)

L’abilitatore Hardware


A new category of objects aware of their surroundings

GPS positioningMemory


SPace + tIME

Bruce Sterling

Dimensione / Popolazione

Platform Order of

PCs ≈ 108

Mobiles ~ Humans ≈ 109

Spimes > 1010

Alimentare Miliardi di Sensori

Sensors powered by trees

Posted by David Pescovitz, October 7, 2008 10:02 AMMIT researchers are developing a novel power scavenging systes for small wireless sensors that monitor for forest fires. The sensors are powered by the trees themselves. Each sensor's battery is trickle charged with the electricity generated by the imbalance in pH between the tree and the soil.

From the MIT News Office:The system produces enough electricity to allow the temperature and humidity sensors to wirelessly transmit signals four times a day, or immediately if there's a fire. Each signal hops from one sensor to another, until it reaches an existing weather station that beams the data by satellite to a forestry command center in Boise, Idaho.

Shuguang Zhang, one of the researchers on the project and the associate director of MIT's Center for Biomedical Engineering (CBE).

Autonomia della IoTOggetti percettivi: le conseguenze inattese dell'Internet delle Cose. Le prossime reti di sensori distribuiti che costituiranno l'internet delle cose avranno caratteristiche nuove e importanti di necessaria autonomia

A cosa serve la Internet of THINGS?

Ogni problema necessità (anche) di tecnologie adeguate

• Monitorare il Clima

• Ottimizzare produzione e consumi energetici

• Garantire la sicurezza

• Controllare la presenza di inquinanti

• Seguire le Specie in via di estinzione

Largo ai Makers

> 350 detailed video

Arduino & Open Source Hardware

over 300,000 Instructable fans

Il Ruolo dei Social Networks

Mezzi di propagazione di massa

Evoluzione della Rete

• Web 1: I dati sono delocalizzati

• Web 2.0: Dati e le applicazioni sono delocalizzate, emergono i network sociali

• Internet of Things Le componenti del sistema sono delocalizzate ed emergono network misti persone/macchine (ad autonomia crescente).

ETech | JJ Garret & Jeffrey Veen

Dai Microprocessori alla FiduciaKevin Kelly -oltre dieci anni fa- disse: la nuova economia e la società che stiamo

costruendo nasce dai microprocessori e termina con la fiducia.

• Il fatto che le applicazioni vivano su

Internet, sommato alla maggiore

facilità di commento/rating

condivisione, rende questi software/

servizi dei vari e propri un luoghi di


• Sempre più la gente preferirà quindi le

applicazioni che rendono possibile

incontrarsi e condividere rispetto a

quelle che isolano, limitano,


“Le Persone si sentono già Coinvolte”

Web 2.0

They Wanna be a Peer

Cosa hanno in comune HARLEY e DELL?

The Harley Owners Group, or HOG. A 15-year-old initiative to build a life-long relationship between the company and its customers, HOG is the world's largest factory-sponsored motorcycle club, with 325,000 members and 940 chapters. Harley offers HOG Seminars, sessions for the club's 7,000 chapter officers to help answer questions on whether and how to incorporate, how to draw new members, or how to organize an event.

“Consumers are no longer sitting ducks for commercials; they are looking for new experiences. “

"This is real-time market research," James Ziemer -president, and CEO of HarleyDavidson Inc- says. "Our engineers see what our customers are doing with their motorcycles, and they come back with things we could improve on or new ideas we could try."

IdeaStormMicheal Dell


Tutto questo è già Storia

Una Storia in cui gli “utenti” premono per divenire


...Nativi Digitali

Una piccola storia di SPIME

A new category of objects aware of their surroundings

GPS positioningMemory



Bruce Sterling

First Spime Ever

Collects CO2 levelsCommunicates wirelessly

Visualizes collected data online

CO2 Monitoring in Real Time

revolutionary hardware?


Social Hardware

What is WideNoise? It is an OpenSpime inspired iPhone application. With WideNoise you can monitor the noise levels around you, everywhere you go. You can also check the online map to see the average sound level of the area around you. Do you live in a “sleeping cat area” or in a more noisy “rock concert area”?

We hope that WideNoise will be successful in illustrating with its example a series of possible applications on the iPhone, which is a wonderful, human powered and dispersed spime. Gadgets Design Competition

WideNoise to let all familiarize with the concept of spimes

Consumers + SensorsNessuna delle prossime infrastrutture può essere costituita da sole macchine o sole persone.

La definizione stessa di tecnologia è da mutare ed intendere come l’output di una rete di persone e macchine.

La Fantascienza comincia dal telefono che abbiamo già in tasca

cavalcare o espandere la mobilità avanzata è una grande opportunità

Self TrackersPersone che MAPPANO se stesse

Si moltiplicano i siti di "statistica personale" online. E in California prende vita il movimento dei "self tracker" che riducono ogni

aspetto della loro vita ad un grafico. Miti, illusioni e lati oscuri del "Sé quantificato".

