Image is Everything: ipadpalooza16


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Image is Everything:!Exploring Visual Literacy

for Critical Thinking app

(Paper 53 recommended)



Introductionssee G-doc “Activities”

life in 3 emoji

CSI of you

3 of me

how am I? sketch

story of me in 3

what 3 images tell your story?

workshop trailer


dual coding!and!

picture superiority effect

Allan Paivio

caves at Chauvet 32-30,000 BP

Gutenberg Parenthesis

return to more visual/ oral

Tyranny of…

Scholars will be instructed through the eye. It is possible to teach every branch of human knowledge with the motion picture. Our school system will be completely changed inside of ten years

- Thomas Edison


don’t stress out about your artistic

abilities… this is about thinking

Make the Mundane Matter


Unexpected Mediums

Challenge: draw your favorite activity

Now draw the same thing again…

Which was better?

Don’t THINK about making ART - just get it DONE.

Let everyone else decide if it’s GOOD or bad…

…while they are deciding, make even MORE ART.

Andy Warhol

“Unflattening” - PhD as graphic novel @Nsousanis

External memory aids

Are YOU a Visual Thinker?

“If only we could pull out !our brain !

and use only our eyes.” !!!

― Pablo Picasso






What we learn from the ARTS (besides Creativity)

“Why Doodlers are the New ‘Now’”

golf course architect

I met on the plane

vision / prototype

important in cross-cultural groups, for whom visual sketches can bridge gaps of understanding

Images existed before words, and they do convey a sense of universality

- artist Jean Julien

media literacy and

digital fluency

metaphorical !thinking!


use metaphorical and visual thinking to express complex and abstract ideas


first symbols man created

Ads are the cave art of the twentieth century




― Marshall McLuhan

what did you think of first?

The Dot and the Line, 1963


hyphenated compound metaphor

Anglo-Saxon and Norse literature

“northern kiss”= cold wind

“whale-road” = the ocean

“sky-candle”= sun

analogies game

word bank of nounsseek connections (use like and as)


horse wind

mood board: Padlet via @wickedDecent

historical events, novels (this is Of Mice and Men)

Metaphor is about association + relationship


Metaphor is about association + relationship


Metaphor is about association + relationship

making ideas “grow” better

Metaphor is about association + relationship

feline devastation

starlight fir


try a Serendipidoodle!

Pictographs / Isotypes (1930s)

The Noun Project

symbolic Beatles’ songs

collaborative creativity: #remash

student logo contest: “What If?”

Crowdsourced!Visual Vocab

create dictionary of iconography

Crowdsourced!Visual Icon!Dictionary

- education - idea - technology - information - conflict - love - time - change - student - government - learning - imagine - travel - question !!!

- research/curation - quote - food - success - earth/world/global - school - team/group - camera - smartphone - problem - think - imagine - writing - drawing

Essentializing and


David Ogilvy

big ideas usually come as simple ideas

!create a children’s book

!explain in 3 image panel

Picasso’s Exercise: used at Apple

4 icon challenge

condensed shakespeare, mya gosling



synthesis: emoji story


Emoji Exit Ticket

Affective Datahow did I feel about my work or my learning?


Curation + Presentation Idea:

images - no bullets

open-ended question to lead class in


minimalist posters of a concept

minimalist posters of a concept

Infographics and DataViz


listicle!(Thinglink or info.gram)

use real life items or people

length of hair= frequency of addiction

use real life items or people


photo essay style


What’s in your head?

#ds106 challenge

*great for reflection

word cloud art

Remix: Infographic

from this ^ to this >

infographic remix

find an original and make it better

more clear, fun, aesthetic metaphorical, etc.

DIY with data set

Creation Creator Motivation Pos/Neg Effects

relations between people and ideas

re.vuinfographic CV

Thinglink : Metadata Me

from Ikea’s Swedish cookbook


flow chart a song !

(or poem, or speech)

3 dimensional visualization of: !

vocab word math problem event in history

process in science movement in political science

Make it Tangible

Sean Ziebarth


if you had to take only

10 things…


nothing material is that important

picture VENNs

Graphic Design and


metaphorical !typography!


