Horno axati


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Horno Axaty“ Bakery”

1º and 2º Primary

June 2014

Área de Conocimiento del Medio bilingüeBilingual Science knowledge

Utilizamos nuestro pueblo como un recurso para aprender.

We use our town as a resource to learn.

Partiendo de la experiencia y fomentando el aprendizaje significativo

Coming from the experience and fostering the meaningful learning

We are going to the Industrial park!

Venga que ya estamos llegando!

at last! we are here.

Thank you Police officers for your great job!

Venga que vamos a entrar ya!

What are the raw materials that we need to make


This is baking power!

The dough is getting ready!

La masa ya está casi lista.

Mash like this!

I love mashing bread!

We love this job! It’s amazing!

Do you like it Teacher?

We are done!

What is the bread made of?

Coming back…

Muchas gracias al,Exmo. Ayuntamiento,

Cuerpo de la Policia Municipal,Protección Civil y al

Personal del Horno Axati:Panaderos, repartidores, secretario y

propietario por facilitar nuestro trabajo.

And that’s all