iAmeriStar VII



iAmeriStar compensation plan presentation.

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Welcome to the only company that

safeguards your credit while helping put cash

in your wallet…WELCOME TO

Did you know that 70% of Americans have incorrect information on their credit report? Incorrect information can have a devastating effect on credit!

We want to help you restore and protect your credit and earn additional income.• We will ensure that

you are safeguarded against incorrect information.

Did you know

• We will help you earn cash so you don’t need to pay with credit.

Earn money by taking the simple step of protecting your good name.

Here’s how we pay you for participating in the iAmeriStar business opportunity…


We offer a rewards plan that is split into three phases: A weekly phase that pays

on the sale of new credit services.

A monthly phase that pays on the sale of recurring monthly services.

Rewards Plan

A quarterly phase that rewards on the cultivation of customers.

Weekly Commissions

Weekly commissions consist of:•Seller Fast Start Bonus•Sponsor Fast Start

Bonus•Cycle Bonus

Seller Fast Start Bonuses are paid when you personally sponsor someone that purchases an Associate Starter Pack.You refer an Associate who purchases a starter pack and you get paid – it really is that simple.

Qualified Status

Only “Qualified” members are eligible to earn the remainder of the bonuses in the weekly phase.

Once you have sold three Associate Starter Packs

Have three active in the business that you have sold an Associate Starter Pack to…

A personal purchase of an Associate Starter Pack even counts as one of your three sales!




You will be Qualified!

Sponsor Fast Start Bonus

Qualified members are eligible to earn all weekly commissions, including Sponsor Fast Start Bonuses and Cycle Bonuses.

The Sponsor Fast Start Bonus override will pay you each time one of your personally sponsored consultants earns a Seller Fast Start Bonus.

They earn a Seller Fast Start Bonus…


Sponsor FSB

You get paid!

Team Building

You have two team heads, a Left team head and a Right team head.

Associates are placed beneath each of your team heads.

Each associate that you sponsor will go into your associate team.

Cycle Bonus

Earn Cycle Bonuses on the sale of Associate Starter Packs.

6 sales, 3 in each side = $50

12 sales, 6 each side = $75The first 6 count towards the 12.

18 sales, 9 each side = $125The first 12 count towards the 18.

A $250 payout for 18 sales in your team!















Cycle Bonus

After earning the full $250, 18 Packs are removed…

…and you begin working towards the first $50 again.

You may cycle as many times as you have sales to warrant.















Earn Cycle Bonuses on the sale of Associate Starter Packs.

Monthly Commissions

In addition to weekly phase commissions, we also offer a monthly phase.

The weekly phase was based on the sale of Associate Starter Packs.

The monthly phase is based on monthly service fees.

Your Organization

In the weekly phase, new enrollees are placed in either the Left or Right side of your team.

In the monthly pay phase, the same people make up your team but are arranged differently for payment calculation purposes.

Your Organization

In the monthly pay phase, the same people make up your team but are arranged differently for payment calculation purposes.Your personally sponsored associates are placed ‘first level’ to you.Those sponsored by your first level associates will be 2nd level to you.Those sponsored by your 2nd level associates will be 3rd level to you.

And so on…

Monthly promotions

Monthly phase commissions are promotion based.

As your title advances, so does your earning power.

Regardless of title, all associates will receive the Retail Sales Bonus.


Senior Associate

Work towards promotions to earn additional bonuses.Senior Associate is earned by having at least $29.95 in Personal Volume for the month (PV = personal + customer purchases).

•Retail Sales Bonuses.• A 20% override on the

commissionable volume occurring within their first level.

Senior Associates are eligible to receive:


Achieve Manager by:

• 10% override on the commissionable sales in their second level.



• Having two personally sponsored that each have a lifetime PV of $299.95 or more.

• Maintaining your $29.95 PV per month.

Managers are eligible to receive:• All Senior Associate





Senior Manager is attained by:

• 10% override on the commissionable sales in their third level.

Senior Manager

• Maintaining your $29.95 PV per month.• Having five personally sponsored that each have a lifetime PV of $299.95 or more.

Senior Managers receive:

• All Manager benefits.

Qualify as Executive by:

Executives are eligible to receive:


• Maintaining your $29.95 PV per month.• Having ten personally sponsored that each have a lifetime PV of $299.95 or more.

• 10% override on the commissionable sales in their fourth level.

• All Senior Manager benefits.

To achieve the rank of Senior Executive you must:

Senior Executives receive:

Senior Executive

• Have at least one personally sponsored Executive (or higher).

• Maintain your $29.95 PV per month.• Having 15 personally sponsored that each have a lifetime PV of $299.95 or more.

• All Executive benefits.

• 15% override on the commissionable sales in their fifth level.

To achieve 1 Star Executive you must

1 Star Executive

• 10% override down to the next 1 Star Executive.

1 Star Executives receive:

• Have at least two personally sponsored Senior Executive (or higher.)

• Maintain your $29.95 PV per month.• Having 25 personally sponsored that each have a lifetime PV of $299.95 or more.

• All Senior Executive benefits.

1 Star

1 Star


2 Star Executive

2 Star Executive is achieved when you:

• 10% override down to the 2nd 2 Star Executive.

2 Star Executives receive:

• Have at least three personally sponsored 1 Star Executive(or higher).

• Maintain your $29.95 PV per month.• Having 35 personally sponsored that each have a lifetime PV of $299.95 or more.

• All Senior Executive benefits.

2 Star


2 Star


2 Star

3 Star Executive

Achieve 3 Star Executive when you:

• Have at least four personally sponsored 2 Star Executive(or higher).

• Maintain your $29.95 PV per month.• Having 35 personally sponsored that each have a lifetime PV of $299.95 or more.

• 10% override down to the 3rd 3 Star Executive.

3 Star Executives receive:

• All Senior Executive benefits.

3 Star


3 Star



3 Star

3 Star

Every three months, 5% of the commissionable sales for the quarter will be contributed to the Bonus Pool.

Quarterly Bonus Pool

All associates are eligible to receive a share in the pool.One share for each active personal customer in your commissionable Downline.The total pool value is divided by the number of shares issued to determinea per share value.

For example,

Quarterly Bonus Pool

The pool is valued at $300,000 for the quarter.

6,000 shares are issued for the quarter.

Each share is worth $50 and you hold 10 shares.

10 times $50 equals $500.

You’ll receive a $500 bonus!

iAmeriStar is at the forefront of credit restoration and


Start working towards a richer life…Join the iAmeriStar family TODAY!
