Huck Finn Guiding Ques


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College Prep English 10Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn

Guiding Questions

Directions: Read and answer questions in complete sentences.

1. Does Jim succeed in escaping slavery and becoming a free man? Explain how it failed or succeeded.

2. Throughout their adventures Jim and Huck developed a good friendship. How does Huck constantly prove his loyalty to Jim through the story? Give specific examples.

3. Both Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn constantly con and trick others to get their way. However, their intentions seem to differ. Explain the difference between Tom and Huck’s personality. Provide examples from the book.

4. Tom Sawyer is introduced in the beginning of the novel and then disappears until the end of the story. How do you feel about this disappearance? Does it help or hurt the progression of the story?