How to choose a Catchy Domain Name ?



This presentation starts with very basics explaining what is a Domain Name ? Then it step by step procedure in Domain Name registration. It goes on with Tips for choosing a Good / Catchy Domain Name. It ends up with History behind

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WHAT IS A DOMAIN ?How to get a catchy Domain Name ?



A domain name is like an identification string / online address of a website similar to that of a postal address of your dwelling in real world. The domain names redirects any web browsers to the respective websites.

Selecting a brand-friendly domain name that suits your brand on internet is always a tough initial decision & foremost requirement for an entrepreneur. A catchy, easy to remember & innovative domain name can give a unique online identity to any business. Thus, highlighting the fact that domain registration is really an important task.


Domain name is recognition of certain space in the world-wide-web that you can possess the ownership so that others can find that space easily. Domain names can be hired by any willing owners on yearly basis, which are released & controlled by ICANN. Thus, it is essential to buy domains from any ICANN accredited registrar.

Many people get confused between domain names & URL's. Whereas, URL includes more details like domain name, web page address, folder name, protocol language, and machine name. For finalizing a domain name for your business you need to first search for one if such a domain name is actually available or not ?


After significantly brainstorming, what if your finalized domain is already taken by another individual. Next, What you going to do?

Do you want similar domain with different domain extensions, nevertheless think about the particular reach of that domain ?Perhaps can there be other alternate domains which could give you excellent ranking in Search Engines ?Even now do you need to purchase that previously registered domain from the current owner ?

Keeping these options aside firstly let us tell you few good tips for choosing a catchy domain name.


Steps for Domain RegistrationFinalise your plans before finalizing your domain name as what you want to do with your website / blog ? Next decide whether you want to register a "Keyword specific domain" or "Brand specific domain". Select a domain name which is as short as possible, easy to Remember, hard to misspell, having a resell value, a name which relates your business & not too similar to competing domain names. Stay away from slangs & hyphens. In rare circumstances you can use just one hyphen.You can sometimes use "2" in place of word "to" or "two", "4" can be read as "for" or "four". Similarly "U" is a substitute for word "You".


Avoid misspelled versions of the domain, that was trendy for a while, back when Google put undue weight on exact match domains.

A good domain name Include the "Root Keyword" of your "Niche Market”, helping with your Search Marketing. But, branded domain are exceptions.

Check for any violations of someone else’s trademark. If possible, get a .com domain or the domain that has the

most respect in your country. Next you can go for .net, & .org. Search for all available domains that can be registered in

multiple extensions and languages. As soon as you finalized everything, register all the domain

combinations you can, to prevent competitors encroaching on your brand.


Few Tips for selecting a good domainIndividuals differ with their judgment while picking a domain name. As some “FREEBIES” to offer, i want to teach you some good ideas as how a beneficial domain might be selected.

oSearch Engine Friendly Domain / Discoverable Domain name.A domain name in which your “Keyword / Specific Niche Market” is included then such a domain is your SEO Friendly Domain. Such domains bring good “Organic Traffic / Traffic from Search Engines” like Google. Such Domain Names are easily discoverable with searching queries but they are very rarely selected as domains for any particular organizations. Example : If your Specific niche market is say, “Earning Income Online”. The one might select -- www.methods2earnonline. com.


o Brandable Domain Name : For most organizations, it truly is essential to settle on the

brandable Domain Name. In which the advertising emphasis is usually on paid search listing, banner ads, etc. In such instances, abbreviations are also a part of Domain Name & some words throughout domain don’t make any meaning. This sort of Domain Name usually are easy to remember as they usually are unique.

Example :,,, etc.

o Domain Name by Domain Hack : They are made by creating sub domains in root of any Domain.

They represent a Word, Phrase or Name when concatenated.Example :,,, etc.


History behind netizensstop.comWhen I had launched my first website --, I was the first to coin the word “netizens”. Later, many of them have used this word. Some of today’s journalists even use this word. I had come across this word in World Renowned magazine called “Reader’s Digest” in the year 2001. This word mean – “Citizens who use Internet”.

Since today there is a trend of two-word Domain Names like Godaddy, Mailchimp, Techcrunch, Firefox, Bittorrent, Ebay, Hotmail, Rapidshre, Mashable, Wikipedia, Spotify, etc.I choose a similar two letter, which also has a meaning a portal. Thus came up with Domain Name –
