HA Ghana PPT -Gold for Salt


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What do you notice about Ghana’s


Its location at the crossroads of major trade routes south of the Sahara and along the rivers brought medieval Ghana great wealth and power.

It was located between the salt mines of the Sahara and the gold of southern West Africa. It was at the crossroads of major trade routes south of the Sahara and along rivers.

Social Studies learning target:

• I will be able to understand how trade was the source of Ghana’s wealth and the gold-salt trade

Inference: (before reading sec 3) Why were camels well suited for desert travel?

- They drink up to 25 gallons of water at one time, so they can travel long distances without stopping.- double rows of long eyelashes and hairy ear openings – keeps sand out

1. Do the questions for homework 2. Now let’s read section 4.

Differences in geography led to different methods of transport along the trade routes between North and West Africa

Inference: What is it?

In some parts of Africa, salt is made by the evaporation of water in areas called salt flats, such as this one. The salt is then dug

out in large blocks.

1. Do the questions in class.

Describe how traders would transport

goods from the Atlas Mts to Wangara.

(Use First, Then, Next, Last)

What is it?

1. Do the questions in class.

1. Do the questions for homework.

What two factors caused the downfall of

the kingdom of Ghana?


This day can include a quick act it out to help with the Processing speech bubbles – or not.

Social Studies learning target:

• I will take on a POV for the Act it Out (for the Processing activity).

• I will complete the speech bubbles in the processing activity.

To what extent did

trans-Saharan trade

lead to Ghana’s

Wealth and success?Consider everything so far:

1 10


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

I rank Ghana at a __out of 10 about

how trans-Saharan trade led to its

wealth and success.

1 10


I rank Ghana at a __out of 10 about

how trans-Saharan trade led to its

wealth and success. My first reason

is… (Elaborate/Details)… My second

reason is… (Elaborate/Details)…

Wrap-Up Sentence—End with a BANG!

Even today, salt is an important trade item in West Africa.

“Camel Caravans” carried goods across the Sahara to Ghana.

The ruins of a large city in the ancient Ghana.

Ghana kings wore crowns like this.

Camels were especially suited for transporting goods across the Sahara.

Even today, salt is an important trade item in West Africa.

Natural resources, such as water and trees, are still scarce in areas like the Sahel.
