How to write a capstone project


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How to Write a Capstone Project

Make a list of all the essays you wrote, projects you presented, exams you took from your Degree course.

Flesh out the list by writing a brief description of each examination, quiz, test, essay and paper.

Seek out the research papers you have already done and keep them handy.

Choose a topic and get it approved by your instructor

Collect a solid number of up-to-date references in the form of books, articles, and other scholarly material.

Set aside a generous period of time to do necessary reading.

Don’t try to rushing the work, or squeezing all researching and writing into a short period.

Take notes and start to draft the research Capstone project.

Don’t use Clichés or Hackneyed phrases.

Do start and finish in an engaging, Academic way without being too elaborate.
