How do people organize themselves




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How Do People Organize Themselves?

by Flaming Phoenixes

We looked at the different jobs that exist in our classroom. We organized them according to the type of responsibility. We had people who were responsible for cleaning, organizing, leading, and rewards. After we organized them according to which tasks had more responsibility. This is how one group organized the jobs in our classroom


Helping (door holder, line leader etc)



Group leaders

This group organized the jobs into categories and then agreed that most of the jobs had equal responsiblities.

We grouped teachers according to their roles and wrote sticky notes to show how they were responsible.

We knew that Ms. Hamaguchi was PL so we put her above the Grade 3 teachers because she is responsible to lead the other Grade 3 teachers and to teach.

We thought all teachers had the same amount of responsibilities but then we organized them into different responsibilities (jobs) like specials etc. We also thought that Grade 4 teachers might have more responsibilities but then we learned teachers have the same responsibilities.

It is important to remember that a hierarchy show responsibilities but it doesn’t mean you are more important.

We started to wonder how people organize themselves in other places like in other work places, in volunteer groups etc?
