H(app)athon project) sponsorship_1.12.2013



This is a presentation outlining sponsorship and partner opportunities for the H(app)athon Project. Please email john@happathon.com or call (917) 597-3323 for specific inquiries. Thank you!

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We are actively seeking sponsors and funding.

Specific Opportunities Will Be Listed by Monday, 4/25/2013 so we can update with materials from our 3/20 launch in 8 cities worldwide.

To learn about our work, please go to www.happathon.com or contact john@happathon.com / 917-597-3323.

10H(app)thon Project Sponsorship


3H(app)thon Project Sponsorship

There’s growing movement to redefine happiness and well-being for our world.

4H(app)thon Project Sponsorship

Happiness Indicators provide an alternative for measuring well-being beyond the GDP.

5H(app)thon Project Sponsorship

People are also optimizing their well-being via Quantified Self Apps and sensors measuring their actions via the Internet of Things.

6H(app)thon Project Sponsorship

The combination of these trends provides a massive Big Data challenge to identify how best to create a common digital and global metric for well-being.

7H(app)thon Project Sponsorship

And it provides the opportunity for you to help shape this global metric and join the conversation around all of these popular trends.

8H(app)thon Project Sponsorship

That’s why we’d love to have You Join Us.

9H(app)thon Project Sponsorship

Thank You

36H(app)thon Project Sponsorship

We’d love your help to Get H(app)y. Please contact our Founder to discuss opportunities:

917-597-3323 john@happathon.com

More info and newsletter/survey sign-up at happathon.com

37H(app)thon Project Sponsorship