“where art meets type”

Stefan Sagmeister, metaphorical typographer

#bowie #literalalphabet


Bow-e !

J-walk !

M-bark !


Myconography: Metaphorical Icons


#threethirtysketchquote #birthdaysketchquote

take a break…and make!




with your name, city, or #oneword to describe your day

Sketchnoting and

Graphic Facilitation

Visual Note-taking: some basics

Sketchnote Scribes G+

(linked on the side menu)

you begin to see things you never noticed before.… you get closer to the artist’s secret

Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

visible thinking: !marginalia

networked reading @MrZiebarth

develop your own vocabulary


Crowdsourced Sketchnotes of Encouragement !



Colour Palette

Use ColourLovers site ( ) if you can

*if not, just make it up !

Think of a concept, idea, person, etc. from your discipline !

assign a palette to them + justify your reasoning

(10 min)

To Kill a Mockingbird palette excerpt @wickeddecent

Bio: stage in a process i.e. meiosis, mitosis, cellular respiration

Chem: palette for each major family on the periodic table

P.E.: color coded system for tracking achievement

Art or Poli Sci: Movements

Explaining Intentions !is the Key

Lynda Barry’s notebook grid!

develop your own

“visual voice”

sketchnotes by @MrZiebarth using Paper 53 Think Kit

put it on a tee!

remix logo

make it an ironic tee!

Ironic T-Shirt

alone or with a partner !

draw a t-shirt shape to fill the page !

think of concepts, vocabulary + people in your discipline !

try to make a pun / play on words / portmanteau !

illustrate as appropriate (the image can be the funny part too)

(10-15 min)

Photography and


a camera teaches you to

SEE!without a camera

photo safaris

stuff your eyes with wonderRay Bradbury

Find Whimsy in the World

weekly photo challenge

low barrier entry points: photo-a-day

Photo Challenge Calendar

with partners from your discipline, plan 1 month of photo challenges (shoot for 30 ideas)

*try the silent brainstorm then converge !

Challenges should relate to some aspect of your curriculum !

Challenges should be technically easy (low barrier) but mentally stimulating, reinforcing the concept

(10 min)

“Ocean Pollution”

power of a simple image

Snap-enger Hunt with SnapChat

(photos now used for talking)

cinemagraphs(mood? process?)

10 free hi-res photos every 10 days

low barrier!of entry points


what if we had…

drop everything and draw

environment: graffiti wall

thoughtfully consider every space

as creative space

The StudioProduction

The StudioProduction

favourite apps


Big Lens or


Motion Portrait app

pic/ play / post app

Process Product Reflection

Paper by Fifty-Three

draw over photos (even over


Paper 53 for iPhone

Chomp !!

by Christoph Neimann



videos can be stitched together in iMovie

Creative Speedsketching

Video: Digital and Hybrid

the power of the cut

When people ask me if I went to film school

I tell them, ‘No, I went to films’

Quentin Tarantino

Plan a VlogMash!in the style of 50 People 1 Q

with partners from your discipline or alone !

what question could you pose for students to answer and create a “vlog mash”?

!think deep, open-ended provocations, but ones that

require short, poignant responses

(5 min)

VlogMash: What’s in a Word?



draw on phone and import to laptop

layer in Keynote

duplicate slide + move a little

apply “magic move” as transition

import to iMovie, speed up when needed

add music and sound effects


OREO !Challenge

everyone gets 1 Oreo (a malleable object) *if you need more you can partner with someone

!use the Oreo, paper, + markers to visually depict some

concept you teach / advertise your content !

you may change the Oreo any way you like! !

1,2,3 photos

from @wickeddecent Pop Culture class

Create a Band

meet with 1-3 other people in your same discipline

(20 min)

Band Name= Title of Wikipedia article regarding some aspect of your curriculum

Album Title: Quote or pieces of quote from someone key to your discipline (famous ruler, philosopher, artist, scientist

Create a BandSong Titles: relate to a concept you are teaching

(20 min)

Cover Art= Use search terms related to your subject area OR a random Flickr or Instagram search (#tagged) try 5 card Flickr

Produce using an app, Photoshop, Gimp, PicMonkey

your big takeaway

a question

your personal challenge


(on all social media)
