How to Make a Point Using Power Point



A few simple tips to make your power point presentation more effictive.

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A few simple tips for making your Power Point presentation more effective.

The first thing to do when designing a Power Point presentation is to make sure the design works.

Use colors that are easily contrasted and easy on the eyes.

Use a simple layout that is not confusing.

Make sure words used are geared toward target audience.

Exp. Do not use large words when giving a presentation to second graders.

Exp. Do not use word that are too simple when presenting to a older or career audience.

Do not write a novel on one slide, spread out the information to several easy to read slides.

Keep it short and to the point. People get easily lost or bored with an

overload of information.

When using pictures or graphs, use only what is necessary.

Do not over decorate your Power Point Presentation.

Too many pictures or graphs will be distracting.

Look over your Power Point presentation several times.

Look for spelling or grammatical errors. Make sure all your statements make sense

and are in the correct order.

Before you present, be sure to try it out on a large projector first.

Make sure it isn’t blurry, or that the text is not too big or too small.

Remember that the Power Point is just a tool, you are the focal point of the presentation.

Use the simple phases on the Power Point to help guide you through the presentation, then elaborate on them.

Speak clearly. Do not hide behind the Power Point, you are

the one presenting.

When using Power Point in the classroom, remember your target audience.

Do not use terms or pictures that are distracting to that particular age group.

Use Power Point only when necessary for the betterment of your lesson. Overuse of Power Point leads to boredom, which contradicts the purpose of Power Point.