Misure dunque Sono

Self Tracker: La vita in una statistica (online)

The New Examined LifeWhy more people are spilling the statistics of their lives on the Web

Nicholas Felton: Tracking the Life of a Graphic Designer

The culture of sharing information online has shifted in

recent years, from a focus on blog ramblings to the ubiquitous

micro-movements of posters' daily lives.

MakeMe Sustanible

Cure Together


Oggetti Sociali Emergenti

La captologia, ossia lo studio dei computer come tecnologie persuasive. Questa è la recente area d’indagine che esplora lo spazio di confine tra persuasione (influenza, motivazione, cambio di comportamento e così via) e tecnologia del computer. Può quindi l’innovazione e la tecnologia convincerci a risparmiare energia? Se la tecnologia è ciò che può salvarci dai cambiamenti climatici, la risposta è sì. Sempre più crescente numero di persone pensa che altro deve essere aggiunto alla lista per “dominare” la nostra natura umana oltre a semplici messaggi promozionali contro il cambiamento climatico.

ICAT: Tecnologia Persuasiva per Farci Risparmiare Energia. La Captologia Contro i Cambiamenti Climatici


Ri-Scrivere la conoscenza collettiva

MSNBC Hurricane Maps

An interactive hurricane tracker, built with MSNBC's Paige West to track major storms. Built using Modest Maps and Microsoft's excellent Virtual Earth tiles, the project allows for interactive investigation of both live and historical hurricane paths, wind speeds, and forecasted routes.

Oakland Crimespotting is an interactive map of crimes in Oakland and a tool for understanding crime in cities.

If you hear sirens in your neighborhood, you should know why. Crimespotting makes this possible with interactive maps, e-mail updates, and RSS feeds of crimes in areas that you care about.


Orange County fire map

I numeri della IoT

7 trillion units on the planet

21 August 2008 - Intel CTO Justin Rattner talks at the Intel Developer Forum describing the initiatives that the company is planning to introduce new generations of devices dubbed General Digital Radio, potentially numbering 7 trillion units on the planet.


Market Shake-Ups 1 (General Digital Radio)

Market Shake-Ups | (Mobile M2M)

SIM cards in 750 million new devicesM2M is getting more main stream exposure

Rob Conway, chairman of the GSM Association, challenged technology manufacturers in February to integrate in some capacity mobile broadband in to all their products by 2014.

He was addressing the Mobile World Congress, and referring to products such as cameras, printers, memory cards, printers and vehicles, among a multitude of other items. The opportunity, he said, is to embed SIM cards in 750 million new devices.

“We have only just begun the mobile broadband journey,” said Conway. “The embedded mobile broadband market can grow as chip prices go down and new usages are developed.”

Market Shake-Ups | (Cultural Change)

Consumers + SensorsNone of the fore-coming infrastructures can be conceived without enabling both human and m2m communications. The Internet Of Things will go through a phase of “Advanced Mobility” in which an increasing number of sensors will be embedded on mobile phones.

Self TrackersThe cultural switch towards the need to keep track of yourself.

Sharing as a PLUSFrom unilateral categories towards the plus of social tagging.

Market Shake-Ups | (Cloud Computing)

Amazon EC2 isn’t Cloud Computing. It sets the grounds for it, but does not provide it.

Software needs to be built to take advantage of the computing power offered by existing and fore-coming distributed virtualization platforms.

Increasingly, attention must not be brought only to Multi-Core programming, but also to distributed software architectures.

Market Size (Forecast)

IDC estimates the market opportunity for the software, servers, technologies, and services to manage the world's converged IT and physical infrastructure to be $120 billion by 2012.

Wireless telemetry will lead the evolving growth in M2M markets. A Juniper study forecasts revenues rising from $11.6 billion in 2006 to $25.3 billion by 2009, expected to quadruple by 2011 to $40.8bn.

Mobile M2M market is projected to grow exponentially in the coming years, from approximately $16 billion in 2008 to more than $57 billion by 2014.

The market for connected electronics will be estimate of $90 billion in five years (2014).

The indoor air quality (IAQ) equipment market was valued at $3.6 billion in 2005 and is expected to reach $10.4 billion by 2011, a 5.2% average annual growth rate (AAGR) over the next 5-year period.


con dario violi

Pet + Net (video)

GrazieWebsite Personale:

Spreading Ideas: http://idearium.orgConference: http://frontiers.idearium.orgConference Video:

Product Website: http://www.openspime.comCompany Website:

Other Biz: http://www.srlabs.itToyz: http://photoshakr.comPortfolio: