How to Use Semicolon and Colon in English Sentences


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There are many instances we use the punctuation wrong.

Because sometimes it is very confusing on how to use them.

Especially colons and semicolons.


represents a break within a sentence that is stronger than

a comma,

but less final than a full stop.

It enables the you to avoid over use of the comma

and preserves the finality of the full stop.

where to use semicolon?

Semi-colons are used to separate items in a list and to link closely related sentences.

To separate items in a list:

Is when one or more items contain a comma. 

For example:The speakers were: Dr Sally Meadows, Biology; Ms Gerri Taylor, Sociology; and Prof.

Julie Briggs, Chemistry.

Use a semicolon grammar

To link sentences which are closely related

Closely related sentences are often linked,

to emphasize their relationship,  

and to vary the pace of the writing.

For use with otherwise, however, therefore…

used to link sentences which also use words such as

otherwise, however, therefore, as connectors.

sentences with semicolonsSuch as:

 moreover, nevertheless, thus, besides, accordingly,

consequently, instead, hence.


I did not finish my homework; instead, I watched

the news.

So now the we know the rules for semicolons

Use a grammar checker online to

help you!

For grammar colon rules

We use it for five things.


At the end of an independent clause that is followed by a list.

2.When you are introducing a formal

statement or a quotation, you can use a colon in much the same way you would use a comma to do the same


3.If you say something, and then you

feel like it needs to be restated, explained or clarified in another

independent clause, you can put a colon between them.


For formal business letters, use a colon rather than a comma.


When you write the time.

And that is how to use a colon in your sentence.

Now that we know their uses, never get confused with

colon punctuation and the semi-colon.

To have a colon punctuation check,

Make use of the colon checkerAvailable online.

Do not hesitate to use the colon checker!

When you are doubt…

Always remember… is here for you!

Just for laughs…
