Henry thomas soucy




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Henry Thomas Soucy

By his big sister, Amy Soucy


• Henry was born October 20th 2010 at 11:53 am.

Where he lives

• This is his address:333 rue cascadeMétis-Sur-Mer, QuébecCanada

What he eats

• He doesn’t eat, he drinks, he drinks milk. But not just any milk, he drinks Marie-Eve’s milk. She breast feeds him.

His weight

• When he was born, he weighed 8 lbs. Now, December 24th 2010, he weighs about 13 lbs. He is nice and healthy!!!!!!!!!!!

How old he is

• Today, December 24th 2010, Henry is going to be 2 months and 4 days in 2 hours and 6 minutes.

His health

• Henry is very healthy, he is growing like a bad weed. Now, he is sleeping through longer periods and being awake longer than before. We are all very happy and feel very blessed that we can have a baby that is that healthy.

Does he love us?

• To us, if you would ask that question, we would think that it is the dumbest question ever asked to us. Of course sometimes he gets frustrated, but that is normal since he only does it when he is hungry. When we take him in our arms, just the way he looks at us makes us know that he loves us. It is an amazing feeling.

His mother

• Henry mother is a first time mother but looks as if she has been doing it for years. Her name is Marie-Eve Rousseau and she is rocking the mother life. She loves her baby soooooo… much that she doesn’t even find it possible that her mother could of loved her that much. Henry is starting to recognize the voices he hears often and believe me, no one could say different that that baby loves his mother.

His father

• Henry’s father is Thomas Gilbert Soucy, he is often away on business but tries to be home as often as he can. Even though he is often gone, Henry knows who is his daddy because his father always has time to love him no matter how far he is. His dad isn’t a first time dad but hasn’t been a dad of a new born baby since I was a baby and that was 11 years ago. Still he is wonderful at it.

His sister

• Now we are at my favorite part, the sister part. That’s my turn. My name is Amy Lynn Soucy and I have soooooooooo… many things to say about being a sister that I’ll just do you a resume so it can save you more than 3 hours. Being a sister is a feeling that a only a sister herself can imagine. It’s the best feeling ever. When I held Henry for the first time, I cried happy tears. Not only was he the youngest baby I had ever held but he was MY baby brother. Just knowing that made my heart melt. Even though he can’t talk, I know in his hear that he would like to tell me that he loves me just by the way he looks at me.

What I do for fun with him

• Most of the time, when I want to have fun with him or put him to sleep, I sing him some songs. It is most often a Justin Bieber song like Pray, Never Say Never, U smile, or any of his songs. But sometimes, I sing him a lullaby. Me, dad, Marie-Eve and memere Soucy all have a different lullaby for him which we call ours. Mine is “Hush Little Baby” and he loves that song too.

His attitude

• Henry is really a good baby. The only time that he cries is when he is hungry or hurt(which does not happen often except for that one time when he bit his thumb which was REALLY funny). Henry is about to laugh, we just can’t wait till it happens. He sometimes goes really close to his goal but never reaches it. We are really impatient waiting but we know that sometime it WILL happen.

New things he has accomplished

• Henry is starting to make new sounds. And let me tell you that they are sooooooooo… cute. He has already been on a plane to Las Vegas and he starting to be a little patient when he is hungry. Before, when he was hungry, it was NOW!!! But now, when he is hungry, he advises us like 10 minutes before it’s urgent by making little squeals. He makes us laugh sooo… much!!!!!

Bottom line

• Anyway, bottom line is that we all love each other and even if sometimes(often) we are a weird, not normal, peculiar and strange, at the end of the day we all love each other and care about each other and that’s the best that you can get out of us!!!!!
