How to find readers for your blog & build a community through social media


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How To Find Readers for Your Blog & Build a Community through Social


The most popular CMS in use today

Powering nearly 8.5% of all websites

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downloads of WordPress at a rate of approx. 2 per second

WordPress Fun Facts

*Data compiled by Chase Granberry of Authority Labs Search rank Monitoring

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Who is using WordPress?

Optimize WordPress For Social Media

Tip #1 Add Facebook Like Box

Social Proof – show your current fan base

They can see if their friends like your page too

Show recent wall posts Like your fan page without

leaving your website

Online ResourceLike Box Social Plugin:

Do you have a Facebook fan page for your business?

Tip #2 Make Content Shareable

Give your potential customers an easy way to share your content

Online Resources“Like-Button-Plugin-For-

Wordpress”“Topsy Retweet Button”“Smart Share” Demo // Download

Can potential customers share content on your website?

Tip #3 Install Powerful Comment System

LiveFyre is used by TheNextWeb

Shows Twitter Retweets with profile images

Users can subscribe to email comment notifications

Real time comments

Online Resource“LiveFyre” Plugin

Would you benefit from a more powerful comment blog system?

Tip #4 Add Blog Feed To Facebook

Facebook fans have an easy way to read and subscribe to your blog

Automatically posts blog content to your fan page

Online Resources NetworkedBlogs:

Can Facebook fans easily view and subscribe to your WordPress Blog?

Tip #5 Add Blog Feed To Linkedin

Linkedin Profile Company Profile

Online Resource Linkedin WordPress


Can Linkedin connections easily view and subscribe to your WordPress Blog?

Tip #6 Add RSS Links To Your Signature

Wisestamp offers over 15+ social network links

Easy way to connect with you

Online ResourcesWiseStamp:

Do you promote your WordPress Blog on your email signature line?

Tip #7 Add Live Chat Box

Works with Skype & GoogleChat Easy install HTML code on your

website Emails you the total chat

conversations You can provide additional links to

other sections of your website

Online Resource SnapEngage:

Would you benefit from a Live Chat Box on your website?

Optimize WordPress for Sales

Tip #8 Strong “Call To Action”

You have 3 seconds to grab your prospects attention

Watch my video – connect with the “visual” audience

Free Download – capture email

Free Social Media Score – provides a warm lead

Learn how we can help – get down to business

What main actions would you like someone to take on your website?

Tip #9 Create Paid Membership Site

Create 4 levels of paid membership

When creating content you can set page level restrictions so users can only access certain areas

Online Resource “s2Member” Plugin

Could you benefit from a paid membership site?

Tip #10 “Fans Only” Special Offer

Create a stand-alone page with a special “fans only” offer

Only people with this URL can access

Post to Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin etc.

“First 5 customers to respond” get the deal

Online Resource “Exclude Pages From

Navigation” Plugin

What’s the strongest sales offer you could make to your fans?

Tip #11 Create Email Auto-responder Salesman

Create a “Fans Only” Automated Marketing System

Send these special offers to your email subscribers every 15 days

Online ResourcesEmail:http://www.mailchimp.comEmail:

Do you use email auto-responders?

Grow Your Followers with Linkedin

Tip #12 Create an Industry Related Group

Think about what type of customer you want to attract

Create a LinkedIn group that would interest those people

My best customer is someone who A) is considered an entrepreneur B) would be interested in learning more about Social Media

Online Resource:

What group would help you reach your target audience?

Tip #13 Promote Your Group

Create an icon to represent your group like my “E” for the Entrepreneurs Advice Club

Promote this icon along side your other social media channel icons

It will generate curiosity and you will find more people joining your group

Tip #14 Engage Your LinkedIn Group

Add your WordPress blog feed

Set-up other industry related blog feeds to keep your members informed and engaged with great content

Online Resource:

Tip #15 Join and Participate in Groups

Maximum groups you can join is 50 Frequently post and participate in these groupsFollow thought leaders in the group and/or your competition to learn


Online Resource:

Tip #16 Grow Your Network Fast

Go to the Groups Directory and search for “LIONS” or Open Networkers (Linkedin Open Networkers)

Post that you are an Open Networker

The more connections you have and can stay in front of the better your rate of success

Online Resource:

Keep Your New Followers Engaged

Tip #17 Be a Thought Leader

Go to and keyword search for blogs that provide content related to your industry

Find great content related to your industry and share it

Online ResourceBlog Directory:

What industry related blogs have great content you could share?

Tip #18 Create Marketing Strategy

Brainstorm weekly blog topics you will write

Research industry related fun tips, trivia questions and facts

Decide what days and at what time you will post certain content

Create an editorial calendar with excel and plug in content

Monitor and engage with the responses

Tip #19 Automate Marketing Calendar

Schedule posts to automatically send to Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter & WordPress etc.

Save precious time Keep your audience


Demo: Post: Having a great time at WordCamp Columbus!


Online Resource

How much is your time worth?

Tip #20 Create a “Fan of the Month” Club

Create a page on your blog called “Fan of the Month”

Ask your fans random trivia questions and award them with random points

First to answer correctly wins and gets their name added to the board

Great way to create a fun and engagement

Online Resource Fan Of The Month:http://


What plugins can you install to grow your WordPress followers today?

What marketing techniques can you start implementing to improve your sales?

What content would you add to your Marketing Calendar?

Questions and Answers

What questions can I help answer?

Thank you for participating!

Michelle Hummel

Web Media Expert LLC

Phone: 513-204-9324